The Religious Technology Center is David Miscavige's own organization at the top of Scientology which actually manages everything that happens in Scientology including the day-to-day running of many Churches, despite what their corporate charter says. The pretended purpose of RTC is to "ensure the purity of the Scientology religion" but in actual fact RTC only exists to get David Miscavige's orders complied with. He needs help with this because most of his orders are at odds with actual Church policy as laid down by L. Ron Hubbard.
There was an original intention by LRH that RTC have an "inspector general" function for the Church and for the religion. This was twisted by David Miscavige into making RTC an organization that collects ethics reports from parishioners, orgs and management, and uses investigators and interrogations to harass, intimidate and control people. The head of RTC, Chairman of the Board (COB) is a fictitious position, without a board to oversee, that micro-manages Scientology organizations at all levels and even the lives of public Scientologists such as Tom Cruise. Every word David Miscavige utters during the day is recorded and converted into transcripts (minus expletives) by his staff. Vast libraries of his orders in meetings are transcribed and then enforced — regardless of whether they align to LRH policy or not.
RTC has become, in this day, a Gestapo-like organization with in the Church, cruel and feared by management, org staff and public Scientologists.
There is an internal policy in RTC, called the RTC Code of Conduct, wherein Miscavige dictates that RTC staff be "almost cold" in all dealings with others. The actual code states that RTC's image is hard like "cold chrome steel." And staff are to act "almost cold" in all communications.
RTC has one other purpose these days, which is to cater for and service David Miscavige, and includes personal stewards to tailor and launder his clothes, clean his room, provide his food, walk his dogs, as well as a large office of staff who are to police and force people to comply with his orders.