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Australia, New Zealand Church of Scientology of Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

Church of Scientology of Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Hot

October 18, 2012    
2.0 (1)
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Church of Scientology of Australian Capital Territory: This is a CoS service organization supposed to deliver training and processing from the bottom of the Bridge up through Clear on the processing side of the Bridge, and also deliver all Scientology training from Introductory courses and seminars up through Class V Graduate Auditor.

User reviews

Average user rating from: 1 user(s)

Overall rating 
3.0  (1)
2.0  (1)
1.0  (1)
2.0  (1)
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My first dealing with the ACT Org was in 1985, when I did a Communications Course there. I was just a teenager at the time and the org was located upstairs in East Row Civic. The org was struggling then to pay the rent and was evicted several times over the next few years, at one point operating out of a public's garage.

Over the years, despite a revolving door of new Executive Directors (most sent as Garrison Sea Org members), the org was constantly changing location and was always delivering to only a handful of public at any one time. I watched executives and missionaires to ACT live on peanut butter sandwiches for weeks while they attempted to build the org to a point where they could stably pay the rent.

When I was working in RTC I observed that the ACT org was categorized in the "small and failing" category, having insufficient technical delivery staff to really produce results. I went back to the org 2 times in the mid 90's, to visit, and was treated with suspicion as I was unknown and I was wanting to buy a Dianetics book for my cousin. On return to the Canberra field in 2005, I spoke to some old friends and a knowledge report was immediately written by the ACT Org on me and sent to the International Justice Chief that I was in contact with Canberra people in good standing. I found that odd, as they had not spoken to me, yet were clearly observing my activities from a distance. I have observed that between 2005 to 2012 the org has moved at least 2 times - so it seems the org continues to struggle to pay the rent and to deliver in any kind of volume.

I have never seen a Dianetics or Scientology ad, or a volunteer minister in Canberra, seen no body routers, and no promotion or marketing. The ACT org, in my view, has no impact on the local environment and is not getting people onto and up The Bridge.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Lana M. November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

Canberra (ACT) Org

My first dealing with the ACT Org was in 1985, when I did a Communications Course there. I was just a teenager at the time and the org was located upstairs in East Row Civic. The org was struggling then to pay the rent and was evicted several times over the next few years, at one point operating out of a public's garage.

Over the years, despite a revolving door of new Executive Directors (most sent as Garrison Sea Org members), the org was constantly changing location and was always delivering to only a handful of public at any one time. I watched executives and missionaires to ACT live on peanut butter sandwiches for weeks while they attempted to build the org to a point where they could stably pay the rent.

When I was working in RTC I observed that the ACT org was categorized in the "small and failing" category, having insufficient technical delivery staff to really produce results. I went back to the org 2 times in the mid 90's, to visit, and was treated with suspicion as I was unknown and I was wanting to buy a Dianetics book for my cousin. On return to the Canberra field in 2005, I spoke to some old friends and a knowledge report was immediately written by the ACT Org on me and sent to the International Justice Chief that I was in contact with Canberra people in good standing. I found that odd, as they had not spoken to me, yet were clearly observing my activities from a distance. I have observed that between 2005 to 2012 the org has moved at least 2 times - so it seems the org continues to struggle to pay the rent and to deliver in any kind of volume.

I have never seen a Dianetics or Scientology ad, or a volunteer minister in Canberra, seen no body routers, and no promotion or marketing. The ACT org, in my view, has no impact on the local environment and is not getting people onto and up The Bridge.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

1. The org is still here, since the early 80's, despite a revolving door of Executive Director's and too many location changes to count. They do have persistence and for that they should be given credit.
1. There is no booming field or any evidence of Dianetics and Scientology in the Canberra region.
2. ARCXen public, from more than 20 years ago, are still in the field, unhandled, and still ARCXen with the organisation.

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