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David Miscavige Programs IAS Donations

IAS Donations Hot

November 04, 2012    
1.6 (7)
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LRH's original membership program cost about $30 a year. It enabled one to get a discount on books and was quite popular. No large sums were allowed to donate because the whole purpose of Scientology is to get each individual up the Bridge. So if anyone is going to spend some money, it is supposed to be spent on getting oneself up both sides of the Bridge to Class VIII, OT VIII. Per the pattern of orgs and laid out in an article LRH published in The Auditor magazine, entitled "What Your Fees Buy" the money paid for auditing and training funded everything. Everything. All legal defense. All operations. All promotions. All building expenses. All staff pay. All investigations. All research. Everything. Now instead of people paying for auditing and training to achieve the valuable products of an organization, Scientologists are coerced to earn "statuses" and memberships sell for millions of dollars which is a far cry from $30.

The IAS program started in 1984. Contrary to it's fairy tale, it did not start with "representatives" traveling to Saint Hill and conceiving of a lofty purpose to protect Scientology. On the contrary, it started with the observation that lots of groups made tons of money through donation programs and with that came the realization that the Church of Scientology could potentially rake in millions notwithstanding that LRH had strictly forbid any such program from taking place. As donations grew in size, they were made non-refundable so the liability was zero, traditionally not the case with money donated for training or auditing.

The only people originally brought to Saint Hill were there for a photo op.

The basic pattern is to pull in Scientologists for a "special briefing" where they are briefed on a secretive problem or issue in some part of the world which the IAS needs an infusion of cash to handle. The Scientologist is crush sold and forks over a large sum of money. That money is banked and not a single penny is ever spent. Only interest generated by the principle is spent.

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1.6  (7)
1.6  (7)
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I had a staff and SO annual membership for years and just annual memberships between staff and the SO.

When I went to the Freewinds in 2012 it was mandatory on the routing form to see the IAS on the ship. They wanted $4500 from me which I did't have. My Freewinds trip and flights was already $10,000, which was what I had worked for a borrowed to have.
An argument ensued and that was pretty heated. I was on the ship for 21 days and the reg and I did not speak. He made me wrong, I made him wrong. Regging would take place 2-3 times a week on the Freewinds and was the one thing I hated about being on the ship. I liked everything else.
In other orgs, which has been over 8, when I went to IAS reg events they always had huge targets that I couldn't understand as we were supposed to be funding Ideal Orgs, so why both, in the same week, a 1-2 times each month?

I stopped giving prior to joining the SO in 2013 as I started to see my home cities on the events being "helped" by the IAS and it was always a lot smaller than I had actually personally seen. Videos will show 20,000 booklets. Really it just made more recycling of paper to the wrong publics.

When in the SO I was in anIAS office, not as a reg, just doing maintenance over a few weeks. I would listen to the make wrong in the conversations from the officer to her juniors. It was gross. "don't go after that person, they have no money". "You spent too much time talking. Don't get the life story just get the donation and get them to course". "Call that person back here. $500 isn't going to be enough, you didn't hard sell."
They only cared about getting money in. There was even this "game" to make $1,000,000 before xmas. If it was successful then all the crew would get a movie night in a cinema. It was not real and not even $400,000 was made despite compulsory regging on the phones for 95% of the staff of CLO. The CO CLO would not be on the phone himself despite his 25 years SO experience. He would be just product officering!

Basically I can categorically say that the IAS is Suppressive program and group the way it is run currently. There is no doubt in my mind. It prevents and inhibits bridge progress. All these people that have given $50,000 and they are mid objectives. Um... Outpoint?? They also claim to use the funds for tours for VMs etc. but they are minimal. Often volunteers pay their own flights there and back, it's a tiny crew and the VMs do jack all. It's really out-pointy and I wish the IAS transparent.

The use of great film-making makes it a Scam like the whole Kony 2012 ordeal(video on youtube about catching bad guy with 100 mill views), but on a much higher level.

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Reviewed by Obnosis Monty January 16, 2015
Top 500 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

IAS is only about money

I had a staff and SO annual membership for years and just annual memberships between staff and the SO.

When I went to the Freewinds in 2012 it was mandatory on the routing form to see the IAS on the ship. They wanted $4500 from me which I did't have. My Freewinds trip and flights was already $10,000, which was what I had worked for a borrowed to have.
An argument ensued and that was pretty heated. I was on the ship for 21 days and the reg and I did not speak. He made me wrong, I made him wrong. Regging would take place 2-3 times a week on the Freewinds and was the one thing I hated about being on the ship. I liked everything else.
In other orgs, which has been over 8, when I went to IAS reg events they always had huge targets that I couldn't understand as we were supposed to be funding Ideal Orgs, so why both, in the same week, a 1-2 times each month?

I stopped giving prior to joining the SO in 2013 as I started to see my home cities on the events being "helped" by the IAS and it was always a lot smaller than I had actually personally seen. Videos will show 20,000 booklets. Really it just made more recycling of paper to the wrong publics.

When in the SO I was in anIAS office, not as a reg, just doing maintenance over a few weeks. I would listen to the make wrong in the conversations from the officer to her juniors. It was gross. "don't go after that person, they have no money". "You spent too much time talking. Don't get the life story just get the donation and get them to course". "Call that person back here. $500 isn't going to be enough, you didn't hard sell."
They only cared about getting money in. There was even this "game" to make $1,000,000 before xmas. If it was successful then all the crew would get a movie night in a cinema. It was not real and not even $400,000 was made despite compulsory regging on the phones for 95% of the staff of CLO. The CO CLO would not be on the phone himself despite his 25 years SO experience. He would be just product officering!

Basically I can categorically say that the IAS is Suppressive program and group the way it is run currently. There is no doubt in my mind. It prevents and inhibits bridge progress. All these people that have given $50,000 and they are mid objectives. Um... Outpoint?? They also claim to use the funds for tours for VMs etc. but they are minimal. Often volunteers pay their own flights there and back, it's a tiny crew and the VMs do jack all. It's really out-pointy and I wish the IAS transparent.

The use of great film-making makes it a Scam like the whole Kony 2012 ordeal(video on youtube about catching bad guy with 100 mill views), but on a much higher level.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

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HEAVY (aka crush) regging at every event makes one feel guilty for not donating to pay for everything that the slick marketing videos and layouts use to lure you in. Lots of events are disguised as something else which always end with a request for a donation. Go ahead and see how many events that you get invited to and then see how many of them do NOT at some point ask you to up your membership status or make a donation by the end. I myself was invited to these and initially not knowing they were really fundraisers went because I wanted to meet people and learn more. Boy was I wrong! When I mentioned this to my registrar he explained "That was a mistake, you should not have been invited." What?!

Note: I am not against donating to this or any church per se, however, it is one thing for a person to donate out of a sense of wanting to help and support their community from an internal drive and passion, while it's quite another thing to be pressured for more money at every turn with ads, while entering and exiting an org, and even through the mail and phone, until you finally donate just to get these people off your back! Yes, I get that it's a new religion and "needs to build" unlike many other established religions, but with reportedly over 1 Billion - yes it starts with a B - in assets, I am pretty sure that the Church of Scientology isn't hurting too bad anymore. And they could in fact lower their rates on all their items and services which would actually bring in more public to help - or at least pay their staff and the Sea Org members a decent living wage but intentionally choosing not to as helping staff, SO and public is not the real intention of the current management.

Furthermore, if the original lifetime HASI rate was really $30 in 1954, then if adjusted for inflation then this should be around $260 in 2014 not $5,000 as that is almost a 2,000% markup!! While $30 may not make sense anymore, the annual $500 rate should more closely reflect a lifetime rate to protect against inflation for many, many years down the road. But again, like everything in the current church management it is far over priced, not meant to help and one sees little in exchange for this, other than a certificate and a request to up your membership to the next level.


And the "savings" are almost nonexistent - both in terms of the monetary value and salvation of others. (See under "cons" below in terms of the myth of saving 10% on items once taxes are applied).

As for IAS funds actually helping people, if one buys into the PR propaganda fed church members in the videos then one also believes that it actually makes a difference in the world somewhere. I have friends who work for the various non-profits partnered with the Church of Scientology, and they make very little money, work extremely long hours, and have told me that they feel more overwhelmed than ever! Yet I haven't seen any media articles that are outside of the church stating that the IAS, Church of Scientology or their related groups have made any difference or help, when it should in fact be turning the tide based on the promotional materials. (Though of course "everybody knows" that the media is suppressive that's the "real reason"). Let's not forget that these videos are often used to stir people up against a multitude of enemies - psychs, news media and other groups that are perceived as enemies but who in reality probably don't think much about the Church of Scientology other than as a joke or as a nuisance. So all of this adds a sense of urgency in the events to donate but also is very misleading (and if you have done the False Purposes Rundown, then you know that this is an old, but extremely effective tactic done by true Suppressive People who confuse, obfuscate and mislead a being with overwhelm and then give false stable datums for them to act on - if you agree to latch onto them of course. This to me is all the more evidence that the IAS and David Miscavige are suppressive or at least corrupted by their very nature).

There is some hope - If you made the mistake of recently donating and are still within your 6 month "trial membership" (which is odd as one is a member of Scientology by virtue of declaration, practice, study and investigation of materials rather than by a monetary basis let alone being a "trial member") then you can cancel now and get what you gave back. Just keep calling and writing in explaining that you are due a refund due to being a "trial member" and unhappy with the service and keep records of all communication.

Then keep the money and use it for far less expensive services in the indie field, or at the very least invest in yourself and take care of your health, pay off your debts and do what matters to you most in your life.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Ian August 16, 2014
Last updated: August 21, 2014
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

What a scam!!

HEAVY (aka crush) regging at every event makes one feel guilty for not donating to pay for everything that the slick marketing videos and layouts use to lure you in. Lots of events are disguised as something else which always end with a request for a donation. Go ahead and see how many events that you get invited to and then see how many of them do NOT at some point ask you to up your membership status or make a donation by the end. I myself was invited to these and initially not knowing they were really fundraisers went because I wanted to meet people and learn more. Boy was I wrong! When I mentioned this to my registrar he explained "That was a mistake, you should not have been invited." What?!

Note: I am not against donating to this or any church per se, however, it is one thing for a person to donate out of a sense of wanting to help and support their community from an internal drive and passion, while it's quite another thing to be pressured for more money at every turn with ads, while entering and exiting an org, and even through the mail and phone, until you finally donate just to get these people off your back! Yes, I get that it's a new religion and "needs to build" unlike many other established religions, but with reportedly over 1 Billion - yes it starts with a B - in assets, I am pretty sure that the Church of Scientology isn't hurting too bad anymore. And they could in fact lower their rates on all their items and services which would actually bring in more public to help - or at least pay their staff and the Sea Org members a decent living wage but intentionally choosing not to as helping staff, SO and public is not the real intention of the current management.

Furthermore, if the original lifetime HASI rate was really $30 in 1954, then if adjusted for inflation then this should be around $260 in 2014 not $5,000 as that is almost a 2,000% markup!! While $30 may not make sense anymore, the annual $500 rate should more closely reflect a lifetime rate to protect against inflation for many, many years down the road. But again, like everything in the current church management it is far over priced, not meant to help and one sees little in exchange for this, other than a certificate and a request to up your membership to the next level.


And the "savings" are almost nonexistent - both in terms of the monetary value and salvation of others. (See under "cons" below in terms of the myth of saving 10% on items once taxes are applied).

As for IAS funds actually helping people, if one buys into the PR propaganda fed church members in the videos then one also believes that it actually makes a difference in the world somewhere. I have friends who work for the various non-profits partnered with the Church of Scientology, and they make very little money, work extremely long hours, and have told me that they feel more overwhelmed than ever! Yet I haven't seen any media articles that are outside of the church stating that the IAS, Church of Scientology or their related groups have made any difference or help, when it should in fact be turning the tide based on the promotional materials. (Though of course "everybody knows" that the media is suppressive that's the "real reason"). Let's not forget that these videos are often used to stir people up against a multitude of enemies - psychs, news media and other groups that are perceived as enemies but who in reality probably don't think much about the Church of Scientology other than as a joke or as a nuisance. So all of this adds a sense of urgency in the events to donate but also is very misleading (and if you have done the False Purposes Rundown, then you know that this is an old, but extremely effective tactic done by true Suppressive People who confuse, obfuscate and mislead a being with overwhelm and then give false stable datums for them to act on - if you agree to latch onto them of course. This to me is all the more evidence that the IAS and David Miscavige are suppressive or at least corrupted by their very nature).

There is some hope - If you made the mistake of recently donating and are still within your 6 month "trial membership" (which is odd as one is a member of Scientology by virtue of declaration, practice, study and investigation of materials rather than by a monetary basis let alone being a "trial member") then you can cancel now and get what you gave back. Just keep calling and writing in explaining that you are due a refund due to being a "trial member" and unhappy with the service and keep records of all communication.

Then keep the money and use it for far less expensive services in the indie field, or at the very least invest in yourself and take care of your health, pay off your debts and do what matters to you most in your life.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Can save up to a 10% discount on materials and services... so long as you buy over $500 of materials, courses and auditing services per calendar year to make it worth your while if annual or over $5000 if on the lifetime.
Most states charge sales tax so the savings is almost negligible. For example, in Los Angeles, California it is 9% combined with local and sales tax so one really only saves 1.9% after taxes are charged since it works like this: item - 10% discount rate + sales and local tax on discounted rate = final cost.

In fact, some other states and localities charge over 10% combined so any savings are negative with this in mind, and so a person actually does better "paying in full" without these "discounts". Do your math!


Also, there is ZERO accountability when you ask for a breakdown of how the money is spent/allocated from the IAS offices which is very suspect. Not to mention they usually do not return emails, letters and calls for quite some time which is odd considering if one is paying as a member they should receive a good membership service experience.

Overall it is a waste of your money. If you want to donate to help others, there are a number of other more worthy causes out there that could use your funds and perhaps more importantly your time. If you want to do it for the tax reasons, well aside from dramatizing the public's perception that it was only created as a church by Hubbard to avoid paying taxes, you also have a lot of other options as well for tax purposes and likely with more prestige.
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I was a "Founding Member" of the International Association of Scientologists because I signed up back in the day it was started. I really didn't ever give it much thought over the years, nor did my husband and I increase our "status" in the activity through donations.

Imagine my surprise when, shortly after my husband's memorial service in 2004, I was contacted by an IAS registrar who told me I should take out a loan on the equity of our home to increase my status in the IAS. The funds were needed because "COB has a really big situation." I said "no."

The introduction to this category about IAS Donations talks of a “special briefing.” My “special briefing” was the Tom Cruise IAS video. Fortunately I had already seen it so I didn’t have to go into the local IAS Office. I was asked by this registrar, “Don’t you want to be like Tom Cruise?” I said, “No, not really.”

There are no rating numbers low enough provided in this review form; they would definitely end up in the minus range. I've had to settle for the number 1 in each case but minus 30 or so would have better suited.

To this day I cannot reconcile an overly (overtly) zealous IAS registrar (and activity) who wanted money after the death of LRH's doctor, my husband of thirty years, with the beliefs of my religious preference.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by TheWidowDenk November 12, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (21)

Be Very Wary and Just Say “No”

I was a "Founding Member" of the International Association of Scientologists because I signed up back in the day it was started. I really didn't ever give it much thought over the years, nor did my husband and I increase our "status" in the activity through donations.

Imagine my surprise when, shortly after my husband's memorial service in 2004, I was contacted by an IAS registrar who told me I should take out a loan on the equity of our home to increase my status in the IAS. The funds were needed because "COB has a really big situation." I said "no."

The introduction to this category about IAS Donations talks of a “special briefing.” My “special briefing” was the Tom Cruise IAS video. Fortunately I had already seen it so I didn’t have to go into the local IAS Office. I was asked by this registrar, “Don’t you want to be like Tom Cruise?” I said, “No, not really.”

There are no rating numbers low enough provided in this review form; they would definitely end up in the minus range. I've had to settle for the number 1 in each case but minus 30 or so would have better suited.

To this day I cannot reconcile an overly (overtly) zealous IAS registrar (and activity) who wanted money after the death of LRH's doctor, my husband of thirty years, with the beliefs of my religious preference.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)
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I was a Patron of the IAS. Thought it would help. What a great mistake!
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Reviewed by ul2106 November 12, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)

Where is all the money gone?

I was a Patron of the IAS. Thought it would help. What a great mistake!

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

I can not find any
Most of the IAS Registars gave me a bad feeling when I denied a further donation. Working with invalidation is a standard procedure.
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The IAS is a total ripoff project. There is already ample documentation that most of the money collected does not go to the programs being promoted but is instead going into David Miscavige's slush fund (now reported to be somewhere between 1 and 10 billion dollars). My own experiences with the promoters of this program could make a small horror film. Back in the early 90s I was already a "donor" to the tune of $20,000 when I paid a visit to Flag in Clearwater. I was in my motel room one night when 3 registrars showed up at my door demanding another $20,000 from me THAT NIGHT. Despite my protestations (I didn't have the money and was not going to borrow it) they would not back down. One of them in fact descended into a vicious tirade, screaming insults and obscenities. Like a good little cultie I gave them a check. To this day, not one cent of the $50,000 total I gave to the IAS has ever been refunded.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Maurice November 12, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (11)


The IAS is a total ripoff project. There is already ample documentation that most of the money collected does not go to the programs being promoted but is instead going into David Miscavige's slush fund (now reported to be somewhere between 1 and 10 billion dollars). My own experiences with the promoters of this program could make a small horror film. Back in the early 90s I was already a "donor" to the tune of $20,000 when I paid a visit to Flag in Clearwater. I was in my motel room one night when 3 registrars showed up at my door demanding another $20,000 from me THAT NIGHT. Despite my protestations (I didn't have the money and was not going to borrow it) they would not back down. One of them in fact descended into a vicious tirade, screaming insults and obscenities. Like a good little cultie I gave them a check. To this day, not one cent of the $50,000 total I gave to the IAS has ever been refunded.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)
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For all the pros and cons, the fact is the IAS is supposedly a membership organisation. meaning the members own it. Well, as a Founding Member, I would like to see a copy of the audited accounts, which is minimally a very basic right. I have asked yet have received nought. And for that alone, the IAS cannot possibly be an organisation to be supported.
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Reviewed by Martin Padfield November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (3)

IAS Accounts - please!

For all the pros and cons, the fact is the IAS is supposedly a membership organisation. meaning the members own it. Well, as a Founding Member, I would like to see a copy of the audited accounts, which is minimally a very basic right. I have asked yet have received nought. And for that alone, the IAS cannot possibly be an organisation to be supported.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

If I am being completely impartial, I might argue the case for the IAS during the Christoferson case and subsequent "Battle of Portland 1985". The argument would run something like "without the IAS we wouldn't have won the case and Scientology would have been sued out of existence". And, no doubt about it, those who were there at Portland that year had a rip-roaring month full of great concerts, rousing speeches, and camrardarie - and made some great friends. The further argument would go that without the IAS war chest there wouldn't have been the finances to fight the good fight.
However, couldn't this event have taken place anyway? Was the IAS REALLY necessary even for this? The Call To Arms was made by Heber Jentzsch as President of the Church - and his word was good enough for the thousands who flew from around the world to show up. The ongoing justification for the IAS is that the war chest is needed for this or that campaign or legal defence or.... Is it? I was told many times pre-1993 that once the IRS reognised the Church as a bona fide religion that the IAS would become redundant. Instead the demands for money for long suffering parishioners is ratcheted up more and more - to the pint where many have provably gone bankrupt, lost everything they owned, and in some cases become suicidal. Right now the credible sources say there is in excess of $1billion in the war chest. ONE BILLION. That would fund an awful lot of campaigns and stave off quite a few legal challenges. Yet Scientology campaigns, such as they have been, have clearly not resulted in a boom in services being taken, and the PR as I write - November 2012 - is worse than at any time in its history. So clearly it isn't working.
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I have been invalidated and brow beat and crushed many times by the IAS. Where is the transparency? Where is the paper tail to prove what the money is spent on? What we have been told is not true. It doesn't put books in libraries. It doesn't save the planet from some great SP and impending doom. It feathers David Miscavages palaces and tricked out RV's and motorcycles and buys expensive presents for him to give to Tom Cruise. All at the expense of SO members working without sleep for $7 a day or less. And now the OT VII's are told they cannot continue on the level to spiritual enlightenment and freedom unless they are a Patron of the IAS or higher. What is Patron now, a $50,000 donation?
Overall rating 
Reviewed by constant vigilance November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

IAS is a Shakedown

I have been invalidated and brow beat and crushed many times by the IAS. Where is the transparency? Where is the paper tail to prove what the money is spent on? What we have been told is not true. It doesn't put books in libraries. It doesn't save the planet from some great SP and impending doom. It feathers David Miscavages palaces and tricked out RV's and motorcycles and buys expensive presents for him to give to Tom Cruise. All at the expense of SO members working without sleep for $7 a day or less. And now the OT VII's are told they cannot continue on the level to spiritual enlightenment and freedom unless they are a Patron of the IAS or higher. What is Patron now, a $50,000 donation?

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Since the IAS money accummulated was never put to use for the things we were told it was there for, I see nothing good about the IAS program.
The IAS is the long arm of David Miscavage fleecing his flock. And what does that money buy? It buys Private Eyes to tail his enemies, real or imagined. It buys the most cut-throat lawyers who protect David Miscavae's ass from all his illegal and horrendous overts and human trafficing. But the main Con for IAS that I see is I look around and every Scn I know is broker than broke and has serious financial pressure becasue of all the money for the IAS that was squeezed from them.
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