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David Miscavige Programs Disconnection Campaign

Disconnection Campaign Hot

November 04, 2012    
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In Ron's Journal '68, L. Ron Hubbard cancelled the practice of disconnection (this passage was extracted from the audio transcript beginning at 26:35 through 28:05):

“You probably read something about the Reform Code, the Reform Code of Scientology. We sent out actually, I think, oh I don’t know the total international figure, I think in England alone, it was 100,000 mailing and we received back anything that the people thought should be corrected.

“And this resulted in the Reform Code, in which the sec checks were cancelled and all old folders on this had been burned, and disconnection is cancelled as a relief to those suffering family oppression. It is no longer required in SP orders, and the person has to handle. The Fair Game Law was cancelled and the prohibition against writing down or recording professional materials was made. And this was actually the extent of the Reform Code.

“The public at large generally thought we were all right. We didn’t have to do anything more, but these were just the small items that they did say, so we released them as a Reform Code.”

What was cancelled was the use of disconnection as a political weapon, a means of control. Now the pendulum swung to the other extreme and so, throughout the '70s and '80s, if a Scientologist had a situation with a real SP, disconnection was prohibited! That created severe problems for some people who had legitimate situations with real SPs. At some point LRH commented on this in an advice and the result was that disconnection was restored in the new version of the book, introduction to Scientology Ethics. This meant if someone in your family was a thief and stole jewelery from your wife every time he came over, it was now okay to disconnect from him and stop inviting him over. LRH said NOTHING about reinstating disconnection as a political tool, a punishment assigned by senior management to anyone it does not like such as people attempting to expose vicious crimes.

Today Miscavige has taken the practice of disconnection far beyond the very worst of 1968. He has literally declared thousands and thousands of people since the late 1980s — especially anyone who recognized him as a sociopath (suppressive person). The Indie 500 List is an effort to break the back of disconnection by creating a better network of friends outside the Church than exists inside.

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I am not even declared an SP by now, it has "only" been publicly announced that I would be declared soon. Some former friends therefore have disconnected already and I may not enter the org further than to the reception by now. Friends of mine, who stated to stay my friends rather than accept the disconnection-order were told, that - because of their continued friendship to me - their kids were not allowed in the future to meet their former friends, who are kids of Scientologists still on line, after an OSA-terminal had been asked regarding this case. Isn´t that crazy?
Luckily I have been able to maintain most of my close friendships with other Scientologists, by helping them to come to see the truth.
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Reviewed by Chris from Germany November 21, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (7)

When communication is life, then enforced disconnection brings death

I am not even declared an SP by now, it has "only" been publicly announced that I would be declared soon. Some former friends therefore have disconnected already and I may not enter the org further than to the reception by now. Friends of mine, who stated to stay my friends rather than accept the disconnection-order were told, that - because of their continued friendship to me - their kids were not allowed in the future to meet their former friends, who are kids of Scientologists still on line, after an OSA-terminal had been asked regarding this case. Isn´t that crazy?
Luckily I have been able to maintain most of my close friendships with other Scientologists, by helping them to come to see the truth.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

When you are getting molested by too many phone calls, emails, recruitment or reg-interviews from the CofS, you just have to openly leave the church.
After you will be declared, this will have an end. :-)

The disconnection-order is so much anti of what LRH really could have intended, that it is and has been able to open the eyes of many (also mine) about the real situation in the management of CofS.
Communication is life, with communication we can solve all.
In TRs we learn to comfortably face each and everything (also an SP and his data) and by completion of the ProTRs course we attest to be able to stay at cause in a conversation. On Grade 0 we learn to accept everybody to communicate to us about anything (also "Entheta" in the internet). This all tells me that communication cannot be harmful to a Scientlogist. :-). Whoever disagrees, proves to be unflat on his Grade 0 and/or Grad II. So when such an order comes straight from the management, then I know about the case-level of the one who ordered it and about the case-level (no matter where they are on the bridge) and level of understanding of all who follow it.
Why should a Scientologist EVER agree to NOT communicate with somebody or something, unless it is not according to his own choice?
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Because there exists wide spread financial fraud and lack of results within the Church of Scientology today, the practice of Imposing Disconnection upon it's members is at an all time high. (They can't have people sharing information amongst themselves.) Long gone is any pretense that it's being done "for your own good". The current behavior of the corporate Scientology organization mandates DISCONNECTION (the severing of all ties) between mother, daughter, son, father, etc and has to be accepted OR ELSE they lose their only access to Scientology services. There are no winners on both sides of this scenario, except those who wish to see Scientology despised by the world in general, and the current leader, David Miscavige seems to have that in mind. Whether you agree or not is not important, just do your own survey.

My last comment is to those who are uninformed or new to the subject: don't judge the efficacy or value of Scientology (as an applied spiritual philosophy) against the distasteful repute of the Cult that has grown around the subject like a strangle weed of greed. They are not the same thing.
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Reviewed by Riptide November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (7)

The practice of "Disconnection" as used in the Church of Scientology

Because there exists wide spread financial fraud and lack of results within the Church of Scientology today, the practice of Imposing Disconnection upon it's members is at an all time high. (They can't have people sharing information amongst themselves.) Long gone is any pretense that it's being done "for your own good". The current behavior of the corporate Scientology organization mandates DISCONNECTION (the severing of all ties) between mother, daughter, son, father, etc and has to be accepted OR ELSE they lose their only access to Scientology services. There are no winners on both sides of this scenario, except those who wish to see Scientology despised by the world in general, and the current leader, David Miscavige seems to have that in mind. Whether you agree or not is not important, just do your own survey.

My last comment is to those who are uninformed or new to the subject: don't judge the efficacy or value of Scientology (as an applied spiritual philosophy) against the distasteful repute of the Cult that has grown around the subject like a strangle weed of greed. They are not the same thing.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

The original focus of the writings that pertain to this subject by Hubbard, have purportedly enabled many people to become more empowered over the negative attributes of others in a persons life. If used in a way that is in keeping with ones personal convictions and integrity, it can be of use. HOWEVER, there is no helpful or positive application of disconnection in contemporary Scientology. The number of lives and fortunes ruined, the magnitude of broken hearts, has served to create an ever growing list of actual enemies, as a direct result of the use of this abusive policy. This issue ALONE has given the Church of Scientology, the Scientology religion, the Scientology Philosophy, and all proud people who call themselves a Scientologist a big fat permanent black eye.
The *policy* of disconnection as used in the Church of Scientology, is an intentional manipulation in order to prevent it's members from being in communication with ex-members or anyone who has been wronged, abused, defrauded, or had their human rights violated by the organization.

Hubbard wrote the "cutting of theta lines" or driving a wedge between loved ones will ALWAYS ensure a bad result. If there IS a "pro" to this policy, it is the fact that it serves as a "pedal to the metal" as the corporate cult of scientology speeds ever faster to the cliff edge, where it will soar forever into the abyss.

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I don't get the numbers voting. Should I vote 1 for disconnection being inhuman, or 5 in support of it being cancelled? I'll choose 1.

Personally I only lost a few friends when I got declared in 2004 and they were afraid of the cult if they stayed in touch with me, and gained more and better friends subsequently for a definite net gain. Many people have not seen family members for decades, which is heartbreaking.

Disconnection on one's own determinism, like choosing not to associate with one's axe-murderer brother, is something else entirely.
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Reviewed by Paul Adams November 11, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Disconnection can be inhuman

I don't get the numbers voting. Should I vote 1 for disconnection being inhuman, or 5 in support of it being cancelled? I'll choose 1.

Personally I only lost a few friends when I got declared in 2004 and they were afraid of the cult if they stayed in touch with me, and gained more and better friends subsequently for a definite net gain. Many people have not seen family members for decades, which is heartbreaking.

Disconnection on one's own determinism, like choosing not to associate with one's axe-murderer brother, is something else entirely.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Absolutely disgusting how anyone can enforce or support cult-determined disconnection.
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People associate with each other, and decide to disassociate at times when the association is no longer mutually beneficial. This is natural, and normal, and everyone has the right to freedom of association.

However, when corporate Scientology FORCES people to disconnect from each other, the effect is pure evil. Much pain and suffering is caused, and parents and children, spouses, friends, business associates are torn apart. The threat of disconnection for disagreeing with corporate Scientology is nothing less than emotional blackmail to keep people cowed, afraid and enslaved to the organization, and is abused completely. It has lead to tragic results, even suicides and deaths, and is an unspeakable spiritual crime and evil.
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Reviewed by eagle November 11, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (23)

Corporate Scientology Disconnection is deadly

People associate with each other, and decide to disassociate at times when the association is no longer mutually beneficial. This is natural, and normal, and everyone has the right to freedom of association.

However, when corporate Scientology FORCES people to disconnect from each other, the effect is pure evil. Much pain and suffering is caused, and parents and children, spouses, friends, business associates are torn apart. The threat of disconnection for disagreeing with corporate Scientology is nothing less than emotional blackmail to keep people cowed, afraid and enslaved to the organization, and is abused completely. It has lead to tragic results, even suicides and deaths, and is an unspeakable spiritual crime and evil.

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My comments are as stated above. Disconnection done by DM is cruel and suppressive and indicates that DM is a sociopath.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by constant vigilance November 09, 2012
Last updated: November 23, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

Disconnection under DM is horrible

My comments are as stated above. Disconnection done by DM is cruel and suppressive and indicates that DM is a sociopath.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Disconnection is good if used for pure purposes to help yourself and not used for political purposes and for punishment. For instance if you moved to a new house and the neighbor kept breaking in and stealing from you, disconnection by moving away or by getting the neighbor removed to jail would be good and would be pro survival for you.
The way David Miscavage, the self-proclaimed head of the Church of Scientology, uses it is to punish people and to make them tow the line of what he says is right. If you dare to question the church or him personally or point out flagrant violations of what the church's founder, L Ron Hubbard wrote, he will declare you a "suppressive person" and have everyone in the church, including your family, friends, co workers, disconnect from you, which is like shunning. These people are told never to speak to you, to block your emails and calls, etc, and that if they do talk to you for any reason, they themselves will be declared suppressive and will be shunned. And more importantly, he uses the threat that if you are expelled from the Church of Scientology, you will never achieve spiritual freedom ("go to heaven" or however you describe this) at all because "WE, the church, are the ONLY ones who have the keys to Nirvana. This is not true. You can now achieve spiritual freedom outside the church, and only outside the church in the Independent Scientology world. I have seen many families torn apart by his cruel disconnection policy where mothers never see their children and vice versa, a person's livelihood is destroyed, and much more. This disconnection was abolished by L Ron Hubbard in 1966 or'68, but Dave Miscavage brought it back for political purposes and uses it as the club to keep his people in line.
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