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WHERE TO GET HELP: There are now two avenues for Scientology services. Find out what to expect and what...Overall rating | 1.5 | |
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When the Golden Age of Tech was announced I was thrilled, and I remember a friend of mine and I embraced excitedly believing we now could become the auditors we wanted to be. I always had uncertainty about HOW to drill and GAT gives a very definite procedure both on how to drill and for how long. I went up through OT IV during Tech's so-called Golden Age. And I did have wins both in the drilling (when you get through each drill, it is a win) and in auditing on the OT levels. But in retrospect, I realized that the GAT drills are a way of getting around the real understanding of what you are doing. My perception, from review auditing and an intensive I got at AO in 2013, auditing has become more rote and robotic, which is not surprising considering that you drill a scripted drill over and over. The drills are also presented at the reference instead of going back to the original LRH materials.
When I was on lines at the Orange County org, in 2010-2012, there were 2 people, a married couple, on the levels. OC used to be a booming org. GAT is another example, I think the biggest example, of Miscavige trying to position himself as Source.
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