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David Miscavige Programs Super Power Project

Super Power Project Hot

November 04, 2012    
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Shortly after forming the IAS, David Miscavige launched the Super Power Project — a group of traveling registrars with the mission to generate straight cash donations for the building of facilities to deliver Super Power.

However, (1) no facilities are actually needed beyond a normal auditing environment, and (2) Super Power was intended by LRH only for staff as a booster for those who haven't had much auditing to help them "take off" at the beginning of their Scientology careers. A "booster" does not replace the Bridge, in the way that a booster to help an airplane take off does not replace the motor.

A "booster" could be put on a plane during take off to help it get off the ground. Take off speed is still only 150 miles an hour. But once it gets to altitude those engines will push it up over 600 miles an hour. it's the same way with Super Power and the L Rundowns. I only mention this to put the service in perspective since it's been blown out of proportion for financial reasons since 1985.

The fact that Super Power has been in the works since LRH first developed it in 1978 (after learning that staff in general had been badly abused during a program to locate the few with truly destructive purposes who were out to sabotage the organization), proves that Miscavige's primary intention was never to release Super Power, but to generate huge sums of tax-free income that he can spend any way he pleases. That's why it takes so long to "release" it. He never cared about that in the first place.

Learning from the success created with another Miscavige fraudulent and off-Policy program, the IAS, Miscavige ordered the creation of "statuses" for contributors to the Super Power Project. Many of the original contributors are now dead it's been so long! They died before being able to even do the service they helped pay for. One of those statuses is the "Cornerstone Membership" which gives a Scientologist access to a lounge that was designed into the new Super Power building on order of David Miscavige by the Int Landlord Office.

The entire program is fraudulent and an utter perversion of LRH's original intention for Super Power.

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