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Reviewed by constant vigilance
"The GAT (Golden Age of Tech) invalidated auditors who were..."
Reviewed by Thoughtful
"In 2008 a friend who was at the Int base..."
Reviewed by Izhar
"This was the worst criminal activity one could expect in..."
Reviewed by Martin Padfield
"For all the pros and cons, the fact is the..."
Reviewed by Maurice
"The six month check for individuals on OT7 is a..."
Reviewed by constant vigilance
"My comments are as stated above. Disconnection done by..."
Reviewed by constant vigilance
"I have been invalidated and brow beat and crushed many..."
Reviewed by scientology2.0
"GAT was supposed to bring auditor training to a whole..."
Reviewed by Paul Adams
"At the end of 2007 I did a word-by-word, page-by-page..."
Reviewed by eagle
"People associate with each other, and decide to disassociate at..."
David Miscavige Programs

Miscavige Programs

Explanation: This section lists key programs that were put into place over the last 30 years within the Church of Scientology by the ecclesiastical leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige. If you have experience with any of these programs, please create a review so others can benefit from your experience. Some of these programs have been in place since the 1980s. No one was asked if they even wanted these programs. No one ever checked to see if they were popular. Scientologists were not given a choice.

Now, you can make your voice heard.


12 results - showing 1 - 12
1.0 (2)
November 04, 2012     2072   0   0   0   0   0
David Miscavige is responsible for creating a flurry of fraudulent programs within the Church of Scientology all designed to take advantage of Scientologist's trust to generate donations of large sums under false pretenses. Those campaigns include, Collectible ASI prints — generated huge donations for...
1.0 (5)
November 04, 2012     2243   0   0   0   0   0
In Ron's Journal '68, L. Ron Hubbard cancelled the practice of disconnection (this passage was extracted from the audio transcript beginning at 26:35 through 28:05): “You probably read something about the Reform Code, the Reform Code of Scientology. We sent out actually, I think, oh I don’t...
2.2 (8)
November 04, 2012     5303   0   0   0   0   0
The Golden Age of Tech was a program by which David Miscavige entered key additives into auditing technology that damaged auditing gains. Those additives include, the blanket invalidation and suspension of certificates of ALL auditors trained before May 1996, including Class VI, VIII, and XII...
1.6 (7)
November 04, 2012     3297   0   0   0   0   0
LRH's original membership program cost about $30 a year. It enabled one to get a discount on books and was quite popular. No large sums were allowed to donate because the whole purpose of Scientology is to get each individual up the Bridge. So if anyone is going to...
1.0 (6)
November 04, 2012     3876   0   0   0   0   0
The Ideal Org program instituted by David Miscavige was based on false data that "if you build it they will come" — meaning if we build lavish oversize cathedral-like buildings maxed out architecturally, then they will fill up with people and staff. In HCOPL 12 March 1975,...
0.0 (0)
November 04, 2012     1472   0   0   0   0   0
In 1976 the first "international event" in Scientology was held. Diana Hubbard played the piano and people delivered speeches. The event was a flop because stats went down. LRH investigated and found that the event preparations cut across normal production by knocking people off the routine but vital functions...
1.3 (4)
November 04, 2012     1932   0   0   0   0   0
The Library Campaign was originally a campaign to get donations to purchase LRH books and get them placed into libraries around the world. It was never particularly effective, mainly because librarians and people in general don't want books from groups perceived to be destructive cults. If the Church of...
1.0 (1)
November 04, 2012     2005   0   0   0   0   0
Back in the 1970s, the management structure of Scientology was simple, streamlined and effective. As with most organizations, strategies and programs emanated from the top, were coordinated and executed down orderly command channels and eventually ended up with strategic progress being made by staff members at org level. ...
1.0 (1)
November 06, 2012     1996   0   0   0   0   0
In 1986 David Miscavige decreed that in order to maximize production, Sea Org members would no longer be allowed to have children. Though the order was sent out in ED Int's name, it was pushed by David Miscavige. Couples who thereafter got pregnant were coerced to...
1.0 (1)
November 06, 2012     1940   0   0   0   0   0
Like many of the OT levels, New OT VII, Solo NOTs is audited "solo" — meaning you are your own auditor. It is a lengthy action normally requiring several years to finish and in the past it was only delivered at Flag in Clearwater, Florida. Every six months,...
0.0 (0)
November 04, 2012     2396   0   0   0   0   0
Shortly after forming the IAS, David Miscavige launched the Super Power Project — a group of traveling registrars with the mission to generate straight cash donations for the building of facilities to deliver Super Power. However, (1) no facilities are actually needed beyond a normal auditing environment,...
2.1 (5)
November 04, 2012     2410   0   0   0   0   0
The Basics was a re-re-release of basic LRH books coupled with lectures at greatly inflated prices. An entire CD manufacturing line was installed at Golden Era Productions despite the fact that CDs were already obsolete! CDs cost Golden Era Productions 12 cents each to produce. They were in turn...
12 results - showing 1 - 12
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