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Scientology Books Creation of Human Ability

Creation of Human Ability Hot
October 13, 2012    
3.9 (2)
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Book Details

L. Ron Hubbard

The Creation of Human Ability (July 1954): This book is Ron's codification of Scientology through the first four years of research after the publication of DMSMH. In this relatively short space of time, Ron had advanced from an explanation of how to relieve psychosomatic illness by addressing mental image pictures to the exploration of the thetan (the essential being himself or herself) able to operate exterior to the physical body. In Creation of Human Ability Ron summarizes Scientology and presents its Axioms and Codes.The bulk of the book details two avenues of processing called Route 1 and Route 2. In these two routes one finds processes that exercise the highest postulated states of ability in a being as well as dozens of processes that are still in use on the Scientology Expanded Lower Grades 0 through 4. The theory of how to accomplish thetan exterior OT ability is summarized completely in this text.

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Average user rating from: 2 user(s)

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5.0  (2)
4.0  (2)
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2.5  (2)
4.0  (2)
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I would highly recommend this book as a vital ingredient to moving up the Bridge.
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Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by John Nunez November 13, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (9)

Creation of Human Ability - well named!

I would highly recommend this book as a vital ingredient to moving up the Bridge.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Contains a wealth of processes that produce excellent case gain. Many of these have been incorporated into the expanded grades. The theory to each process is given and the knowledge contained therein is very valuable. Written at a time when the e-meter was not in use, a person could do quite well with just this book and a friend, provided the rules of auditing were followed. Applications of the theory is quite possible out of session, too. It's an excellent book, one of my favorites. Every auditor should have a copy, particularly when running the grades so that the theory can be referred to so as to ensure the process is run correctly.
Overrun is a liability without use of a meter or a skilled auditor who sees the process has achieved its result. Route 1 is likely to produce some confusion to a new person. Route 2 is where the most gains are likely to be had for most cases.

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This is the one book I would want with me on a desert island.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by mkmrmny November 09, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (34)

Spiritual training book

This is the one book I would want with me on a desert island.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Has incredible processes to enable one to be more able as a free spiritual being.

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