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Review Detail

David Miscavige Programs
November 04, 2012    
I am not even declared an SP by now, it has "only" been publicly announced that I would be declared soon. Some former friends therefore have disconnected already and I may not enter the org further than to the reception by now. Friends of mine, who stated to stay my friends rather than accept the disconnection-order were told, that - because of their continued friendship to me - their kids were not allowed in the future to meet their former friends, who are kids of Scientologists still on line, after an OSA-terminal had been asked regarding this case. Isn´t that crazy?
Luckily I have been able to maintain most of my close friendships with other Scientologists, by helping them to come to see the truth.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Chris from Germany November 21, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (7)

When communication is life, then enforced disconnection brings death

I am not even declared an SP by now, it has "only" been publicly announced that I would be declared soon. Some former friends therefore have disconnected already and I may not enter the org further than to the reception by now. Friends of mine, who stated to stay my friends rather than accept the disconnection-order were told, that - because of their continued friendship to me - their kids were not allowed in the future to meet their former friends, who are kids of Scientologists still on line, after an OSA-terminal had been asked regarding this case. Isn´t that crazy?
Luckily I have been able to maintain most of my close friendships with other Scientologists, by helping them to come to see the truth.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

When you are getting molested by too many phone calls, emails, recruitment or reg-interviews from the CofS, you just have to openly leave the church.
After you will be declared, this will have an end. :-)

The disconnection-order is so much anti of what LRH really could have intended, that it is and has been able to open the eyes of many (also mine) about the real situation in the management of CofS.
Communication is life, with communication we can solve all.
In TRs we learn to comfortably face each and everything (also an SP and his data) and by completion of the ProTRs course we attest to be able to stay at cause in a conversation. On Grade 0 we learn to accept everybody to communicate to us about anything (also "Entheta" in the internet). This all tells me that communication cannot be harmful to a Scientlogist. :-). Whoever disagrees, proves to be unflat on his Grade 0 and/or Grad II. So when such an order comes straight from the management, then I know about the case-level of the one who ordered it and about the case-level (no matter where they are on the bridge) and level of understanding of all who follow it.
Why should a Scientologist EVER agree to NOT communicate with somebody or something, unless it is not according to his own choice?
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