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Scientology Books Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics

Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics Hot
October 13, 2012    
4.2 (4)
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Book Details

L. Ron Hubbard

Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics (1970): This is a compilation of scales, codes, creeds, axioms, charts, graphs, and more extracted from 3,000 Scientology lectures and 20,000 pages of LRH's written works. It is primarily a reference work frequently referred to by Scientologists in the course of living. Where a given chart or scale evolved through the years, the book lists each one chronologically so the progression is evident.

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Average user rating from: 4 user(s)

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3.8  (4)
4.3  (4)
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4.3  (4)
4.5  (4)
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As a reference tool, this book is invaluable to access the key concepts of Scientology, including the equations, logics and axioms of Dianetics, and the Q's, prelogics and axioms of Scientology, as well as the factors, dynamics, scales and charts. I have the 2007 version, which has all of the issued versions of each of these, and it is interesting to map the changes over the years. I personally like that feature, although others would prefer to have one definitive version. This book is the "encyclopedia" of the core concepts of Dianetics and Scientology, and thus for anyone interested in the subject, is an essential reference tool
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Easy to understand 
Reviewed by eagle November 12, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (23)

The Reference Book for Dianetics and Scientology

As a reference tool, this book is invaluable to access the key concepts of Scientology, including the equations, logics and axioms of Dianetics, and the Q's, prelogics and axioms of Scientology, as well as the factors, dynamics, scales and charts. I have the 2007 version, which has all of the issued versions of each of these, and it is interesting to map the changes over the years. I personally like that feature, although others would prefer to have one definitive version. This book is the "encyclopedia" of the core concepts of Dianetics and Scientology, and thus for anyone interested in the subject, is an essential reference tool

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It is really useful to have all the core models and scales in one easy reference resource.

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I have used Scientology 0-8, the Book of Basics, for many years. It's an excellent quick reference for scales, creeds and codes. It also has the wondrous Factors, Axioms (Scientology and Dianetics) and Logics. As a student, many times this book has been listed on the check sheet and I've pulled it from the bookcase on numerous occasions to review the information about something I have been pondering. Highly recommended!
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by TheWidowDenk November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (21)

The Book of Basics

I have used Scientology 0-8, the Book of Basics, for many years. It's an excellent quick reference for scales, creeds and codes. It also has the wondrous Factors, Axioms (Scientology and Dianetics) and Logics. As a student, many times this book has been listed on the check sheet and I've pulled it from the bookcase on numerous occasions to review the information about something I have been pondering. Highly recommended!

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I recommend it to all Scientologists. But, not as a starting book for people to understand Scientology.
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Easy to understand 
Reviewed by Patterson November 10, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

Required if you are a Scientologist

I recommend it to all Scientologists. But, not as a starting book for people to understand Scientology.

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Independent Scientologist

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The original version was incredibly useful as a single-stop reference to the key scales and axioms of Scientology and Dianetics. The book is a compilation from other works, a distillation of key data, and it is meant to be used as a reference, and it does so very well. It also contains the essay "Consideration and Mechanics" which well describes the Scientology point of view that life is senior to matter, energy, space, and time.
The 2007 version has been "updated" to include, apparently, every single iteration of every single chart of scale that ever was written. So, there are several versions of the "Havingnesss Scale" for example. There are several versions of the tone scale. What it should have is the definitive Havingness Scale and the definitive tone scale, know-to-mystery scale, etc. Instead, it leaves it up to you to wade through it and figure out which version is the right one. The whole purpose of the book is "one-stop shop" and the latest version makes it very confusing. Nonetheless, at least the scales are referenced, so you could go back to the source materials to see why the scale looked like it did at that time.

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These are the thought structures that define Scientology. Everything else follows from and is only applications of this data.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by yon8008 November 09, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (14)

The Book with the DENSEST Value!

These are the thought structures that define Scientology. Everything else follows from and is only applications of this data.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Strip away everything but the most important data.
Put it in one book.
Organize it to communicate the relative importance of each vital datum.
No Cons.

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