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David Miscavige Programs Sea Org Production

Sea Org Production Hot

November 06, 2012    
1.0 (1)
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In 1986 David Miscavige decreed that in order to maximize production, Sea Org members would no longer be allowed to have children.

Though the order was sent out in ED Int's name, it was pushed by David Miscavige. Couples who thereafter got pregnant were coerced to get an abortion. If that failed, they were shipped off to a "small and failing org" as punishment for being "out ethics." This David Miscavige program led directly to horrific abuses including the corporate extermination of hundreds of children who would have otherwise been born to loving parents. Verified reports exist of some women being forced to have 2, 3 and 4 abortions over the years, sometimes because Sea Org pay was not enough to afford birth control.

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In 2008 a friend who was at the Int base for many years told me she was forced to have four abortions in the Sea Org. She said she had gone to have the last abortion at the same time my ex-wife, Sue Turton Hall, had her abortion. They went together to the Planned Parenthood in Riverside, CA. I said, "What abortion!?!" And Yael said, "Oh my God! I'm sorry." She didn't know I had never been told.

There was a time when I thought my ex-wife was pregnant. I had hoped for that because I very much wanted to have a child with her. Not only would it be the greatest blessing two married people can have, but it would mean escape from the Int base because anyone who got pregnant there (and refused to have an abortion) was kicked out.

Sue Turton Hall was an ethics officer at Golden Era Productions and I now suspect she either participated in the coercion of other women to get abortions, or minimally she knew about it and did nothing to stop it which would actually be her JOB as an ethics officer.

In 1990, when I told her the problem with the Int base was that the top executives were intentionally mis-applying Ethics technology to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation" she responded by turning me in and I was immediately assigned to the RPF, 90 miles away and not even told the true reason why.

By 1998, I said to her, "If I decided to leave the Sea Org would you come with me?" She said no and promptly turned me in again and I got into severe trouble.

In 2000 we stopped using birth control because it didn't seem to matter. I was actually hoping for a child. I was still in love with Sue at the time (stupid me).

So, when she did get pregnant, she knew it meant we would be leaving and that cut directly across David Miscavige's program to have me continue writing his stinking video scripts.

Thus my ex-wife was apparently easily persuaded to abort our child and never mentioned that I was going to be a father. So I still want to know how is it that a corporation, to prevent an employee from leaving, can intervene in that man's marriage and order his unborn child killed?


What corporate Chairman of the Board is so malignant, rapacious and arrogant he can flaunt the law, flaunt my child's right to life, and freely order my child murdered and get away with it?


Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was America. Now I realize I'm in a Nazi death camp.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Thoughtful November 07, 2012
Last updated: November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (11)

David Miscavige is a mass murderer

In 2008 a friend who was at the Int base for many years told me she was forced to have four abortions in the Sea Org. She said she had gone to have the last abortion at the same time my ex-wife, Sue Turton Hall, had her abortion. They went together to the Planned Parenthood in Riverside, CA. I said, "What abortion!?!" And Yael said, "Oh my God! I'm sorry." She didn't know I had never been told.

There was a time when I thought my ex-wife was pregnant. I had hoped for that because I very much wanted to have a child with her. Not only would it be the greatest blessing two married people can have, but it would mean escape from the Int base because anyone who got pregnant there (and refused to have an abortion) was kicked out.

Sue Turton Hall was an ethics officer at Golden Era Productions and I now suspect she either participated in the coercion of other women to get abortions, or minimally she knew about it and did nothing to stop it which would actually be her JOB as an ethics officer.

In 1990, when I told her the problem with the Int base was that the top executives were intentionally mis-applying Ethics technology to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation" she responded by turning me in and I was immediately assigned to the RPF, 90 miles away and not even told the true reason why.

By 1998, I said to her, "If I decided to leave the Sea Org would you come with me?" She said no and promptly turned me in again and I got into severe trouble.

In 2000 we stopped using birth control because it didn't seem to matter. I was actually hoping for a child. I was still in love with Sue at the time (stupid me).

So, when she did get pregnant, she knew it meant we would be leaving and that cut directly across David Miscavige's program to have me continue writing his stinking video scripts.

Thus my ex-wife was apparently easily persuaded to abort our child and never mentioned that I was going to be a father. So I still want to know how is it that a corporation, to prevent an employee from leaving, can intervene in that man's marriage and order his unborn child killed?


What corporate Chairman of the Board is so malignant, rapacious and arrogant he can flaunt the law, flaunt my child's right to life, and freely order my child murdered and get away with it?


Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was America. Now I realize I'm in a Nazi death camp.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

There was nothing positive about this program.
It violates everything in existence.
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