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Scientology Books E-Meter Training Books

E-Meter Training Books Hot
October 13, 2012    
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Book Details

L. Ron Hubbard

This 4-book set is needed for the training of Scientology auditors (counselors). If you are going to train as an Auditor, you must have these books.

Understanding the E-Meter:  Provides useful illustrated explanations of the principles and mechanics of the E-Meter. Includes photographs of every meter model ever developed.

Introducing the E-Meter: Basic book on E-Meter setup and operation. First book on E-Meter studied in Academy training.

E-Meter Essentials: Explains basics of recognition and interpretation of E-Meter reactions. Vital for correct use of the meter.

The Book of E-Meter Drills: The complete set of all drills developed by L. Ron Hubbard to train someone in proper use of the E-Meter. E-Meter training manual for auditors.

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