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David Miscavige Programs New Era of Management

New Era of Management Hot

November 04, 2012    
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Back in the 1970s, the management structure of Scientology was simple, streamlined and effective. As with most organizations, strategies and programs emanated from the top, were coordinated and executed down orderly command channels and eventually ended up with strategic progress being made by staff members at org level.

In Scientology that concept is called the organizing board. A fact which many people do not know is that in 1981 a "new" operating pattern surfaced. The top levels of management at the international base, started issuing orders directly to people at the next level down (Flag management) without going through their proper org board seniors. In other words, if you had several divisions or bureaus under you, your juniors were suddenly being issued orders DIRECTLY from the international base above you.

By 1989 the disaster it was in full bloom and orders were flying and the organization system as LRH had set up was being paralyzed by top executives who were bypassing at pretty much every echelon. It was not unusual to wake up in the morning to find orders from the very top levels of management to people at continental level, or straight into the service organizations. What this began, was the corrosion of our organizations.

In 1996, just before the Golden Age of Tech came out, David Miscavige announced that he was ushering in a new "era" of management, one where standard organizational lines would be followed and bypass of standard command channels would be a thing of the past. Miscavige wrote most of the issues himself.

However it was in fact David Miscavige that started this whole perverted system of administration in the first place and exported it into into every level of Scientology.

Then, with prodigious amounts of force, threat and other means, he tried to enforce his "new era of management," but it never worked because Miscavige was the one that sabotaged it from the beginning by sending out teams of "the best" executives which he personally trained at the Int base. These teams went to every continent and started running those zones, and taking their orders from International management instead of their seniors — thereby bypassing the very sectors that were supposed to prevent the bypass of! Middle management executives watched in horror as Miscavige's New Era of Management teams blew into town, executed their directives and ignored actual command lines. All the while, David Miscavige hammered and pounded lower levels to "get it together" and "start managing standardly," while at the same time demanding that everyone follow HIS chaotic pattern of bypass. No one in management could get a single order out unless it pushed — not LRH Policy, but COB orders! So now standard channels were corrupted 10 times worse than they ever were before, and of course the statistics continued to crash from 1990 to today.

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If you count the sheer amount of ex scientology management executives out here criticizing the church and its management, you can see "the effectiveness" of this program. Out here building this site and working to reform the church you have a lot of skilled executives, copywriters, marketing wizards, intructors, evaluators, trainers, missionaires, technical executives, personnel executives and they have a few characteristics in common: a) They are very productive and effective; b) They like scientology to the point they work for free to reform it; c) they are successful in life; d) They are pissed off with corporate scientology and they work for free to shut it down. This is the result of "The New Era of Management": ridding scientology of all its best executives.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by spdeclared November 12, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (6)

He destroyed sound management of Scientology

If you count the sheer amount of ex scientology management executives out here criticizing the church and its management, you can see "the effectiveness" of this program. Out here building this site and working to reform the church you have a lot of skilled executives, copywriters, marketing wizards, intructors, evaluators, trainers, missionaires, technical executives, personnel executives and they have a few characteristics in common: a) They are very productive and effective; b) They like scientology to the point they work for free to reform it; c) they are successful in life; d) They are pissed off with corporate scientology and they work for free to shut it down. This is the result of "The New Era of Management": ridding scientology of all its best executives.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

There were no Pros
Since 1986 when Miscavige took over from V Aznaran I could see things worsening in management. It was like church management was losing its ARC and was distancing itself from scientology core values. The release of New Era of Management in my view was the final certification that the final Ep of the process had been reached: now we actually had a TOTALLY SQUIRREL Management. Almost like doing "a Danger Condition for the worst" whereby after you have destroyed everything "you publish FIRM POLICY" to make sure it will always remain so. The Sea Org Spirit was destroyed by David Miscavige.
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