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New OT V Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.6 (8)
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The full name of New OT V is Audited New Era Dianetics for OTs — Audited NED for OTs, or even shorter, Audited NOTs. In the late 1970s, LRH got very sick and was near death. He called for David Mayo who started auditing LRH and saved his life. The outcome from this auditing was the discovery of a previously unforeseen area of charge that could booby trap a person moving up to higher levels of spiritual capabilities as it did with LRH himself. LRH engineered the handling for this sector of case and had David Mayo write up the tech for export.

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Applicability (hits home) 
4.8  (8)
3.9  (8)
Wow factor 
5.0  (8)
4.8  (8)
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I wanted to share a personal win and a win for my family.
My son is a Drill Sergeant. Drill Sergeants are meant to be tough but the protocol has greatly changed over the years in the manner in which they train soldiers. If it is ever thought there is soldier abuse a Drill Sergeant is taken off the program and a full investigation undertaken.
At the end of July my son ran into a soldier with bad intentions. At 11pm at night in the dark while they were in the field the soldier accused my son of assaulting him, and stated he was reporting it and would ruin his career. My son did not assault the soldier, did not come close physically to the soldier, (the soldier is 6’2” and my son is 5’6”). There were other soldiers close enough to give testimony. An extensive investigation was undertaken that went on for weeks and my son was cleared of assault.
But my son did say to the soldier “You are being fucking retarded”. The soldier said this statement was demeaning and soldier abuse. Now a new investigation took place. Under pressure of “political correctness” Army Executives were compelled to find my son guilty of soldier abuse for saying “retarded” i.e. this emotionally upset the soldier.
The situation was grim. If found guilty of soldier abuse, my son would lose his Sergeant rank and be dismissed from the army. After serving 12 years, one deployment to Bosnia, two to Iraq, and one to Afghanistan (all dangerous) he would have no pension and though he’d receive an honorable discharge it would not be easy for him to get a job. He is a single dad supporting two children.
I was in turmoil to say the least. But Haydn James came to the rescue. He took me in session applying a specific NOTS procedure that addresses someone else that your attention is drawn to (my son). We went in several sessions and the more we audited the more I saw my son De-PTS from the situation.
He then boldly started to handle the Army Executives as he had not violated any army protocol. But we didn’t have the full product so we carried on and applying the NOTS procedure and De-PTSed the two Army Execs who had gone effect of the system. (they can lose their ranks and jobs if they are found to be lenient and not flush out soldier abuse.)
Last Friday my son was brought before (the army’s equivalent of a Court of Ethics) with the findings already determined that he was guilty. In a half an hour of him going over Army directives the findings changed to “not-guilty” and he was dismissed. Done. Over. Exonerated.
This was a huge win for me.

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Wow factor 
Reviewed by mlucyjames November 08, 2013
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)


I wanted to share a personal win and a win for my family.
My son is a Drill Sergeant. Drill Sergeants are meant to be tough but the protocol has greatly changed over the years in the manner in which they train soldiers. If it is ever thought there is soldier abuse a Drill Sergeant is taken off the program and a full investigation undertaken.
At the end of July my son ran into a soldier with bad intentions. At 11pm at night in the dark while they were in the field the soldier accused my son of assaulting him, and stated he was reporting it and would ruin his career. My son did not assault the soldier, did not come close physically to the soldier, (the soldier is 6’2” and my son is 5’6”). There were other soldiers close enough to give testimony. An extensive investigation was undertaken that went on for weeks and my son was cleared of assault.
But my son did say to the soldier “You are being fucking retarded”. The soldier said this statement was demeaning and soldier abuse. Now a new investigation took place. Under pressure of “political correctness” Army Executives were compelled to find my son guilty of soldier abuse for saying “retarded” i.e. this emotionally upset the soldier.
The situation was grim. If found guilty of soldier abuse, my son would lose his Sergeant rank and be dismissed from the army. After serving 12 years, one deployment to Bosnia, two to Iraq, and one to Afghanistan (all dangerous) he would have no pension and though he’d receive an honorable discharge it would not be easy for him to get a job. He is a single dad supporting two children.
I was in turmoil to say the least. But Haydn James came to the rescue. He took me in session applying a specific NOTS procedure that addresses someone else that your attention is drawn to (my son). We went in several sessions and the more we audited the more I saw my son De-PTS from the situation.
He then boldly started to handle the Army Executives as he had not violated any army protocol. But we didn’t have the full product so we carried on and applying the NOTS procedure and De-PTSed the two Army Execs who had gone effect of the system. (they can lose their ranks and jobs if they are found to be lenient and not flush out soldier abuse.)
Last Friday my son was brought before (the army’s equivalent of a Court of Ethics) with the findings already determined that he was guilty. In a half an hour of him going over Army directives the findings changed to “not-guilty” and he was dismissed. Done. Over. Exonerated.
This was a huge win for me.

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Independent Scientologist

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Very powerful.

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I just realized how much more me I am becoming across the dynamics. Machinery is dissolving away. I feel more powerful with ARC and KRC than I have felt ever. I feel more cause over life than I have in a long time. I feel as though I have graduated up to driving the car now rather than being the passenger or back seat driver. This feeling of power is hard to explain as I have not felt like this ever before that I can recall. I have felt in control and cause before, but not without strings attached. I am cutting the ties that bind me to suppression, circuitry, machinery and ridges. I liken it to standing in a sprouting wheat feel in Kansas with nothing around but beautiful puffy clouds, blue sky, sun, fields and space going on forever, versus being in a darkened back alley in the heart of any large city in the USA.

I am truly conquering the matrix of my mind by sitting in a big overstuffed chair, holding two soup cans attached to a meter with a trained specialist using LRH technical material who is asking me stuff and in an instant my life changes forever. There has not been any auditing that has affected me so spiritually ever. Getting a NOTS session daily is like on a MEST level driving around in your brand new Ferrari and making stops along miles of coastline on the ocean with white sandy beaches, warm sun, and beautiful breaking waves and stopping in for 5lb whole main lobsters, huge Alaskan king crab legs all with drawn butter and lemon juice and for desert a real hot fudge Sunday sitting on the deck of this old funky restaurant on the beach of your dreams and when finishing lying in a hammock between 2 palm trees and letting the ocean breeze cause you to have a divine nap and then wake up and drive down the exciting coast with grandeur that I created to my next stop where a 3lb slice of the best prime rib I have ever eaten awaits me at another beach restaurant and hammock and this going on day after day after day. You ask could one tire of such a life. No not unless I desire to tire of it because I am creating these illusions newly every day and the illusions are mine and I am getting better at being total cause over my illusions day after day. NOTS rocks. I’m blown away!!!!! Thanks to LRH for the tech and my auditor John Nunez for all the help getting thru this most incredible level.
Tom Brown
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by thetabear November 21, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)


I just realized how much more me I am becoming across the dynamics. Machinery is dissolving away. I feel more powerful with ARC and KRC than I have felt ever. I feel more cause over life than I have in a long time. I feel as though I have graduated up to driving the car now rather than being the passenger or back seat driver. This feeling of power is hard to explain as I have not felt like this ever before that I can recall. I have felt in control and cause before, but not without strings attached. I am cutting the ties that bind me to suppression, circuitry, machinery and ridges. I liken it to standing in a sprouting wheat feel in Kansas with nothing around but beautiful puffy clouds, blue sky, sun, fields and space going on forever, versus being in a darkened back alley in the heart of any large city in the USA.

I am truly conquering the matrix of my mind by sitting in a big overstuffed chair, holding two soup cans attached to a meter with a trained specialist using LRH technical material who is asking me stuff and in an instant my life changes forever. There has not been any auditing that has affected me so spiritually ever. Getting a NOTS session daily is like on a MEST level driving around in your brand new Ferrari and making stops along miles of coastline on the ocean with white sandy beaches, warm sun, and beautiful breaking waves and stopping in for 5lb whole main lobsters, huge Alaskan king crab legs all with drawn butter and lemon juice and for desert a real hot fudge Sunday sitting on the deck of this old funky restaurant on the beach of your dreams and when finishing lying in a hammock between 2 palm trees and letting the ocean breeze cause you to have a divine nap and then wake up and drive down the exciting coast with grandeur that I created to my next stop where a 3lb slice of the best prime rib I have ever eaten awaits me at another beach restaurant and hammock and this going on day after day after day. You ask could one tire of such a life. No not unless I desire to tire of it because I am creating these illusions newly every day and the illusions are mine and I am getting better at being total cause over my illusions day after day. NOTS rocks. I’m blown away!!!!! Thanks to LRH for the tech and my auditor John Nunez for all the help getting thru this most incredible level.
Tom Brown

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Independent Scientologist

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I of course would not recommend anyone do this rundown out of sequence on their case.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by mcgins November 11, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

Miracle win on OT5

I of course would not recommend anyone do this rundown out of sequence on their case.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

This past spring of 2012 I sought out a CL 9 auditor in the Independent field to audit me on New OT 5. I was thrilled that I was directed to a longtime friend and veteran SO auditor, Gary Webber, now auditing in the field! I have found Gary to be a stellar, standard auditor. It's been a very long time since I've felt as safe and duplicated and cared for by a tech terminal as I have been with Gary. Heck, he even let's me take a nap on his couch and use his kitchen to prepare the unending snacks one needs to stay sessionable. And he audits me at reasonable hours that fit my resting and wake periods. I mention this because I've been audited at both Flag and AOLA and find it a nightmare to be a pc on their line-ups. The freedom to rest and eat and lounge without harassment at Gary's house I think is far more standard and conducive to the auditing than anything I've ever experienced at any of the orgs.

That said, I recently had begun suffering from some very heavy chronic pain in my gut. It was beginning to be very frightening as it was interfering with my work and becoming far too frequent. One of course starts imagining the worst, cancer? Perforated colon? Etc etc. and I didn't want to go to a doctor who would only have the choice of cutting or drugging to handle the condition, whatever the condition was. During my most recent OT 5 session about a month ago, we addressed this gut pain. By the end of the last session the pain was GONE, I mean GONE! I was stunned!

So, I went home, still a bit in disbelief that the pain would be gone so suddenly and completely. But here it is a month later and I have experienced no relapse, not even a twinge in the area where the pain had previously been. It was a miracle I had hoped for and expected from this rundown.

Thanks to my incredible incredible auditor, Gary Webber, my c/s and of course to LRH for this precious rundown. Certainly NO THANKS goes to RTC who did NOT keep this tech pure and accessible in the church!
It is incredibly expensive to do this rundown in the C of S making it almost unattainable to the average person.

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Recommend it? I deliver it!!
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by roy4021 November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (7)

New OT V

Recommend it? I deliver it!!

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

New OT V was actually designed to be a booster for those who completed all of the original OT Levels and needed a boost to go on further up the bridge. An issue written by LRH called "New Era of Lightning Fast Tech" puts this all into perspective. Now it's called "New Era Dianetics For OTs", and is on the newer Grade Charts. Basically this will strip a person of other determinism, give the person the ability to be even more to be the individual he/she always thought he/she was but had some doubts and was the effect of other influences. Makes the world of the Pre OT much more simply defined, gives a very clear viewpoint of what the Pre OT wants and can percieve of present time as well as becomes aware of himself even more as an individual and of the power; Knowledge, Responsibility, Control, to get further up the bridge.
Non Standard, quicky applications are available in the field. Please do check the credentials of the Auditor you are contracting prior to any exchange. Make sure they have actually done the course and that they use a qualified Case Supervisor to guide them through the rundowns. Anything else IMO is anti- LRH.

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I was soooo excited to do New OT V! This is a series of rundowns, the exact number of which I forget. However, it begins with indoctrination in the materials of the level. That's when I started laughing. The materials were so incredible to me, I was in a constant state of excitement and amazement. The auditor would need to end the session because it was extremely difficult for us to continue over all that. Then we'd be scheduled for another session and the whole phenomenon would occur again. I was finally given a "time off," "break," what have you. In the end, when we eventually made it through the indoctrination materials, the rundowns ran lightly but effectively ... and I'm still laughing.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by TheWidowDenk November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (21)

New OT V - I'm still laughing ...

I was soooo excited to do New OT V! This is a series of rundowns, the exact number of which I forget. However, it begins with indoctrination in the materials of the level. That's when I started laughing. The materials were so incredible to me, I was in a constant state of excitement and amazement. The auditor would need to end the session because it was extremely difficult for us to continue over all that. Then we'd be scheduled for another session and the whole phenomenon would occur again. I was finally given a "time off," "break," what have you. In the end, when we eventually made it through the indoctrination materials, the rundowns ran lightly but effectively ... and I'm still laughing.

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Independent Scientologist

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I'm still hanging in there because after 37 years I need to work out a creative and humane way of getting my friends to realise that we've strayed horribly from our original and true purpose....which was simply to introduce people to L Ron Hubbard's writings and work out for themselves what is applicable to them and what they can use to improve their own lives on their own determinism thereby creating a better place for all of us.
I've had wonderful wins in every auditing session I have ever had.
I did my OTV in 1986 and all of my auditing since then has been completely monitored and influenced by this.
I'm a firm believer in simplicity.
It worked for me. It still does.
Having said that, I won't step foot in a Scientology Church again.....
This new (past 30 years) version of Scientology scares the shit out of me. I came into Scientology as a free thinker in 1975. I had huge wins. What I see now is a travesty, a complete denial of my personal reality on what Ron's philosophy is all about. I've always questioned things that seemed "sugar coated" and "bull shitty". I always will. I have to, because if I don't I'll stop being true to myself.
Scientology, used intelligently and selectively is one of mankind's greatest potential weapons to have a sane and just planet. Scientology in it's current form is a trap.
I still think we can truly help this planet using Scientology but I'm flabbergasted that I've only recently been brave enough to face up to the fact that the censorship, fear and lack of confront that exists in The Official Church is for real.
It's terrifying that we let this happen.
Thank goodness for the brave, intelligent and sometimes flawed dissenters who are creating Independent Scientology.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by Aziz Ness November 10, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

I'm a believer.........

I'm still hanging in there because after 37 years I need to work out a creative and humane way of getting my friends to realise that we've strayed horribly from our original and true purpose....which was simply to introduce people to L Ron Hubbard's writings and work out for themselves what is applicable to them and what they can use to improve their own lives on their own determinism thereby creating a better place for all of us.
I've had wonderful wins in every auditing session I have ever had.
I did my OTV in 1986 and all of my auditing since then has been completely monitored and influenced by this.
I'm a firm believer in simplicity.
It worked for me. It still does.
Having said that, I won't step foot in a Scientology Church again.....
This new (past 30 years) version of Scientology scares the shit out of me. I came into Scientology as a free thinker in 1975. I had huge wins. What I see now is a travesty, a complete denial of my personal reality on what Ron's philosophy is all about. I've always questioned things that seemed "sugar coated" and "bull shitty". I always will. I have to, because if I don't I'll stop being true to myself.
Scientology, used intelligently and selectively is one of mankind's greatest potential weapons to have a sane and just planet. Scientology in it's current form is a trap.
I still think we can truly help this planet using Scientology but I'm flabbergasted that I've only recently been brave enough to face up to the fact that the censorship, fear and lack of confront that exists in The Official Church is for real.
It's terrifying that we let this happen.
Thank goodness for the brave, intelligent and sometimes flawed dissenters who are creating Independent Scientology.

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Church of Scientology member

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The session in 2004 showed me, how powerful this level is.
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Reviewed by ul2106 November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)

Big Win

The session in 2004 showed me, how powerful this level is.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

I attested OT V in 2002. In 2004 I run in a really huge loss. Dark clouds and unhappiness seemed to be my future. My auditor blew away all these charge in only one session. It was unbelievable.
during OT V in 2002, I got many red tags from the examiner, that confused me and I though something must be wrong with my case.

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Once again can be over used.
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Reviewed by mkmrmny November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (34)

Great level

Once again can be over used.

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Independent Scientologist

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Really cleans up a 'case'.

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