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Scientology Books Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health Hot
October 13, 2012    
3.7 (16)
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Book Details

L. Ron Hubbard

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (May 1950):  This is Ron's first major statement of the theory and practice of Dianetics, published on May 9, 1950. In it he isolates the dynamic principle of existence (Survive!) and his discovery of the reactive mind and its engrams. He lays out the reactive mind's anatomy and content, the mechanisms by which it can affect the individual negatively and then lays out the practice of how to relieve its effects and, ultimately, rid oneself of it through auditing. The book includes the first version of the Tone Scale, describes the State of Clear and lays out the conduct and disciplines of the auditor. The first part of the book postulates a goal for humankind, Survive! and its four division that he termed the Dynamics. The second part details the mind and its two divisions, the analytical mind and the reactive mind, targeting the latter as the single source of psychosomatic illness and aberration in the form of engrams. In Book Three, he describes therapeutic techniques to rid the reactive mind of engrams and goes into detail about the auditor and his role as the therapist and the auditor's code of conduct.

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4.1  (16)
4.4  (16)
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2.4  (16)
4.1  (16)
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I am a new member of the Church of Scientology, despite having seen all of the negative documentaries and knowing about the existence of the Freezone. I have my own reasons for going down the Corporate route, and I'm very happy with my org and my progress so far. If that ever changes, I'll bail. But until then, here I am...

I'm on my first ever course, the Dianetics: TMSMH Book and Lectures course. I was already familiar with Dianetics, having first encountered a tattered old copy of "The Original Thesis" in a charity shop some years ago.

For all the adulation that this book recieves from Scientologists - Corporate and Indy alike - it's actually a bit of a mess. Hubbard's prose is grandiose and rambling. He has a habit of making tangents, or of using three paragraphs where a sentence or two would suffice. There is good stuff here, don't get me wrong. But the real "crunch" of this book is buried under the weight of pages and pages of "fluff".

A far superiour source is the now out-of-print "Dianetics Today", available from Amazon for approximately £25. By far the best introduction to the subject is "Dianetics: The Original Thesis". The former work, while comprehensive, is much better edited. It "flows" in a much more logical fashion, and despite its length is a far more concise work overall. The latter book served as LRH's introduction to Dianetics for the medical community. Entirely absent is the sententious bombast that characterises "Dianetics: TMSMH". It's lean, mean and a delight to read.

In comparison to the two books mentioned above, "Book One" feels like wading through treacle. Indeed, I'm lucky to be reading it as part of a structured and intensive course, because that forces me to pay extremely close attention to every paragraph and pick up valuable data that I would otherwise miss due to clumsy presentation. Studying this work is a nescessary step in my gradient to becoming a competent and certified auditor, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Jables September 09, 2015
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

Better Materials Exist

I am a new member of the Church of Scientology, despite having seen all of the negative documentaries and knowing about the existence of the Freezone. I have my own reasons for going down the Corporate route, and I'm very happy with my org and my progress so far. If that ever changes, I'll bail. But until then, here I am...

I'm on my first ever course, the Dianetics: TMSMH Book and Lectures course. I was already familiar with Dianetics, having first encountered a tattered old copy of "The Original Thesis" in a charity shop some years ago.

For all the adulation that this book recieves from Scientologists - Corporate and Indy alike - it's actually a bit of a mess. Hubbard's prose is grandiose and rambling. He has a habit of making tangents, or of using three paragraphs where a sentence or two would suffice. There is good stuff here, don't get me wrong. But the real "crunch" of this book is buried under the weight of pages and pages of "fluff".

A far superiour source is the now out-of-print "Dianetics Today", available from Amazon for approximately £25. By far the best introduction to the subject is "Dianetics: The Original Thesis". The former work, while comprehensive, is much better edited. It "flows" in a much more logical fashion, and despite its length is a far more concise work overall. The latter book served as LRH's introduction to Dianetics for the medical community. Entirely absent is the sententious bombast that characterises "Dianetics: TMSMH". It's lean, mean and a delight to read.

In comparison to the two books mentioned above, "Book One" feels like wading through treacle. Indeed, I'm lucky to be reading it as part of a structured and intensive course, because that forces me to pay extremely close attention to every paragraph and pick up valuable data that I would otherwise miss due to clumsy presentation. Studying this work is a nescessary step in my gradient to becoming a competent and certified auditor, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

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Church of Scientology member

Pros and Cons (optional)

> Introduced radical new psychotherapeutic concepts to the mass market, which retain their value and are criminally underappreciated by the medical community to this day.
> A real milestone in the history of Dianetics/Scientology.
> The modern "larger than life" sized paperback is beautifully presented, with everything down to the choice of font seemingly being designed to maximise durability and reading clarity.
> Can be purchased as part of a package containing the "Lectures and Demonstrations" CDs and the "How to Use Dianetics" film - wonderful resources whose value arguably exceeds that of this book.
> Elephantine prose style and pacing. LRH badly needed a better editing staff.
> Valuable data is obscured by grandstanding and lack of narrative clarity.
> Far too expensive compared to alternative resources (Lectures, other LRH books, a film) that do the same job better.
> Must be studied in a courseroom environment to really pick up the data.

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As above
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by atkinsjennifer82 April 15, 2015
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

The Dianetics technique literally saved my life

As above

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Church of Scientology member

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The Dianetics technique literally saved my life. I don't know how I lived without it before. Please try it.

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Love it.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by carlneumann April 12, 2015
Top 500 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

No More Chronic Pain In My Back!!!

Love it.

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Church of Scientology member

Pros and Cons (optional)

After reading the book and receiving Dianetics auditing the chronic pain from when I broke my back, thirteen years prior, has vanished. To say this was a relief is a gross underestimation. Highly, reccomended!
Not really a con, but, best to study it at a Scientology Chruch or Mission so the supervisors can help you as you go.

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It was the first decent explanation of the human mind I had read... I studied psychology in high school and at a couple Universities, so I knew all the basic theories regarding man's mind. But, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health was the best and made the most sense to me.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Robert Almblad November 17, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (19)

A lot of information

It was the first decent explanation of the human mind I had read... I studied psychology in high school and at a couple Universities, so I knew all the basic theories regarding man's mind. But, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health was the best and made the most sense to me.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

It was the first decent explanation of the human mind...
It's long book.

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Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by ul2106 November 12, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)

My first book


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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

I bought this book in 1988 while searching for some help for a family member. Read it in 2 days and made the decision to become a book one auditor. With this I definitely could save a life!
sometimes not ease to understand. The gradient for a new reader could be a little bit too high.

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Dianetics was the first LRH book that I read.

In 1988, I saw a book display of Dianetics in an airport gift store and was intrigued by the cover and what it promised. I purchased a copy and sifted through the pages of text. Due to my own vocabulary deficits (at the time), I found some of its content difficult to fully comprehend.

However, I found enough of the basic concepts in Dianetics made sense to make me want to find out more. It contained key answers to questions that I had about myself and others. It seemed to provide solutions to problems that man has been plaque with for eons. Yet, after reading it I was at a loss with how to apply. I later found a Mission in Ft. Lauderdale that offered Dianetics processing described in the book and continued on my journey learning the philosophy developed by L Ron Hubbard for the next 24 years. Once I improved my vocabulary and learned how to study and re-read Dianetics, I have found the information in the book to be priceless.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Angela November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

Explains the Mysteries of Why People React the Way They Do!

Dianetics was the first LRH book that I read.

In 1988, I saw a book display of Dianetics in an airport gift store and was intrigued by the cover and what it promised. I purchased a copy and sifted through the pages of text. Due to my own vocabulary deficits (at the time), I found some of its content difficult to fully comprehend.

However, I found enough of the basic concepts in Dianetics made sense to make me want to find out more. It contained key answers to questions that I had about myself and others. It seemed to provide solutions to problems that man has been plaque with for eons. Yet, after reading it I was at a loss with how to apply. I later found a Mission in Ft. Lauderdale that offered Dianetics processing described in the book and continued on my journey learning the philosophy developed by L Ron Hubbard for the next 24 years. Once I improved my vocabulary and learned how to study and re-read Dianetics, I have found the information in the book to be priceless.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

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I first read Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health on a train going to work ( I read it everyday on that train for about 3 weeks.) I eventually finished it and realized it
was important but I didn't do anything further.

Some years later I did 2 courses that went over this book in great detail. I applied the techniques in this book to help people handle the things that they wanted to handle in
their life.

I would not necessarily recommend this as a first book, unless you have read more beginning books on the subject, like Self Analysis (you can use Self Analysis on yourself and see how it works)it would be better to read a book like Self Analysis first.
That said, I am so glad I read Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health, even though I didn't really understand it well the first time.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by ricky November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (10)

Dianetics Modern Science of Mental Health

I first read Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health on a train going to work ( I read it everyday on that train for about 3 weeks.) I eventually finished it and realized it
was important but I didn't do anything further.

Some years later I did 2 courses that went over this book in great detail. I applied the techniques in this book to help people handle the things that they wanted to handle in
their life.

I would not necessarily recommend this as a first book, unless you have read more beginning books on the subject, like Self Analysis (you can use Self Analysis on yourself and see how it works)it would be better to read a book like Self Analysis first.
That said, I am so glad I read Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health, even though I didn't really understand it well the first time.

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Independent Scientologist

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While the book is a textbook for anyone who wants to practice Dianetics and Scientology, and once waded through and understood, contains a mine of information, I consider it too heavy for most beginners to the subject, or for anyone just wanting a basic overview of the subject. I think it was incorrectly marketed as an entry level book, and should rather have been marketed to more advanced students of Dianetics and Scientology.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by eagle November 11, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (23)

A tome of information

While the book is a textbook for anyone who wants to practice Dianetics and Scientology, and once waded through and understood, contains a mine of information, I consider it too heavy for most beginners to the subject, or for anyone just wanting a basic overview of the subject. I think it was incorrectly marketed as an entry level book, and should rather have been marketed to more advanced students of Dianetics and Scientology.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

This book is really the textbook of Dianetics, and thus contains a mountain of information
It is a TOME! It is also not easy for many people new to the subject to understand, it is too complex, and I would not recommend it as a the first thing to read.

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When I went to a bookstore looking for a self-help book, Dianetics stuck out to me because of the television commercials that had been running on it at the time.I figured it would be a book on the power of positive thinking or some such approach to improving conditions in my life.By the time I got half way through the book it had blown me away! I had always enjoyed studying hard sciences and enjoyed reading science fiction novels so for me this book was a pleasant read.
Even so, I still had to read it twice to feel comfortable with the material presented in it.I have probably read this book 5 times and each time I read it I get more understanding out of it.

My advice to people who have a hard time reading or finishing it would be to pick up a lighter book on the subject such as "Dianetics: An Evolution of a Science" and/or "Self Analysis" and then tackle it again.

For people who think some of the info in the book is erroneous or false must understand that the science at the time it was printed was still in its infancy and advanced significantly as further research was done on the subject. However, the techniques put forth in the book are just as workable and valid as at the time the book was published.Some of the opinions of the author are just that and can be accepted or rejected as one may choose.

But if you really want to understand why man does the things he does I can think of no better book to read.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Looking4Myself November 10, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (3)

Nothing Like I expected

When I went to a bookstore looking for a self-help book, Dianetics stuck out to me because of the television commercials that had been running on it at the time.I figured it would be a book on the power of positive thinking or some such approach to improving conditions in my life.By the time I got half way through the book it had blown me away! I had always enjoyed studying hard sciences and enjoyed reading science fiction novels so for me this book was a pleasant read.
Even so, I still had to read it twice to feel comfortable with the material presented in it.I have probably read this book 5 times and each time I read it I get more understanding out of it.

My advice to people who have a hard time reading or finishing it would be to pick up a lighter book on the subject such as "Dianetics: An Evolution of a Science" and/or "Self Analysis" and then tackle it again.

For people who think some of the info in the book is erroneous or false must understand that the science at the time it was printed was still in its infancy and advanced significantly as further research was done on the subject. However, the techniques put forth in the book are just as workable and valid as at the time the book was published.Some of the opinions of the author are just that and can be accepted or rejected as one may choose.

But if you really want to understand why man does the things he does I can think of no better book to read.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Not only does this book explain what is wrong with the mind but gives you a solution that anyone can apply and get results with.
A difficult read for most people the first time through.

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I am a bit biased in favor of this book because reading this is what got me into Scientology. This book gives an EXCELLENT understanding of how to help others in a very powerful way. The language and concepts require heavy study. It is not a light read. But if you dedicate yourself to the study of this material, you will see the human mind in a whole new light.

I found this book in my 20's when I was searching for truth. This book blew me away with its technical description of a very practical technology that people could used to help each other. I said to myself, "Oh boy! If this works, I am going to do this!"

So I went in to the local "Church of Scientology" mission in my town and found someone else who had just read the book as well. We got together and applied the material. And wow, it was right on! If you have the patience and desire to know, this book is extremely rewarding.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by 2briancox November 10, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (8)

A very DENSE book with a TON of vital knowledge.

I am a bit biased in favor of this book because reading this is what got me into Scientology. This book gives an EXCELLENT understanding of how to help others in a very powerful way. The language and concepts require heavy study. It is not a light read. But if you dedicate yourself to the study of this material, you will see the human mind in a whole new light.

I found this book in my 20's when I was searching for truth. This book blew me away with its technical description of a very practical technology that people could used to help each other. I said to myself, "Oh boy! If this works, I am going to do this!"

So I went in to the local "Church of Scientology" mission in my town and found someone else who had just read the book as well. We got together and applied the material. And wow, it was right on! If you have the patience and desire to know, this book is extremely rewarding.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Contains the best understanding of the human mind you may ever find.
I understand why people struggle with this material. The concepts and language are very advanced and the book is often hard to read and understand.

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I put it down the first time I tried to read it as it didn't seem to apply to me. I read it after having had auditing and was then able to understand it.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by pmm0724 November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (13)

Not an introductory book

I put it down the first time I tried to read it as it didn't seem to apply to me. I read it after having had auditing and was then able to understand it.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Gives a good understanding of engrams.
Hard to read and requires a very good vocabulary.

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I'm not even sure I have read DMSMH all the way through in one go. For me this book has always been a big dull dud. My biggest beef is that this book was never updated. Some very wild claims are still included to this day (ie. that Clear is an absolute state despite the author writing later that absolutes are unobtainable, or that Clears have perfect recall despite not one Clear ever being able to demonstrate it).

If you are keen to learn more about Dianetics then find a "How To" DVD or just throw yourself into one of the practical courses.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Scientia November 10, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (3)

Insightful, but deeply flawed

I'm not even sure I have read DMSMH all the way through in one go. For me this book has always been a big dull dud. My biggest beef is that this book was never updated. Some very wild claims are still included to this day (ie. that Clear is an absolute state despite the author writing later that absolutes are unobtainable, or that Clears have perfect recall despite not one Clear ever being able to demonstrate it).

If you are keen to learn more about Dianetics then find a "How To" DVD or just throw yourself into one of the practical courses.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Provides a workable therapy for the average joe
Poorly written and hard to read
Contains false and unscientific claims

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While in college, I read Dianetics twice. Once for understanding and once to really get it. I used it on a friend and he remember all six last lifetimes.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by mkmrmny November 09, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (34)

Prior lifetimes revealed

While in college, I read Dianetics twice. Once for understanding and once to really get it. I used it on a friend and he remember all six last lifetimes.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

It really works the minds eys.
Can be really complicated but you don't have to use it that way.

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If you ever had had questions about life, about who you are, about what do you want, then this book is for you.
If you have searched for answers on the way you feel about things, then this book is for you too.
If you ever felt sad, in despair, disappointed or confused, then too, this book is for you.
Read it, it will answer about every questions about you, others and life.
If you want a better life for yourself and those you love, then, read this book.
As far as I am concerned it save my life.
Silvia LL
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Silvia November 09, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

Dianetics, the book that could make your life better.

If you ever had had questions about life, about who you are, about what do you want, then this book is for you.
If you have searched for answers on the way you feel about things, then this book is for you too.
If you ever felt sad, in despair, disappointed or confused, then too, this book is for you.
Read it, it will answer about every questions about you, others and life.
If you want a better life for yourself and those you love, then, read this book.
As far as I am concerned it save my life.
Silvia LL

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Independent Scientologist

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Not sure what to put here ...
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Bob Grant November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

Review by Bob Grant

Not sure what to put here ...

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

It gives an in-depth look into the underlying basics of the subject.

DMSMH is NOT the book to introduce people to the subject; it should be considered a text book for a course on the subject. Why the CofS considered it as a gateway to the subject is beyond me, as I'm sure it blew more people off than it brought on.

When I first read it - and it is NOT easy - I introduced it to others, all of whom were very literate. NONE of them got through it. When I brought people into the CofS and they asked questions about the book, I was shocked when the registrars, all of them, admitted they hadn't gotten through the book yet!

To introduce people to the subject, by far the best books are 'The Evolution of a Science', and, 'The Original Thesis'. These books bring the subject and what it can do to light; are easy and enjoyable to read, and you know what Dianetics can do!

DMSMH should only be used on Dianetics courses.

My opinion

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Released on May 9th, 1950, this is the handbook, still in use, that enables any two relatively strong people to unlock hidden clarity within their own minds. This book has a reputation for being "complicated" and "difficult to understand." Actually, Dianetics is simple — and correspondingly powerful. What is complicated is the average person's prior notions regarding the anatomy of the human mind. These complexities collapse on the simplicities described in the book and the result is momentary confusion. Stay with it, and the confusion will pass, revealing true clarity.

Imagine a young man who never knew his father but suspects his father's brother's uncle's cousin grandson was actually his father but was killed in the war because he was close friends with his mother... etc. And one day while explaining his theories to an elderly neighbor, the old man says, "Actually, I'm your father." The result is going to be an acute state of confusion. That is an example of a complexity collapsing on a simplicity. The young man could stop at that point, but he's on the verge of finally knowing the truth. And likewise, so are you.

Dianetics was humankind's first clear look into the human mind. Dia, through + nous, the mind. If you decide to read the book and start getting confused, relax — it's working. Give it some time and understanding will dawn.

I first read the book in 1981 and tried out the therapy on a friend. It worked EXACTLY like LRH said. I was amazed. I have used it many times since and it always works.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Thoughtful October 22, 2012
Last updated: November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (11)

The therapy it lays out works

Released on May 9th, 1950, this is the handbook, still in use, that enables any two relatively strong people to unlock hidden clarity within their own minds. This book has a reputation for being "complicated" and "difficult to understand." Actually, Dianetics is simple — and correspondingly powerful. What is complicated is the average person's prior notions regarding the anatomy of the human mind. These complexities collapse on the simplicities described in the book and the result is momentary confusion. Stay with it, and the confusion will pass, revealing true clarity.

Imagine a young man who never knew his father but suspects his father's brother's uncle's cousin grandson was actually his father but was killed in the war because he was close friends with his mother... etc. And one day while explaining his theories to an elderly neighbor, the old man says, "Actually, I'm your father." The result is going to be an acute state of confusion. That is an example of a complexity collapsing on a simplicity. The young man could stop at that point, but he's on the verge of finally knowing the truth. And likewise, so are you.

Dianetics was humankind's first clear look into the human mind. Dia, through + nous, the mind. If you decide to read the book and start getting confused, relax — it's working. Give it some time and understanding will dawn.

I first read the book in 1981 and tried out the therapy on a friend. It worked EXACTLY like LRH said. I was amazed. I have used it many times since and it always works.

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Contains a therapy that not only works, it can produce miracles in some cases.
Explains the hidden source of negative self image and gives you something you can do about it.
Can be hard to understand at first for people who are indoctrinated with inaccurate data about the mind or brain.
Contains some obsolete ideas about the origin of aberration being pre-natal or being due to attempted abortions.

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