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David Miscavige Programs Golden Age of Tech

Golden Age of Tech Hot

November 04, 2012    
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The Golden Age of Tech was a program by which David Miscavige entered key additives into auditing technology that damaged auditing gains. Those additives include,

  • the blanket invalidation and suspension of certificates of ALL auditors trained before May 1996, including Class VI, VIII, and XII auditors personally trained by L. Ron Hubbard.
  • the invalidation and cancellation of the Flag "Okay to operate an E-Meter" certificate which is good for life.
  • implementation programs that were invalidative or previously trained auditors, requiring retraining on "Auditor Certainty Courses," which in effect amounted to full retraining, which the auditors had to pay for.
  • confusions on the definition of instant reads. An instant read is defined as “that reaction of the needle which occurs at the precise end of any major thought voiced by the auditor.” Miscavige wrongly interpreted that to mean any reaction that occurred at the end of the sound made by an auditor. This is not difficult. It's at the end of the thought, not at the end of the sound
  • the idea that for an F/N (the meter action that signals the end of a process or action) to be valid the needle had to swing three times in order to qualify as "rhythmic." This violates numerous HCOBs and the specific definition of a floating needle as defined by LRH and set pcs up for disastrous overruns.
  • changes in LRH's proven training pattern which included fast basic training on the Academy to make it possible for an auditor to audit specific actions mechanically well; followed by full training on all materials on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course; followed by Class VIII which makes a zealot for Standard Tech who truly can audit with perfection. The changes set the Class VIII standard of perfection for beginning auditors — an impossible hill to climb.
  • changes in rudiments, changes in buttons that were drilled in.
  • forcing the inclusion of Dating Drills (EM Drills 22  and 25) and the final assessment drill on a Professional Metering Course which added, sometimes years, time to the runway to make an auditor. The Dating Drills are virtually never needed in actual auditing, having been replaced by Date/Locate patter in 1978, and certainly are never needed by a Class IV or V Academy Levels auditor. The Pro Metering Course acted as a major block to training auditors.

For more information, read this article by Dan Koon.


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2.1  (8)
2.3  (8)
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When the Golden Age of Tech was announced I was thrilled, and I remember a friend of mine and I embraced excitedly believing we now could become the auditors we wanted to be. I always had uncertainty about HOW to drill and GAT gives a very definite procedure both on how to drill and for how long. I went up through OT IV during Tech's so-called Golden Age. And I did have wins both in the drilling (when you get through each drill, it is a win) and in auditing on the OT levels. But in retrospect, I realized that the GAT drills are a way of getting around the real understanding of what you are doing. My perception, from review auditing and an intensive I got at AO in 2013, auditing has become more rote and robotic, which is not surprising considering that you drill a scripted drill over and over. The drills are also presented at the reference instead of going back to the original LRH materials.

When I was on lines at the Orange County org, in 2010-2012, there were 2 people, a married couple, on the levels. OC used to be a booming org. GAT is another example, I think the biggest example, of Miscavige trying to position himself as Source.
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Reviewed by Jenni September 14, 2014
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

GAT drills

When the Golden Age of Tech was announced I was thrilled, and I remember a friend of mine and I embraced excitedly believing we now could become the auditors we wanted to be. I always had uncertainty about HOW to drill and GAT gives a very definite procedure both on how to drill and for how long. I went up through OT IV during Tech's so-called Golden Age. And I did have wins both in the drilling (when you get through each drill, it is a win) and in auditing on the OT levels. But in retrospect, I realized that the GAT drills are a way of getting around the real understanding of what you are doing. My perception, from review auditing and an intensive I got at AO in 2013, auditing has become more rote and robotic, which is not surprising considering that you drill a scripted drill over and over. The drills are also presented at the reference instead of going back to the original LRH materials.

When I was on lines at the Orange County org, in 2010-2012, there were 2 people, a married couple, on the levels. OC used to be a booming org. GAT is another example, I think the biggest example, of Miscavige trying to position himself as Source.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

In retrospect, I can't think of any pros.
Encourages a robotic approach to auditing.
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I was a good candidate to take the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. I was already an HSDC (and later NED) auditor and Class IV auditor (no certs due to no internship), trained in the 1970’s.

I started this training with gusto and I believe I only slowed slightly on Level D, which had the e-meter drills. But after coming out the other side of that small speed bump, I sailed through the levels E through N.

I completed each level, A through N, in the 3-4 weeks checksheet time. I believe my total time on study at that point, with occasional extra time off between levels, was 1 ½ years.

My carrot, the one thing I sought by doing the SHSBC, was to audit. That carrot was to be achieved on Level O, the first level out of 16 total where the student would audit a pc.

It was when I was on Level N that GAT was introduced. Never mind the carrot of auditing pc’s on Level 0; I had to do the Study Certainty Course first and then go back to Level A for certainty drills. Never mind I had a couple pc’s already lined up for auditing on Level 0. GAT prevailed.

There was simply no recourse to the extended training lineup and that’s when I ended off on the SHSBC. I asked a supervisor how he thought they were going to get any products with that method of implementation of GAT and he simply shrugged his shoulders.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by TheWidowDenk November 14, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (21)

No Class VI Certificate for me

I was a good candidate to take the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. I was already an HSDC (and later NED) auditor and Class IV auditor (no certs due to no internship), trained in the 1970’s.

I started this training with gusto and I believe I only slowed slightly on Level D, which had the e-meter drills. But after coming out the other side of that small speed bump, I sailed through the levels E through N.

I completed each level, A through N, in the 3-4 weeks checksheet time. I believe my total time on study at that point, with occasional extra time off between levels, was 1 ½ years.

My carrot, the one thing I sought by doing the SHSBC, was to audit. That carrot was to be achieved on Level O, the first level out of 16 total where the student would audit a pc.

It was when I was on Level N that GAT was introduced. Never mind the carrot of auditing pc’s on Level 0; I had to do the Study Certainty Course first and then go back to Level A for certainty drills. Never mind I had a couple pc’s already lined up for auditing on Level 0. GAT prevailed.

There was simply no recourse to the extended training lineup and that’s when I ended off on the SHSBC. I asked a supervisor how he thought they were going to get any products with that method of implementation of GAT and he simply shrugged his shoulders.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)
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GAT helped me a lot and allowed me to get through my Ot Levels. I am critical of many things DM did and eventually he is the one who decided to kick me out. Yet on this one, I can only thank him
Overall rating 
Reviewed by spdeclared November 12, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (6)

It helped me a lot

GAT helped me a lot and allowed me to get through my Ot Levels. I am critical of many things DM did and eventually he is the one who decided to kick me out. Yet on this one, I can only thank him

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

It helped a me a lot on my training and was instrumental in giving me certainty to get through my ot levels. I got certainty. I liked the drills, I liked the way to study, I liked clearcut definitions.
Metering course for my observation took too long. Perhaps suspending all auditors did not help, yet I did not experience any of that
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but almost all of it is delaying your progress towards being an academy auditor
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Reviewed by ul2106 November 12, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)

Not all bad

but almost all of it is delaying your progress towards being an academy auditor

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

I found the session drills great. Before going out and audit a real pc all uncertainties were handled with these drills.
All other drills, especially sitting in front of a wall etc. didn´t help me much.
It took me some years to get on Level 0 and finish this. The runway is extremley long.
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All that Dan Koon wrote in his article here and the reviews attached are all totally correct. There is another aspect that is not generally included in what is known as the "Golden Age of Tech", but it was very much connected to and GAT was the predominately accepted predecessor that allowed the next vicious attack against standard LRH Tech to succeed. That next step was the "Golden Age of OT" introduced on the Freewinds in the Summer of 2000. Every single New OT VII and New OT VIII were summarily invalidated on their state of case, told they had not attained it and had done it all wrong. Every Technically trained person at the FSO and FSSO were told at the same time that they had mis-programmed and mis-audited every single OT and pre-OT, told that they did not know their tech and did not know the Grade Chart. At that time all the Registration (Div 2 and Div 6) and Call-In staff were told the same thing about about their respective posts. In one fell swoop, David Miscavige invalidated every single individual Sea Org Member who had anything to do with getting in public and getting them serviced and up the Grade Chart.
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Reviewed by eileenclark101 November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

There is more....

All that Dan Koon wrote in his article here and the reviews attached are all totally correct. There is another aspect that is not generally included in what is known as the "Golden Age of Tech", but it was very much connected to and GAT was the predominately accepted predecessor that allowed the next vicious attack against standard LRH Tech to succeed. That next step was the "Golden Age of OT" introduced on the Freewinds in the Summer of 2000. Every single New OT VII and New OT VIII were summarily invalidated on their state of case, told they had not attained it and had done it all wrong. Every Technically trained person at the FSO and FSSO were told at the same time that they had mis-programmed and mis-audited every single OT and pre-OT, told that they did not know their tech and did not know the Grade Chart. At that time all the Registration (Div 2 and Div 6) and Call-In staff were told the same thing about about their respective posts. In one fell swoop, David Miscavige invalidated every single individual Sea Org Member who had anything to do with getting in public and getting them serviced and up the Grade Chart.

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GAT was supposed to bring auditor training to a whole new level of perfection. What David Miscavige succeeded in doing was shutting down the making of auditors to a trickle. The worst aspects of GAT were 1) its implementation which acted as a blanket invalidation of all auditors worldwide, 2) the new Student Hat Course, which was put in strict chronological sequence that put the Study Tapes before the HCOBs on Study Tech and thereby lengthened the course unnecessarily to fit Shelly Miscavige's ideological bent, 3) the Pro Metering Course, which was riddled with arbitrariness such as EM 22 and 25, which are utterly unneeded by an auditor trainee on the Academy Levels and lengthened the training runway, sometimes by years. In my experience, once a person got onto the Academy Levels, the rest of it went fairly quickly, but DM put so many barriers in front of Level 0 that the flow of newly made auditors has nearly dried up. Since I had MUCH to do with assembling GAT, I am making up the damage by assembling auditor training checksheets based on the RTRC 1987 checksheets which were proven to make auditors in a decent amount of time. No Pro Metering Course. No five times through the meter drills. No arbitraries on Pro TRs or Upper Indoc TRs. No suppressive implementation programs. And these Independent checksheets make auditors who can and will audit. As I said, after 16 years, the stats are in and GAT is a failure any way you look at it, despite being based on exact LRH auditors. David Miscavige has the reverse Midas Touch. Everything he touches turns to crap.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by scientology2.0 November 11, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

After 16 years, the stats are in . . .

GAT was supposed to bring auditor training to a whole new level of perfection. What David Miscavige succeeded in doing was shutting down the making of auditors to a trickle. The worst aspects of GAT were 1) its implementation which acted as a blanket invalidation of all auditors worldwide, 2) the new Student Hat Course, which was put in strict chronological sequence that put the Study Tapes before the HCOBs on Study Tech and thereby lengthened the course unnecessarily to fit Shelly Miscavige's ideological bent, 3) the Pro Metering Course, which was riddled with arbitrariness such as EM 22 and 25, which are utterly unneeded by an auditor trainee on the Academy Levels and lengthened the training runway, sometimes by years. In my experience, once a person got onto the Academy Levels, the rest of it went fairly quickly, but DM put so many barriers in front of Level 0 that the flow of newly made auditors has nearly dried up. Since I had MUCH to do with assembling GAT, I am making up the damage by assembling auditor training checksheets based on the RTRC 1987 checksheets which were proven to make auditors in a decent amount of time. No Pro Metering Course. No five times through the meter drills. No arbitraries on Pro TRs or Upper Indoc TRs. No suppressive implementation programs. And these Independent checksheets make auditors who can and will audit. As I said, after 16 years, the stats are in and GAT is a failure any way you look at it, despite being based on exact LRH auditors. David Miscavige has the reverse Midas Touch. Everything he touches turns to crap.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Many drills were good. LRH said in 1978 that an Academy auditor was a technician who could do specific actions well. The drills train in Duplication, which is the first level of auditor training. One must duplicate the materials and actions of auditing. Then on the SHSBC, one gains an Understanding of why one takes an action. Then on Class VIII, one can learn Judgment and thus attain perfection. DM crushed everything down to the first level, Duplication and wrecked auditor training.
See "pros."
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I had just completed training to Class IV and had started my Class IV Internship when this happened and was forced to start over. What I actually needed was to audit PCs. Instead I was back in the classroom again. Never did finish the Class IV Internship and never became an auditor. What a waste!
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Reviewed by pmm0724 November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (13)

Too long a runway

I had just completed training to Class IV and had started my Class IV Internship when this happened and was forced to start over. What I actually needed was to audit PCs. Instead I was back in the classroom again. Never did finish the Class IV Internship and never became an auditor. What a waste!

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Showed I was good at memorizing.
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The GAT (Golden Age of Tech) invalidated auditors who were good, who were getting good, even stellar products on their preclears (one on the road to Clear). And I have seen many spin out and fail on the Professional Metering Course. Those that finaly somehow did make it, it took them years to do. I know one auditor on an internship even now who has been on her internship for over 6 years trying to get through it with these added arbitraries in it.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by constant vigilance November 09, 2012
Last updated: November 23, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

Golden Age of Tech Training

The GAT (Golden Age of Tech) invalidated auditors who were good, who were getting good, even stellar products on their preclears (one on the road to Clear). And I have seen many spin out and fail on the Professional Metering Course. Those that finaly somehow did make it, it took them years to do. I know one auditor on an internship even now who has been on her internship for over 6 years trying to get through it with these added arbitraries in it.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

LRH says, "Number of times over equals certainty." So I can see daily drilling if you're a professional auditor would be helpful.
too many to list here. DM made the auditor gradients and line up too grueling to be gotten through and the end results was no auditing occurred. What a cunning way to stop the making of auditors and the auditing of pcs. I was on OT VI at Flag and had to entire the out tech changes in putting in a button, the FN and others. When you go into agreement with it just to pass the drill and move on, you are putting your own integrity on the line. I am a permanent, interned auditor. When I got my auditing cert (PRE GAT), I was told by my interne Sup, that this is "Permanent" meaning even in next lifetimes. DM changed all that by invalidating auditors and having their certs cancelled if they refused to buckle under and re-do all auditing training at their own expense. It essentially killed any reach to be an auditor and thus auditing stops, which is what a sociopath wants.... no one going free.
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