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David Miscavige Programs
November 04, 2012    
GAT was supposed to bring auditor training to a whole new level of perfection. What David Miscavige succeeded in doing was shutting down the making of auditors to a trickle. The worst aspects of GAT were 1) its implementation which acted as a blanket invalidation of all auditors worldwide, 2) the new Student Hat Course, which was put in strict chronological sequence that put the Study Tapes before the HCOBs on Study Tech and thereby lengthened the course unnecessarily to fit Shelly Miscavige's ideological bent, 3) the Pro Metering Course, which was riddled with arbitrariness such as EM 22 and 25, which are utterly unneeded by an auditor trainee on the Academy Levels and lengthened the training runway, sometimes by years. In my experience, once a person got onto the Academy Levels, the rest of it went fairly quickly, but DM put so many barriers in front of Level 0 that the flow of newly made auditors has nearly dried up. Since I had MUCH to do with assembling GAT, I am making up the damage by assembling auditor training checksheets based on the RTRC 1987 checksheets which were proven to make auditors in a decent amount of time. No Pro Metering Course. No five times through the meter drills. No arbitraries on Pro TRs or Upper Indoc TRs. No suppressive implementation programs. And these Independent checksheets make auditors who can and will audit. As I said, after 16 years, the stats are in and GAT is a failure any way you look at it, despite being based on exact LRH auditors. David Miscavige has the reverse Midas Touch. Everything he touches turns to crap.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by scientology2.0 November 11, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

After 16 years, the stats are in . . .

GAT was supposed to bring auditor training to a whole new level of perfection. What David Miscavige succeeded in doing was shutting down the making of auditors to a trickle. The worst aspects of GAT were 1) its implementation which acted as a blanket invalidation of all auditors worldwide, 2) the new Student Hat Course, which was put in strict chronological sequence that put the Study Tapes before the HCOBs on Study Tech and thereby lengthened the course unnecessarily to fit Shelly Miscavige's ideological bent, 3) the Pro Metering Course, which was riddled with arbitrariness such as EM 22 and 25, which are utterly unneeded by an auditor trainee on the Academy Levels and lengthened the training runway, sometimes by years. In my experience, once a person got onto the Academy Levels, the rest of it went fairly quickly, but DM put so many barriers in front of Level 0 that the flow of newly made auditors has nearly dried up. Since I had MUCH to do with assembling GAT, I am making up the damage by assembling auditor training checksheets based on the RTRC 1987 checksheets which were proven to make auditors in a decent amount of time. No Pro Metering Course. No five times through the meter drills. No arbitraries on Pro TRs or Upper Indoc TRs. No suppressive implementation programs. And these Independent checksheets make auditors who can and will audit. As I said, after 16 years, the stats are in and GAT is a failure any way you look at it, despite being based on exact LRH auditors. David Miscavige has the reverse Midas Touch. Everything he touches turns to crap.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Many drills were good. LRH said in 1978 that an Academy auditor was a technician who could do specific actions well. The drills train in Duplication, which is the first level of auditor training. One must duplicate the materials and actions of auditing. Then on the SHSBC, one gains an Understanding of why one takes an action. Then on Class VIII, one can learn Judgment and thus attain perfection. DM crushed everything down to the first level, Duplication and wrecked auditor training.
See "pros."
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