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homeWHERE TO GET HELP: There are now two avenues for Scientology services. Find out what to expect and what...
4 results - showing 1 - 4
4.7 (3)
Scientology Books
October 13, 2012     2389   0   1   0   0   0
Dianetics 55! (December 1954): Research after the publication of The Creation of Human Ability began to undercut the lofty goals of COHA to provide a sure route by which more people could realize the promise of that book's breakthroughs. The foundation of that route was and remains communication, which...
4.3 (9)
Scientology Books
October 13, 2012     2200   0   1   0   0   0
Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science (1950): Written to coincide with the release of DMSMH, Evolution of a Science gives the story behind the approach that Ron took to develop Dianetics. He describes how he discovered the reactive mind and developed the procedures to handle it. The book first...
3.7 (16)
Scientology Books
October 13, 2012     4035   0   1   0   0   1
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (May 1950): This is Ron's first major statement of the theory and practice of Dianetics, published on May 9, 1950. In it he isolates the dynamic principle of existence (Survive!) and his discovery of the reactive mind and its engrams. He...
4.6 (4)
Scientology Books
October 13, 2012     2200   0   1   0   0   0
Dianetics: The Original Thesis (1948): This is Ron's earliest written description of Dianetics, written in 1948. He published a few manuscript copies and handed them out and others made their own copies and passed them from hand to hand. Based on the ensuing demand for more information, in 1950...
4 results - showing 1 - 4
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