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Top Management orgs Golden Era Productions

Golden Era Productions Hot

October 15, 2012    
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Golden Era Productions is really the dumping ground for the "failures" of CMO Int and RTC. At the Int base the org has always been considered "out ethics" and somewhat suppressive. And surprise, they are — because they support David Miscavige. David Miscavige has always directly run Gold's Cine Division responsible for shooting his propaganda videos along with LRH films. Miscavige worked in Cine when he was a teenager. He inculcated a sort of dog-eat-dog mentality where everyone is continually trying to "get everyone else's ethics in." Another division of Gold was manufacturing. But because people lived and worked in the same place that manufactured materials for sale — which constitutes human trafficking — all manufacturing lines were moved to Los Angeles. This included Hubbard E-Meter Repair and the manufacture of cassettes and CDs. Golden Era Productions is continually involved in re-shooting LRH's tech films so there aren't any "SP"s in the films, a completely pointless activity. To make this possible none of the actors are now allowed to be Scientologists. Central Marketing Unit and LRH Compilations was moved from Exec Strata into Gold in the early 1990s.

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1.0  (1)
1.0  (1)
1.0  (1)
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For an organization that was to disseminate and promote Scientology services through audio visual products, publications, translations and events, Gold is the punching bag of David Miscavige. Staff posted in Gold are majorly "busted" staff from RTC, CMO Int and Exec Strata- in disgrace and working to redeem themselves. Their propitiation to Miscavige and willingness to do anything to follow orders blindly in an effort to "back up command intention" has resulted in Gold being the most off-source and suppressive place (bar only RTC itself).

I first worked in Gold as a trainee in 1991 and 1992. I then worked extensively in and around Gold from 1994 to 1999 when I was an RTC staff member. I was then posted in Gold in 1999 and was offloaded in May 2003. Between 2000 and 2003 the tone level of Gold staff was fear. There had been no liberty or holidays or Sea Org day for years. The schedule had been extended, meal times reduced, pay reduced to next to nothing and group confessionals (with staff hauled up to confess their crimes) were a regular activity. Routinely staff were operating on next to no sleep for weeks or months on end, staff were unable to get regular study or auditing, and offloads would occur with no explanation - with staff you had worked with for years just vanishing in the night never to be seen again.

Gold staff have been told for more than 15 years that they are no case gain, unproductive, suppressive non-producers, and most believe it at this time, working tirelessly to try and make amends to Miscavige and doing his every bidding to try and bring that about. The scene at Gold sounds unbelievable, but unfortunately it is true and shows how Dianetics and Scientology can be misused to harm and control others.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Lana M. November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

Gold - the antithesis of Scientology

For an organization that was to disseminate and promote Scientology services through audio visual products, publications, translations and events, Gold is the punching bag of David Miscavige. Staff posted in Gold are majorly "busted" staff from RTC, CMO Int and Exec Strata- in disgrace and working to redeem themselves. Their propitiation to Miscavige and willingness to do anything to follow orders blindly in an effort to "back up command intention" has resulted in Gold being the most off-source and suppressive place (bar only RTC itself).

I first worked in Gold as a trainee in 1991 and 1992. I then worked extensively in and around Gold from 1994 to 1999 when I was an RTC staff member. I was then posted in Gold in 1999 and was offloaded in May 2003. Between 2000 and 2003 the tone level of Gold staff was fear. There had been no liberty or holidays or Sea Org day for years. The schedule had been extended, meal times reduced, pay reduced to next to nothing and group confessionals (with staff hauled up to confess their crimes) were a regular activity. Routinely staff were operating on next to no sleep for weeks or months on end, staff were unable to get regular study or auditing, and offloads would occur with no explanation - with staff you had worked with for years just vanishing in the night never to be seen again.

Gold staff have been told for more than 15 years that they are no case gain, unproductive, suppressive non-producers, and most believe it at this time, working tirelessly to try and make amends to Miscavige and doing his every bidding to try and bring that about. The scene at Gold sounds unbelievable, but unfortunately it is true and shows how Dianetics and Scientology can be misused to harm and control others.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Gold has very dedicated staff who have majorly spent the better part of their adult lives totally committed to the promotion and dissemination of Scientology.
Gold has been the scapegoat and target of David Miscavige since the early 90's or before. He has forced them to produce audio visual properties, publications, translations, renovated buildings and any other pet project, to the detriment of organizational basics such as study, auditing, sleep, basic nutrition and exercise.
Gold is cut off from the outside world. All phone calls and letters are monitored incoming and outgoing. No personal email is permitted with family or friends. No general internet access is allowed. No access to world news.
Gold staff have been subject, increasingly since the mid 90's, to physical violence, harsh "boot camp" programs, mental torture and control.

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