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Ideal Orgs Hot

November 04, 2012    
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The Ideal Org program instituted by David Miscavige was based on false data that "if you build it they will come" — meaning if we build lavish oversize cathedral-like buildings maxed out architecturally, then they will fill up with people and staff.

In HCOPL 12 March 1975, Data Series 40, THE IDEAL ORG, LRH talked about orgs, mentioning along the way that an ideal org “It would have enough space in which to train, process and administrate without crowding.”

In a lecture entitled, “The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology” LRH explained further,

"We own a tremendous amount of property. We own a tremendous amount of material, and so forth. And it keeps growing. But that’s not important. When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters. If someone had put some HE [high explosives]under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism might still be going. Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.

"What is important is how much service you can give the world and how much you can get done and how much better you can make things. These are important things. These are all that are important. A bank account never measured the worth of a man. His ability to help measured his worth and that is all. A bank account can assist one to help but where it ceases to do that it becomes useless."

Through the Ideal Org program thousands of Scientologists were separated from their savings and chained to enormous debts.

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1.0  (6)
1.0  (6)
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I was staff in an "ideal Org". It was not run by the ED, rather my the SO-missionairs. The orders, programms and behaviour they introduced were very suppressive to all of us.
A lot of new staff was recruited, people who have heard great news about this wonderful org, but even though many effectively had been recruited, more went than stayed.
Just only by the way the recruitments were done, and the way how staff members "fell" from staff (they couldn´t buy no food anymore or couldn´t pay the rent), was unbelivable. Most recruits were promised "heaven" (also regarding the pay) and got "hell". The conditions of most staff members worsened to such an extent, that it became very obvious to everyone who checked it out. All in all it created a tremendous out-PR for Scientology and huge ARC-Breaks for those who contributed.
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Reviewed by Chris from Germany November 21, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (7)

Ideal Orgs? Idealized Orgs!

I was staff in an "ideal Org". It was not run by the ED, rather my the SO-missionairs. The orders, programms and behaviour they introduced were very suppressive to all of us.
A lot of new staff was recruited, people who have heard great news about this wonderful org, but even though many effectively had been recruited, more went than stayed.
Just only by the way the recruitments were done, and the way how staff members "fell" from staff (they couldn´t buy no food anymore or couldn´t pay the rent), was unbelivable. Most recruits were promised "heaven" (also regarding the pay) and got "hell". The conditions of most staff members worsened to such an extent, that it became very obvious to everyone who checked it out. All in all it created a tremendous out-PR for Scientology and huge ARC-Breaks for those who contributed.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Enough orderly space to deliver
false importances: MEST is VERY important, but people?
If the regged money had gone into making auditors or into bringing both staff and public up the bridge, we´d have a lot more REAL expansion - and were most probably able to buy our own new buildings just by the tremendous changes that auditing and training had created.
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In one of the Philadelphia Doctorate Lectures, L.Ron Hubbard explains that the way to accumulate a lot of MEST wealth is to specialise in stopping things. This follows from the cycle of action, which starts with Being at 40.00 and ends up with Having at 0.0 So stopping the Church's expansion and its on-policy activities leads to accumulation of pretty useless MEST.
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Reviewed by Alael November 13, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (16)

Simply off-policy

In one of the Philadelphia Doctorate Lectures, L.Ron Hubbard explains that the way to accumulate a lot of MEST wealth is to specialise in stopping things. This follows from the cycle of action, which starts with Being at 40.00 and ends up with Having at 0.0 So stopping the Church's expansion and its on-policy activities leads to accumulation of pretty useless MEST.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

The renovated buildings look so good in the glossy colour mags, especially if you like art deco.
The program violates the HCOPL referenced above, in which LRH characterises an ideal org in terms of its production and particle flow.

It violates the Affluence formula, if these orgs really were in affluence before they got the new buildings. Fancy buildings need expensive maintenance, and are not assets of the orgs that pay for their purchase and upkeep since they are signed over to Int.
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They need great nice buildings in advance to be able to produce... ha ha ha. Never heard such a joke before. They need first class MEST to impress new people. What about good service????
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Reviewed by ul2106 November 12, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)

The international Real Estate cult

They need great nice buildings in advance to be able to produce... ha ha ha. Never heard such a joke before. They need first class MEST to impress new people. What about good service????

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Great Idea to get lot´s of money from the parishioners to built up an international real estate company for nothing in exchange. Nice buildings.
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It is almost redundant to post a review of how this program has taken people away from spiritual practice, and resulted in causing great financial distress to members of corporate Scientology who have had to shell out over and over again for this real estate scam. Many of these buildings are mostly empty, beautiful ghost towns, and all the glitter in the world can not cover for the fact that the life-force of vibrant people on a spiritual quest has departed the corporate organization.

The few staff there are are dead eyed and robotic at best, and stressed and afraid at worst.

So much has been written on this disastrous program, that perhaps the best way to sum it up is to simply say: "all that glitters is not gold." This program shows that corporate Scientology values money and luxury above all else, and has nothing to do with spiritual seeking and learning any more. The most skilled and experienced people have left, and all that remains are pretty ,empty shells.

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Reviewed by eagle November 12, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (23)

Idle Morgues

It is almost redundant to post a review of how this program has taken people away from spiritual practice, and resulted in causing great financial distress to members of corporate Scientology who have had to shell out over and over again for this real estate scam. Many of these buildings are mostly empty, beautiful ghost towns, and all the glitter in the world can not cover for the fact that the life-force of vibrant people on a spiritual quest has departed the corporate organization.

The few staff there are are dead eyed and robotic at best, and stressed and afraid at worst.

So much has been written on this disastrous program, that perhaps the best way to sum it up is to simply say: "all that glitters is not gold." This program shows that corporate Scientology values money and luxury above all else, and has nothing to do with spiritual seeking and learning any more. The most skilled and experienced people have left, and all that remains are pretty ,empty shells.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Too many to list here. They are aesthetic palaces designed to blind people from the truth that they have nothing to do with auditing and training people, or even Scientology.
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I donated a lot of money to the "Ideal" Org in my area. I was later banned as an SP (suppressive person) by what I call a cult. ( corporate scientology) Because I was saying things that they didn't like and decided to resign from the cult they made me an enemy. I bring this up as part of the Ideal Org program where the cult will not allow free speech and try to inhibit and manipulate people into being afraid to look and find out. The "Ideal" Org is very slow and not doing a lot of business. It was promised that the "Ideal" org would BOOM once it was funded and created. This has been proven to be false.
I know of a paritioner who donated 100 thousand dollars to this program of "ideal" orgs who was over 70 years old and had brain damage. He could no longer pay his bills after he paid this money to the cult. They then sent in the IAS to regg him for another 50k and he was in deep financial danger. I know of others who are bankrupt due to the crazy, canstant craving for money. The Ideal Org program is a scam pure and simple. If you doubt it just go to three or four and see for yourself and ask to see the statistics.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Bazookajoe November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

Idle Orgs

I donated a lot of money to the "Ideal" Org in my area. I was later banned as an SP (suppressive person) by what I call a cult. ( corporate scientology) Because I was saying things that they didn't like and decided to resign from the cult they made me an enemy. I bring this up as part of the Ideal Org program where the cult will not allow free speech and try to inhibit and manipulate people into being afraid to look and find out. The "Ideal" Org is very slow and not doing a lot of business. It was promised that the "Ideal" org would BOOM once it was funded and created. This has been proven to be false.
I know of a paritioner who donated 100 thousand dollars to this program of "ideal" orgs who was over 70 years old and had brain damage. He could no longer pay his bills after he paid this money to the cult. They then sent in the IAS to regg him for another 50k and he was in deep financial danger. I know of others who are bankrupt due to the crazy, canstant craving for money. The Ideal Org program is a scam pure and simple. If you doubt it just go to three or four and see for yourself and ask to see the statistics.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a

Pros and Cons (optional)

The buildings look pretty good.
It has a very destructive effect on Scientology overall.
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I have toured Ideal orgs. They are all but empty, hence the name "Idle Orgs." Big beautiful expensive quarters and not enough staff to staff them and very few public in them. Of the few public in them, they are not new people at all. They are old die hard true blue Scns trying to support DM and his hobby horses. We were told that all stats go up and we get tons of new people in when Ideal Orgs are made pretty etc. That never happened and in facts stats have been falling continuously. It was a flop. But guess who benefits? David Miscavage! The parishoner's money pays for the org and the rennos so that the building is owned outright. But guess whose name is on the Deed? It is not the people who paid for it. It is David Miscavage via Landlord Int office. So if the Ideal org succeeds somehow, then DM takes credit. If it fails, and the building is facing foreclosure, DM as owner can step in and sell it and pocket the money from the sale. He is amassing tons of real estate this way. Even when his gig is up and he flees the country, he can just sell off these buildings to live off the proceeds.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by constant vigilance November 09, 2012
Last updated: November 10, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

Idle Orgs

I have toured Ideal orgs. They are all but empty, hence the name "Idle Orgs." Big beautiful expensive quarters and not enough staff to staff them and very few public in them. Of the few public in them, they are not new people at all. They are old die hard true blue Scns trying to support DM and his hobby horses. We were told that all stats go up and we get tons of new people in when Ideal Orgs are made pretty etc. That never happened and in facts stats have been falling continuously. It was a flop. But guess who benefits? David Miscavage! The parishoner's money pays for the org and the rennos so that the building is owned outright. But guess whose name is on the Deed? It is not the people who paid for it. It is David Miscavage via Landlord Int office. So if the Ideal org succeeds somehow, then DM takes credit. If it fails, and the building is facing foreclosure, DM as owner can step in and sell it and pocket the money from the sale. He is amassing tons of real estate this way. Even when his gig is up and he flees the country, he can just sell off these buildings to live off the proceeds.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

The idea of improving your appearance as in the appearance of the quarters is a good one. LRH has a reference that if you improve the image of the org, the income will go up. And he is right about that. But improving can be done without breaking the bank, and in fact LRH said to just do en ough to make it nice but don't violate finance policies and good sense. He said that when buildings become more important than people, to stage an anarchy. And he is right.
I have seen people broken financially from having money extorted out of them for the Ideal Org programs. I was there when one place went Ideal Org and the people who had any money at all, the middle class, were inundated and pounded over and over again relentlessly and at all hours of the night at their home uninvited. I saw one guy get sick literally after all this pressure and crush selling tactics. I know a man who still has to borrow from the next month's paycheck to pay his bills because of all he was forced to give to the Ideal Orgs and IAS, and this is years after he made the donations in the first place.
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