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L. Ron Hubbard's Lectures 1960-09 1st Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course

1960-09 1st Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course Hot

November 09, 2012    
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Lecture Details

L. Ron Hubbard

1st Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course

August-September 1960, 25 lectures.

This ACC presaged what was to be the focus of the next six years of LRH's lectures: auditor training. In the first and only ACC delivered at St. Hill, Ron stressed the condition of "in session" and how an auditor accomplished that in a preclear. Topics covered include auditor presence, auditor altitude and auditor beingness and these form the foundation of why auditing works as well as how and why the bank collapses on a preclear. The answer lies in the age old equation "auditor plus pc is greater than the bank" for the former and violations of this equation for the latter. Ron also details the use of the Deadly Quartet--Help, Control, Communication and Interest--by the auditor in presession actions to get the pc truly in-session.


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