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Top Management orgs IAS Administrations

IAS Administrations Hot

October 15, 2012    
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The IASA or International Association of Scientologists Administrations is the organization responsible for coercing large amounts of money directly from Scientology parishioners under threats and duress. These donations are non-refundable and are not used as advertised. Scientologists are told that money is needed to handle terrible situations around the world and briefings are put together for this purpose. However, the money is not in fact spent on that. The money is not spent at all. Since donations began in the 1980s, David Miscavige has amassed an estimated $1.5 billion in this way. Only interest on the principal is ever spent. David Miscavige is the sole person directing the spending of those sums on a host of activities which majorly include surveillance and harassment of whistle blowers by lawyers, ex-law enforcement and private investigators for hire. For example, since he paid $30,000 to $40,000 per month to two investigators following Pat Broeker wherever he goes for decades. Occasionally Miscavige will spend some of the interest generated from the principal on a brief "marketing" campaign — running some TV ads to convince Scientologists that a "big campaign" is underway. The object of the marketing campaign is actually to convince Scientologists that their money is being well spent when it's not being spent at all. The home of the IASA is aboard the Motor Vessel Freewinds to make it more difficult for national governments to interfere.

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