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Top Management orgs Commodores Messenger Org International (CMOI)

Commodores Messenger Org International (CMOI) Hot

October 15, 2012    
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For many years the Commanding Officer (CO) CMO Int was Mark Yager. However he was declared a suppressive person along with Ray Mithoff and others in 2000. In 2004 the CMO Int building (which is made up of 3 or 4 temporary office trailers) was turned into an actual prison with bars of the windows and guards outside 24/7. RTC was also mostly disbanded leaving only staff of COB's Office. The remaining RTC staff were assigned into the bedlam of CMO Int. Virtually no one there is on post. All are "working on amends" and have been doing so for about 12 years.

In the past, CMO Int was comprised of many individual units each with their own identity.

  • The "Watchdog Committee" (WDC), was supposed to be the highest management organization within the Church. They were disbanded one-by-one by David Miscavige. Amy Scobee, was a WDC member for many years. Today she is an outspoken whistle blower for the Church of Scientology and has written numerous articles exposing DM crimes.
  • The "Senior Executive Strata" once stood below the WDC and was composed of the "International Management Executive Committee" (IMEC) and its staff. IMEC was supposed to be the top strategic management unit within the Church responsible for planning, evaluation and long-term management of Scientology organizations worldwide. IMEC was led by the "Executive Director International" Guillaume Lesevre who was declared a suppressive person by David Miscavige in 2000. He has since been "working on his amends." Int Management PR (IMPR) writes speeches for David Miscavige's speeches. David Miscavige's brother, Ronnie, was Marketing Exec Int for many years. He left in 2000.
  • The Finance Office once included the Finance Police who ripped off huge sums of money from the mission network. They include the Int Landlord Office responsible for David Miscavige's "Ideal Org" program. Their "Finance network" serves to vacuum money out of organizations and spent according to the whim of David Miscavige.
  • Here too is the Office of the Senior C/S Int (Ray Mithoff) also declared a suppressive person by David Miscavige in 2000 and working on his amends today. Part of the office is LRH Technical Research and Compilations that was established in 1978 by LRH personally and overseen closely by him for years. They executed his directions to compile technical releases and courses and did so faithfully for many years. With the advent of the Golden Age of Tech in 1996 things began to go off the rails under David Miscavige's direction and such suppressive bulletins were issued from the unit, for example, the redefinition of an F/N as requiring three swings of the needle to be considered valid.
  • LRH Personal Public Relations Office International (LRH PPRO) is responsible for the public relations of LRH (along with ASI). They work to recover LRH artifacts, and various activities that are used as part of DM's propaganda machine.

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From 1995 through to 1999 I worked in RTC, and for many years was responsible for investigation to find corruption and subversion as per the Inspector General Network functions. I was ordered by Miscavige to investigate Marc Yager (then CO CMO Int), Ray Mithoff (Snr C/S Int) and Guillaume Leserve (ED International) for more than 5 months in 1995 to find their crimes. Despite the most thorough investigation of each individual, their activities, finances, products, berthing, etc. I found nothing. Regardless of this, I watched a relentless campaign by Miscavige to destroy these executives and control them.

They were all declared suppressives and removed at various points - and CMO International staff were subject to lengthy "conference meetings" that would go for days, with Miscavige issuing bizarre and un-doable orders and forcing all staff off post to handle specific orders. Examples include: Int Base Admin Scale (all executives forced off post, with no sleep and abused (physically and mentally); the model 339R program (all executives kept off post to rewrite a 339R program on how to floss your teeth - for weeks); the New Era of Management Issues (literally months of harassment, with every issue rewritten over and over and finally DM writing them himself).

By 2000, before the CMO Int staff were locked in the Hole, they were already gaunt, haunted, hounded and introverted. The internal staff were perpetually trying to solve executive postings, as DM kept musical chairing people off post and would not approve new postings or replacements. Ridicule, physical violence and degradation was the norm. I was ordered to a post in CMO Int in 2000 and refused, based solely on what I had witnessed over the previous 6 years. This later was a contributing factor to my offload from the Int base - I was not controllable enough.

In 2002 the CMO Int staff were not permitted to go home at night, nor permitted to go to meals in the dining room (order of Miscavige) and the Galley staff would send up food on trolleys. From there it was a simple act to put the bars on the windows, the locks on the doors, and the Hole was born.

I still fear for those there.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Lana M. November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

The death of CMO International

From 1995 through to 1999 I worked in RTC, and for many years was responsible for investigation to find corruption and subversion as per the Inspector General Network functions. I was ordered by Miscavige to investigate Marc Yager (then CO CMO Int), Ray Mithoff (Snr C/S Int) and Guillaume Leserve (ED International) for more than 5 months in 1995 to find their crimes. Despite the most thorough investigation of each individual, their activities, finances, products, berthing, etc. I found nothing. Regardless of this, I watched a relentless campaign by Miscavige to destroy these executives and control them.

They were all declared suppressives and removed at various points - and CMO International staff were subject to lengthy "conference meetings" that would go for days, with Miscavige issuing bizarre and un-doable orders and forcing all staff off post to handle specific orders. Examples include: Int Base Admin Scale (all executives forced off post, with no sleep and abused (physically and mentally); the model 339R program (all executives kept off post to rewrite a 339R program on how to floss your teeth - for weeks); the New Era of Management Issues (literally months of harassment, with every issue rewritten over and over and finally DM writing them himself).

By 2000, before the CMO Int staff were locked in the Hole, they were already gaunt, haunted, hounded and introverted. The internal staff were perpetually trying to solve executive postings, as DM kept musical chairing people off post and would not approve new postings or replacements. Ridicule, physical violence and degradation was the norm. I was ordered to a post in CMO Int in 2000 and refused, based solely on what I had witnessed over the previous 6 years. This later was a contributing factor to my offload from the Int base - I was not controllable enough.

In 2002 the CMO Int staff were not permitted to go home at night, nor permitted to go to meals in the dining room (order of Miscavige) and the Galley staff would send up food on trolleys. From there it was a simple act to put the bars on the windows, the locks on the doors, and the Hole was born.

I still fear for those there.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

CMO Int has been the target of Miscavige since at least the mid 90's and a promotion or demotion to that org equates to prisoner.

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