I myself gained a lot by the Basics. The studying of one tape after the other was giving me a certainty of the way LRH was and thought. Actually to have studied the Basics gave me the ability to find out what of the CofS-activities was truely per LRH and what not.
When I encountered suppression / attacks / manipulative talks to do things differently, they couldn´t get me anymore, since I KNEW that the things, they wanted to convince me of, was NOT LRH. It didn´t matter to me anymore if I could quote the precice HCOB or HCO PL, I just KNEW: LRH´s approach would have been totally different. So the Basics helped me a lot to de-PTS from the Church :-).
Intensive Basics-Study helped knowing LRH too good to stay deceived.
I myself gained a lot by the Basics. The studying of one tape after the other was giving me a certainty of the way LRH was and thought. Actually to have studied the Basics gave me the ability to find out what of the CofS-activities was truely per LRH and what not.
When I encountered suppression / attacks / manipulative talks to do things differently, they couldn´t get me anymore, since I KNEW that the things, they wanted to convince me of, was NOT LRH. It didn´t matter to me anymore if I could quote the precice HCOB or HCO PL, I just KNEW: LRH´s approach would have been totally different. So the Basics helped me a lot to de-PTS from the Church :-).
Where I stand on key issues
I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)
Pros and Cons (optional)
By the Basics-Movement many also old Scientologists were brought to the point to stick their nose into LRH-Materials, maybe for the first time ever, maybe again after a long time of not having studied anything.
PCs who have studied a lot REALLY make it up the Bridge much faster, since they know what they have to look for in session, and the study-time itself can help blow masses already.
Those who owned LRH-Materials before were told to throw away the former "squirrel-editions". I myself have not owned too many books, even less lectures before, but those I had I´ve not thrown away. The former books have helped me to become a Scientologist - they are at least good enough for others to become Scientologists, too. For the sake of FDSing it is also vital to keep an "old" copy, no matter if the former edition was more or less "standardly".
So the throwing away of old materials made no sense - and the reason why became more and more obvious to me: The Basics-movement was indeed a lot money-motivated, for sure not by all involved in it, but...
When the Basics are a MUST before any Academy-training, as it is now, then it is definitely a stop to making Auditors. Fortunately I have been an Auditor BEFORE I studied my Basics, so I had good benefits from the Basics rather than a stop, but this doesn´t, of course, apply to the majority of people.