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Top Management orgs

Top Management

9 results - showing 1 - 9
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October 15, 2012     1942   0   0   0   0   0
Author Services Inc. (ASI) is oversees the LRH's fiction works. They are a subsidiary of the Church of Spiritual Technology which is supposed to preserve LRH's writings forever. In the early 1980s, David Miscavige bypassed those managing LRH's finances and invested several million dollars into the oil business. All...
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October 15, 2012     1993   0   0   0   0   0
Central Marketing Unit was formed up based on an LRH advice from the 1980s to consolidate all church marketing under one roof and then get real marketing going for the Church with the emphasis on driving in new public per HCO PL "Proportionate Marketing." Instead, DM grabbed control of...
1.0 (1)
October 15, 2012     3107   0   0   0   0   0
For many years the Commanding Officer (CO) CMO Int was Mark Yager. However he was declared a suppressive person along with Ray Mithoff and others in 2000. In 2004 the CMO Int building (which is made up of 3 or 4 temporary office trailers) was turned into an actual...
1.0 (1)
October 15, 2012     2517   0   0   0   0   0
Golden Era Productions is really the dumping ground for the "failures" of CMO Int and RTC. At the Int base the org has always been considered "out ethics" and somewhat suppressive. And surprise, they are — because they support David Miscavige. David Miscavige has always directly run Gold's Cine...
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October 15, 2012     5925   0   0   0   0   0
The Household Unit was based wherever LRH was located and was responsible for shopping, meals, vehicles, house keeping and laundry services. After LRH passed away, the HU continued to maintain and care for his belongings in various locations including Creston and the Int Base. At the Int Base, David...
0.0 (0)
October 15, 2012     1898   0   0   0   0   0
The IASA or International Association of Scientologists Administrations is the organization responsible for coercing large amounts of money directly from Scientology parishioners under threats and duress. These donations are non-refundable and are not used as advertised. Scientologists are told that money is needed to handle terrible situations around the...
Incomm Hot
0.0 (0)
October 15, 2012     1959   0   0   0   0   0
Incomm is an acronym that stands for International Network of Computer Organized Management. They operate Scientology's internal computer network. This network was ahead of its time originally, with a worldwide email system in 1983, but soon became antiquated and is today woefully behind the times, mostly because of David...
0.0 (0)
October 15, 2012     1864   0   0   0   0   0
By the late 1970s, the Church of Scientology ran the largest private intelligence agency in the world. This was the Guardian's Office. When many of their top executives were busted for infiltrating the US government, DM stepped in to "disband" the old GO. But actually he just kicked out...
1.0 (2)
October 15, 2012     3602   0   0   0   0   0
The Religious Technology Center is David Miscavige's own organization at the top of Scientology which actually manages everything that happens in Scientology including the day-to-day running of many Churches, despite what their corporate charter says. The pretended purpose of RTC is to "ensure the purity of the Scientology religion"...
9 results - showing 1 - 9
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