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Reviewed by justme
"The original "What is Scientology" book was not published in..."
Reviewed by Bob Grant
"This book has always been to me the 'Scientology Bible'...."
Reviewed by Richard Kaminski
"An appalling vanity production. Don't waste your money. ..."
Reviewed by beanstalk
"The size and weight of this book make it pretty..."
Reviewed by yon8008
"Just fine for the speed reader. Most would prefer..."
Reviewed by Thoughtful
"When the book was designed, David Miscavige directed that it..."
Scientology Books


LRH books are available in used bookstores, on eBay, and from the Church of Scientology including CoS publishers "Bridge Publications" in LA, and "New Era Publications" in Europe. If you buy anything from the Church they may flood you with junk mail. Don't give them your phone number or email address.

32 results - showing 1 - 32
Details Ratings
October 13, 2012     4833   0   1   0   0   0
Advanced Procedure and Axioms (1951): This book contains Ron's initial findings about the mechanism a person uses to explain away any failures in life, called a "service facsimile" because (he thinks) it serves him. The exact wording of it is unique to every individual. The mechanism has a serious...
4.5 (6)
October 18, 2012     2621   0   1   0   0   0
The Book of Case Remedies (1991): The first edition of of this book was published in 1964 and contained the precise remedies proven to keep Scientologists moving up both side of the Bridge (processing and training). This 1991 edition includes additional material as directed by LRH in 1968,...
4.8 (1)
November 11, 2012     2358   0   0   0   0   0
This book was compiled by staff (mostly from LRH's writings). It was intended to explain to anyone how to do the Purification Rundown "do-it-yourself" style. Some people did and it worked well for them. The old Dianetics Hotline people used to be in comm with several of them. ...
4.1 (2)
October 13, 2012     2758   0   1   0   0   0
The Creation of Human Ability (July 1954): This book is Ron's codification of Scientology through the first four years of research after the publication of DMSMH. In this relatively short space of time, Ron had advanced from an explanation of how to relieve psychosomatic illness by addressing mental image...
3.9 (2)
October 13, 2012     2744   0   1   0   0   0
Dianetics 55! (December 1954): Research after the publication of The Creation of Human Ability began to undercut the lofty goals of COHA to provide a sure route by which more people could realize the promise of that book's breakthroughs. The foundation of that route was and remains communication, which...
4.7 (3)
October 13, 2012     2449   0   1   0   0   0
Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science (1950): Written to coincide with the release of DMSMH, Evolution of a Science gives the story behind the approach that Ron took to develop Dianetics. He describes how he discovered the reactive mind and developed the procedures to handle it. The book first...
4.3 (9)
October 13, 2012     4264   0   1   0   0   1
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (May 1950): This is Ron's first major statement of the theory and practice of Dianetics, published on May 9, 1950. In it he isolates the dynamic principle of existence (Survive!) and his discovery of the reactive mind and its engrams. He...
3.7 (16)
October 13, 2012     2521   0   1   0   0   0
Dianetics: The Original Thesis (1948): This is Ron's earliest written description of Dianetics, written in 1948. He published a few manuscript copies and handed them out and others made their own copies and passed them from hand to hand. Based on the ensuing demand for more information, in 1950...
4.6 (4)
October 13, 2012     2759   0   1   0   0   0
This 4-book set is needed for the training of Scientology auditors (counselors). If you are going to train as an Auditor, you must have these books. Understanding the E-Meter: Provides useful illustrated explanations of the principles and mechanics of the E-Meter. Includes photographs of every meter...
0.0 (0)
October 13, 2012     2771   0   1   0   0   0
Handbook for Preclears (December 1951): This book is a companion to Advanced Procedure and Axioms. Handbook for Preclears contains 15 Acts of self-processing that parallel the Fifteen Acts in APA. HFP contains explanations for such situations as why behavior patterns become fixed, why habits seemingly persist and why decisions...
4.6 (2)
October 17, 2012     2688   0   1   0   0   0
Have You Lived Before This Life? (1960): This book details 41 case histories of people addressing past lives in the Fifth London Advanced Clinical Course in 1958. This book claims to be the first book of it's kind — detailing from the recesses of human memory exactly what happens...
2.8 (6)
November 11, 2012     1961   0   0   0   0   0
This book is not currently in print by the Church, but it was the first, I believe to present the concept of a "communicator." The system was used by LRH in the 1950s and beyond. Earlier editions (used) can be found online.
4.0 (2)
October 13, 2012     2974   0   1   0   0   0
Introduction to Scientology Ethics (1968): This book contains a compilation of easy-to-use Scientology tools intended to help resolve problems relating to survival and correct choices in life. Those tools include a series of formulas by which general conditions can be improved, the earliest description of the sociopathic or...
3.6 (8)
October 13, 2012     3487   0   1   0   0   0
The Management Series Volumes (1991): These 3 volumes contain Scientology policies pertaining to the management of organizations. Materials are organized into a selection of "series" issues covering different subjects. Volume 1 includes the Data Series, Organizing Series, and the Personnel Series. Volume 2 includes the Establishment Officer Series, Executive...
4.4 (3)
October 13, 2012     2839   0   1   0   0   0
Modern Management Technology Defined (1976): but Scientologists have always called it the "Admin Dictionary." It was first published in 1976 and has never been updated. Indispensable for anyone studying Scientology as applied to groups, also known as "Green on White" or "Admin," It defines terms by quoting from various...
4.3 (4)
October 13, 2012     3818   0   1   0   0   0
OEC Volumes (1991): Scientology organizational theory divides the "cycle of production" into seven primary areas of activity — each of which is represented by a division within a Scientology organization. Hubbard wrote Policy Letters to guide each of those divisions and in the OEC Volumes these have been grouped...
4.5 (1)
October 13, 2012     2281   0   1   0   0   0
The Problems of Work (1956): Most people spend 7/10s of their awake life in pursuits related to work. This book was written to explain Scientology tools and basic principles that of use in improving that 7/10s of existence. Subjects covered include how do deal with confusion and confusing circumstances,...
3.8 (8)
October 13, 2012     4102   0   1   0   0   0
Research and Discovery Series Volumes (1994): These are primarily transcripts of L. Ron Hubbard's lectures which are the consecutive running record of his research and development of Dianetics and Scientology. The current 16 volumes lays out this record from 1950 to March of 1953 and include historical photos, telegrams,...
3.1 (3)
October 13, 2012     2978   0   1   0   0   0
Science of Survival (1951): In the year following the release of DMSMH, Ron gathered a tremendous amount of information on the subject of how cases responded to auditing and therefore the subject of human behavior. He codified this information in the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. Science of Survival...
4.5 (8)
October 13, 2012     2235   0   1   0   0   0
Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics (1970): This is a compilation of scales, codes, creeds, axioms, charts, graphs, and more extracted from 3,000 Scientology lectures and 20,000 pages of LRH's written works. It is primarily a reference work frequently referred to by Scientologists in the course of living. Where...
4.2 (4)
October 13, 2012     2449   0   1   0   0   0
Scientology: 8-80 (November 1952): Research following the early days of Dianetics led Ron the discovery of the person as fundamentally a spiritual being and this book gives the first explanation of the electronics associated with thought. Ron describes the energy phenomena that exist in any person and explains how...
3.8 (1)
October 13, 2012     2437   0   1   0   0   0
Scientology 8-8008 (December 1952): Continuing his exploration of the thetan and associated characteristics, this book summarizes the description of the behavior and potentials of the thetan as detailed in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures of the same period. The title of the book is a symbolic explanation of...
4.6 (3)
October 20, 2012     2273   0   1   0   0   0
When Ron created the Volunteer Minister Program in the 1970s, he said that a society needed at least as many ministers as it had police. He drew inspiration from the "barefoot doctors" of China who were sent from the cities to minister to the poor in the Chinese countryside...
4.7 (5)
October 13, 2012     2425   0   1   0   0   0
Scientology: A History of Man (July 1952): Ron described this book as "a coldblooded and factual account of your last seventy-six trillion years." Using the first E-meter, Ron plots and describes incidents from the whole track of existence that are potentially common to everyone. Electrifying incidents discussed include the...
3.5 (5)
October 13, 2012     2165   0   1   0   0   0
Scientology: A New Slant on Life (1970): This is a compilation of popular essays from L. Ron Hubbard on topics such as personal integrity. happiness, what is greatness?, the anti-social personality and more. The current version (2007) contains a slightly different mix of essays than what the original...
4.6 (6)
October 13, 2012     2159   0   1   0   0   0
Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought (1956): This was the first book written to provide a beginning introduction and broad overview to the full subject of Scientology, rather than just a single aspect of it such as Scientology applied to work. In it, Hubbard discusses basic Scientology principles and discoveries...
4.7 (6)
October 13, 2012     4968   0   1   0   0   1
Self Analysis (August 1951): Possibly the best introduction to the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. Self Analysis contains both a series of essays on the basic discoveries Ron had made up to this point in his research as well as an extensive processing section that a person...
4.3 (9)
October 13, 2012     2520   0   1   0   0   0
Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary (1975): This is the dictionary most used by Scientologists to clarify definitions of Scientology technical terms, meaning the subject of auditing also known as "red on white." Words are defined by direct quotations from L. Ron Hubbard's bulletins, recorded lectures and books. Some definitions...
4.1 (5)
October 13, 2012     2547   0   1   0   0   0
When initially released, Hubbard wrote "It has always been my intention that you have full certainty on the technology of Dianetics and Scientology. it was with this intention that I began to write up the research in the beginning." The "Tech Vols" as they are known among Scientologists contain...
4.0 (1)
October 13, 2012     2426   0   1   0   0   0
The Way to Happiness: A Common Sense Guide to Better Living (1981): This book is promoted as the first non-religious moral code based wholly on common sense. It contains 21 precepts some of which are broken down into related parts. This common sense moral code includes a new version...
4.3 (4)
October 13, 2012     2448   0   1   0   0   0
Volunteer Minister's Handbook (1976): Now out of print, this is a full course in basic Scientology principles of direct application in the every-day problems of life. The goal of the book was to create a "volunteer minister" able to minister the needs of the community, restoring troubled marriages, easing...
4.9 (2)
October 13, 2012     3110   0   1   0   0   0
What is Scientology? (1993): L. Ron Hubbard conceived of a book built around the question that people invariably ask about Scientology: "What is it?" It contains extensive demographic and statistical information about Scientologists and Scientology (circa 1993) and a general overview of the spiritual beliefs, a biographical pictorial of...
1.5 (8)
32 results - showing 1 - 32
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Want auditing?



Self  Analysis (August 1951):  Possibly the best introduction to the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. Self Analysis contains both a series of essays on the basic discoveries Ron had made up to this point in his research as well as an extensive auditing section that a person can do by themselves right at home. The book contains a special version of the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation and a series of tests one can do to discover where you're really at. Then, by applying the processes from the second half of the book, one is guided through a path of self-discovery. At the end, you will re-do the tests to confirm your improvement. How good can you get? These techniques have been in use for more than six decades and Ron referred to them again and again throughout his research, stating that the processes here were capable of curing any neurosis.

This is the starting point for anyone wanting auditing. You will be audited by L. Ron Hubbard himself through the pages of this book.

Find a copy in used bookstores or at,, eBay. Or you can buy a new copy from these Church of Scientology organizations (but once you give them your address they may continue to send you junk mail) Bridge Publications or New Era Publications.