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Top Management orgs Author Services International (ASI)

Author Services International (ASI) Hot

October 15, 2012    
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Author Services Inc. (ASI) is oversees the LRH's fiction works. They are a subsidiary of the Church of Spiritual Technology which is supposed to preserve LRH's writings forever. In the early 1980s, David Miscavige bypassed those managing LRH's finances and invested several million dollars into the oil business. All of the money was promptly lost. To replace the money, David Miscavige launched a campaign to sell "collectible prints" of paintings that were being done for LRH's fiction books. None of these paintings were in fact any more valuable than any normal paintings, but ASI promoted them as such and crush sold Scientologists to buy as many as possible, many at a cost of $10,000 and up. In this way the multi-million dollar loss was recovered and LRH never even knew. Many of the paintings consisted of naked or partially nude women. 

With such large sums rolling into the front door every week, Miscavige saw no reason to shut off the flow of free money, so he kept it going and it is still going on today, but on a lesser scale.

ASI conducts PR activities using LRH's fiction works, the primary one being their "Writers and Illustrators of the Future contest." The contest was supposedly established and sponsored by Hubbard in 1983 to rebuild LRH's reputation as one of the great writers of Science Fiction.

All the staff of ASI are Sea Org members, but because ASI is a "for profit" company, they are paid much better than normal Sea Org members and are able to afford normal clothes, etc.


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