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Scientology Books How to Live Though an Executive

How to Live Though an Executive Hot

November 11, 2012    
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Book Details

L. Ron Hubbard

This book is not currently in print by the Church, but it was the first, I believe to present the concept of a "communicator." The system was used by LRH in the 1950s and beyond. Earlier editions (used) can be found online.

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4.5  (2)
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4.0  (2)
4.5  (2)
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This was written by L. Ron Hubbard and Richard deMille in 1953, and might be seen as a starting point for LRH's thoughts on organization. One chapter is "Why organizations act psychotic". The need for clear communication lines, separate from command lines and other activities is emphasised. The system of paper messages with multiple carbon-copies described is perfectly logical, but could have been onerus to implement with 1950s methods. These days we can do something similar by emails within an organisation, when carbon-copies just mean an extra mouse click.
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Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Alael November 19, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (16)

Classic management text

This was written by L. Ron Hubbard and Richard deMille in 1953, and might be seen as a starting point for LRH's thoughts on organization. One chapter is "Why organizations act psychotic". The need for clear communication lines, separate from command lines and other activities is emphasised. The system of paper messages with multiple carbon-copies described is perfectly logical, but could have been onerus to implement with 1950s methods. These days we can do something similar by emails within an organisation, when carbon-copies just mean an extra mouse click.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

Some very clever insights into how organizations work, and why they often don't.
The first application of Theta-MEST theory to organizations (by analogy to organisms).
Shows the need for clear communication lines.
Some of the information is not readily useable now, as the system proposed has been replaced by LRH's later developments in management.

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The material on communication in this book is quite good. It gives information on how one can see and predict what will ultimately happen in an organization based on the level, quality and honesty of the communications in that organization. Its been 35 years since I read it, and i no longer have a copy, but the communications material as i recall was quite good. It went well beyond the basic communication formula material and wove in many other laws of human nature and behavior to present predictable outcomes within organizations. The troubles connected to the scientology church based on its own internal and exteernal handling of communications is well foretold in this book.
Overall rating 
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Easy to understand 
Reviewed by OldSecretary November 12, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

Great tool for prediction

The material on communication in this book is quite good. It gives information on how one can see and predict what will ultimately happen in an organization based on the level, quality and honesty of the communications in that organization. Its been 35 years since I read it, and i no longer have a copy, but the communications material as i recall was quite good. It went well beyond the basic communication formula material and wove in many other laws of human nature and behavior to present predictable outcomes within organizations. The troubles connected to the scientology church based on its own internal and exteernal handling of communications is well foretold in this book.

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