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Scientology Books Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science

Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science Hot
October 13, 2012    
4.3 (9)
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Book Details

L. Ron Hubbard

Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science (1950): Written to coincide with the release of DMSMH, Evolution of a Science gives the story behind the approach that Ron took to develop Dianetics. He describes how he discovered the reactive mind and developed the procedures to handle it. The book first appeared in Astounding Science Fiction magazine to generate interest in DMSMH, released the following month in May 1950.

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Wow factor 
4.3  (9)
4.7  (9)
Easy to understand 
4.9  (9)
3.3  (9)
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This book is an excellent introduction to the subject of Dianetics, and an understanding of the material in it goes a long way in contributing to a more thorough understanding of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.
First published as a book-length feature in Astounding Science Fiction (19,027 words), Evolution of a Science was written primarily with the scientifically literate public in mind. Much of the material came about through discussions among the scientifically-minded writers of the golden age of science fiction: Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur J. Burks, Ed Bodin, Willy Lea and the incomparable John W. Campbell, Jr. (author of the footnote removed from current editions of the book).
With that in mind, much of the chosen language and phrasing of the book becomes clear.
First published in the April edition of Astounding, the primary purpose of this book was one of promotion, to whet the appetites of the scifi fanbase for L. Ron Hubbard's soon-to-be-released Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. And it worked, far beyond what anyone had expected, propelling DMSMH into a position as one of the biggest bestsellers of all time.
As for the data the book contains, I personally found that it brought a good degree of clarity to DMSMH. Take, for example, one of the "yardsticks of Dianetics" discussed in DMSMH: The Introduction of an Arbitrary. It isn't expounded upon in DMSMH, but in Evolution of a Science this yardstick is laid out, "Introduce an arbitrary, and if it is only an arbitrary, the whole computation goes out." Aha!
Give the book a chance and read it with an open mind, I really think you'll thank yourself later!
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by JohnSChristen April 06, 2013
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (3)

The First LRH Book on Dianetics

This book is an excellent introduction to the subject of Dianetics, and an understanding of the material in it goes a long way in contributing to a more thorough understanding of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.
First published as a book-length feature in Astounding Science Fiction (19,027 words), Evolution of a Science was written primarily with the scientifically literate public in mind. Much of the material came about through discussions among the scientifically-minded writers of the golden age of science fiction: Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur J. Burks, Ed Bodin, Willy Lea and the incomparable John W. Campbell, Jr. (author of the footnote removed from current editions of the book).
With that in mind, much of the chosen language and phrasing of the book becomes clear.
First published in the April edition of Astounding, the primary purpose of this book was one of promotion, to whet the appetites of the scifi fanbase for L. Ron Hubbard's soon-to-be-released Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. And it worked, far beyond what anyone had expected, propelling DMSMH into a position as one of the biggest bestsellers of all time.
As for the data the book contains, I personally found that it brought a good degree of clarity to DMSMH. Take, for example, one of the "yardsticks of Dianetics" discussed in DMSMH: The Introduction of an Arbitrary. It isn't expounded upon in DMSMH, but in Evolution of a Science this yardstick is laid out, "Introduce an arbitrary, and if it is only an arbitrary, the whole computation goes out." Aha!
Give the book a chance and read it with an open mind, I really think you'll thank yourself later!

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Independent Scientologist

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Simple, short, concise, clear
Densely worded, unusual tone, styled for a now-extinct audience

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This was the first book I read in Dianetics and Scientology. And I was so impressed that I wanted more. I really think this IS the book that should be sold as a beginning book, unfortunately with the state of education there are many that would have a very difficult time with this book let alone Dianetics.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by blaze March 27, 2013
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First Book I Read

This was the first book I read in Dianetics and Scientology. And I was so impressed that I wanted more. I really think this IS the book that should be sold as a beginning book, unfortunately with the state of education there are many that would have a very difficult time with this book let alone Dianetics.

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This book is very easy to understand and I believe should be the first book anyone reads on the subject.

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The book Dianetics The Evolution Of A Science I feel should be a first read and then Self Analysis for beginners to the subject of Dianetics and Scientology. Dianetics The Evolution Of A Science is truly a wonderment regarding the truth on what one man found makes each of us tick. I highly recommend this small phenomenon of a book for everyone to read.
Happy Everything,
Tom Brown
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by thetabear January 26, 2013
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)


The book Dianetics The Evolution Of A Science I feel should be a first read and then Self Analysis for beginners to the subject of Dianetics and Scientology. Dianetics The Evolution Of A Science is truly a wonderment regarding the truth on what one man found makes each of us tick. I highly recommend this small phenomenon of a book for everyone to read.
Happy Everything,
Tom Brown

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Independent Scientologist

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Excellent first book, entertaining, and it introduces the most important concepts in a logical sequence.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Alael December 02, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (16)

New Readers Can Start Here

Excellent first book, entertaining, and it introduces the most important concepts in a logical sequence.

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Independent Scientologist

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Simpler language than Book One. Unlike many other popular science books from sixty years ago, it hasn't dated and remains very readable for 21st century students.

Anyone who's done research will immediately understand that LRH is giving a real, inside account of how he developed the science of Dianetics.
None, really. Not a practical textbook on auditing, but it makes the reader eager for more.

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This was the 1st book I read and now I have read all the books. In my mind, this is the first book to start with. You will get a clear understanding of the mechanics of the mind and how this whole movement started. The second book to read is Fundamentals of Thought, which is an introduction to Scientology. After reading those 2 books, you should be able to read most any of the other books. When I read these books I said, "Either I am crazy or this is the answer to the universe!" I still believe that statement today.... read them and find out for yourself.

Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Robert Almblad November 11, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (19)

Best book to start with

This was the 1st book I read and now I have read all the books. In my mind, this is the first book to start with. You will get a clear understanding of the mechanics of the mind and how this whole movement started. The second book to read is Fundamentals of Thought, which is an introduction to Scientology. After reading those 2 books, you should be able to read most any of the other books. When I read these books I said, "Either I am crazy or this is the answer to the universe!" I still believe that statement today.... read them and find out for yourself.

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Independent Scientologist

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Easy to read

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The first book I read on Dianetics was"Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health". I got a lot out of that book but I wish I would have known about and read this book first. I feel this book is a good set up for Dianetics because it goes into the history of the research and discovery which led up to this new science of the mind. I feel that reading this book first makes following along with Dianetics a little bit easier.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Looking4Myself November 10, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (3)

Dianetics: The evolution of a Science

The first book I read on Dianetics was"Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health". I got a lot out of that book but I wish I would have known about and read this book first. I feel this book is a good set up for Dianetics because it goes into the history of the research and discovery which led up to this new science of the mind. I feel that reading this book first makes following along with Dianetics a little bit easier.

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Independent Scientologist

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Good introduction to the subject of Dianetics.

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This is a really good book to read if one wants to understand that time, and the excitement around a new discovery. At that time, immense interest was generated among thinkers and philosophers in the area of the human mind, one can actually get a feel of how it was, with people gathering together to talk about it all, and explore new territory. The book is clearly written, aeasy to read and understand, and gives an important contextual backdrop the the development of Dianetics.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by eagle November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (23)

The understanding of the thinking behind Dianetics

This is a really good book to read if one wants to understand that time, and the excitement around a new discovery. At that time, immense interest was generated among thinkers and philosophers in the area of the human mind, one can actually get a feel of how it was, with people gathering together to talk about it all, and explore new territory. The book is clearly written, aeasy to read and understand, and gives an important contextual backdrop the the development of Dianetics.

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Very easy to understand.

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Would read this before Dianetics.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by mkmrmny November 09, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (34)

Covers what corrupts ones mind

Would read this before Dianetics.

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Independent Scientologist

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Very easy to read and understand the various types of minds and what happens to them.

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This is a good book, easy to read and grasp. I find it amazing that it was written in 1948, yet the author explains the mind in terms of computers. How did he know about computers back then? He was obviously on the cutting edge of what was going on, which makes him a very knowledgeable man. I think the very most interesting idea in the book is the fact that the human computer is perfect unless it is fed wrong data. I never knew that before. I think it is a must read especially as an early book.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Thoughtful November 04, 2012
Last updated: November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (11)

Easy to grasp

This is a good book, easy to read and grasp. I find it amazing that it was written in 1948, yet the author explains the mind in terms of computers. How did he know about computers back then? He was obviously on the cutting edge of what was going on, which makes him a very knowledgeable man. I think the very most interesting idea in the book is the fact that the human computer is perfect unless it is fed wrong data. I never knew that before. I think it is a must read especially as an early book.

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Independent Scientologist

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Easy to understand, fun to read, interesting
Could have more meat on the bones

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