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Training Services Saint Hill Special Briefing Course

Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Hot

October 15, 2012    
3.3 (3)
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Saint Hill Special Briefing Course involves listening to hundreds of LRH lectures given between 1961 and 1966. it constitutes the largest single course in Scientology and enables the chronological study of the entire development of Dianetics and Scientology, including more than 400 lectures — the largest, broadest body of information on the subject of human behavior, the mind and life that has ever been available.

The course is named after Saint Hill Manor in England, Mr. Hubbard’s residence during much of the 1960s, and where he taught the course from March 1961 to December 1966. This covers an intense period of research, leading to many important discoveries. Auditors came from all over the world to Saint Hill and were present when Mr. Hubbard developed the Bridge. The popular course returned Class VI auditors — the highest-trained and most respected auditors of their day.

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Average user rating from: 3 user(s)

Overall rating 
Makes life easier 
3.3  (3)
Worth the investment 
3.7  (3)
Easy to do 
1.7  (3)
Usefulness of information 
4.7  (3)
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Read one page and listen to one taped lecture at a time.
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Worth the investment 
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Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by TroubleShooter December 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

Class VI Auditor Course

Read one page and listen to one taped lecture at a time.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Class VI auditor training and The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (aka SHSBC or just BC) are one in the same. It is the most comprehensive course on the subject of Dianetics and Scientology there is. I got in to Scientology as I saw it’s potential to further me along my quest for answers to the bigger questions. I was raised Roman Catholic and yet saw only a handful who seemed to live up to the expectations of the sermons I listened to. I became frustrated and sad about the general lack of application of the messages in those sermons. I thought we were all supposed to work to become more godlike, to care about and work at improving conditions of self and others. I stepped over the worn ruts in the road of becoming another Monday night quarterbacker; someone who “knows” what “they” did wrong or didn’t do right and why. On this course I found explanations that exactly applied to my resultant personal struggles and confusions. I lost the sadness and frustration about people and their behaviors and forgave myself for my own. What I wished to be different about life is now something I can help bring about. As an auditor I have seen miracles performed with this knowledge applied. Being able to DO something to allow another to look at themselves critically for the purpose of handling personal barriers and gaining the potential they have has been a very rewarding experience.
Very few people have actually done this course due to it's length and breadth. It's absence in the training of most Class IXs even is a reflection of the altered importances. The length of time it takes to do this course unfortunately has influenced the numbers of those enrolling over the indisputable difference it makes in a person and thereby those they help with that knowledge.

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Do the SHSBC independent of the Church if you are interested in this course. The Church has it priced at an exorbitant price and you will be very unlikely to get through it but if you do you will be a ROBOT auditor and I have never met a PC who responded well to a ROBOT auditor. Bottom have to ask yourself, was Miscavige the one who developed the tech or was LRH? What auditor cert does Miscavige have? Why is he changing the standard set by LRH? If you really see the changes made you realize Miscavige did it all to destroy SCN but to make a ton of money in the process. He is an sociopathic personality and we should all be ashamed for the support we have given him to destroy what had so much promise. Thank goodness an independent Scientology is arising out of the ashes like the phoenix.
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Worth the investment 
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Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by Mirari November 30, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC)

Do the SHSBC independent of the Church if you are interested in this course. The Church has it priced at an exorbitant price and you will be very unlikely to get through it but if you do you will be a ROBOT auditor and I have never met a PC who responded well to a ROBOT auditor. Bottom have to ask yourself, was Miscavige the one who developed the tech or was LRH? What auditor cert does Miscavige have? Why is he changing the standard set by LRH? If you really see the changes made you realize Miscavige did it all to destroy SCN but to make a ton of money in the process. He is an sociopathic personality and we should all be ashamed for the support we have given him to destroy what had so much promise. Thank goodness an independent Scientology is arising out of the ashes like the phoenix.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

I loved studying this course when I was allowed to do it. The Course is filled with lots of insightful information and the tapes of Ron brought him to life more than ever. He was definitely a perceptive individual and I learned many things I doubt I would have been able to otherwise. I very much wanted to audit people to help them as I had been helped. I stepped away from my profession to study full time and paid for all my training and auditing so I could make a new career to add to my present professional skills as a doctor. The supervision was mostly excellent except when they had to follow some new hair-brained idea generated from up-lines (usually right from the top of the Org Board). See the Con section for more on this.
Once my wife and I were paid up so that now the Church had to deliver we started running into a startling amount of counter intention. Of course, the Church administration will have you believe it is just your own out-ethics that made study slow. This is so laughable. We were incredibly gung-ho in the beginning of our training. But day after day of experiencing interferences and slows on our training we finally discovered the source. Someone at the highest level did not really want to make Auditors. It was amazing at how many arbitrary rules came down from above to change the sequence of the training requiring several "retraining" or changed tech, ad infinitum. Just as an example, the prerequisite for the SHSBC was the New GOLDEN AGE OF TECH PRO METERING COURSE (GAT) which had a check-sheet time goal of 3 weeks max but took me 11 months and I was one of the faster students and very motivated to succeed at all cost. That was "full time" training. Some students were on that course for 3-4 years and a few never made it off the course as they died mid the course. These were old veteran auditors who could no longer audit because the emergence of GAT cancelled their certifications to audit. If that was their main source of income then they had to be on this course to get back their job. But the course was filled with arbitrary changes and some key false data added such as changing LRH's definition of the Floating Needle to a definition handed down from Miscavige that guaranteed you would mess up the Pre Clear that you were auditing. That GAT Pro Metering course made you into a ROBOT, not an auditor. It was stultifying and it stymied all desires to continue training yet I continued as I made a postulate. The Pro Metering Course was a suppressive course and many prospective and promising auditors were blown off as they knew no one could make it through this intact and as a true professional. BTW, to have a prerequisite of Pro Metering before the SHSBC would be fine if you were then actually auditing PCs right away on SHSBC. But no, you didn't get to audit (other than a little Book 1 and without a meter on Level A) until you were completely done with the entire reading and listening to the tapes line up. That took another 1-4 years depending on your schedule so by that time the value of the metering was lost since you seldom got to use that tool. It was INSANE and STUPID. But that is what you can expect coming down from top management. Miscavige has ruined Scientology for those within the church. That is why we left. When you receive auditing from a true professional trained by Ron you will see the difference compared to someone trained by the current joke of a church. It is a disgrace and a crying shame.

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I was a good candidate to take the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. I was already an HSDC (and later NED) auditor and Class IV auditor (no certs due to no internship), trained in the 1970’s.

I decided to do the SHSBC in the mid 1990’s as I was no longer working on my admin post and this was the perfect next technical training step. I longed to audit again!

I started this training with gusto and I believe I only slowed slightly on Level D, which had the e-meter drills. But after coming out the other side of that small speed bump, I sailed through the levels E through N.

I can honestly say that every level was so full of information and there wasn’t a thing I didn’t learn from and enjoy. The LRH tapes, of course, were so special.

I completed each level, A through N, in the 3-4 weeks checksheet time. I believe my total time on study at that point, with occasional extra time off between levels, was 1 ½ years.

My carrot, the one thing I sought by doing the SHSBC, was to audit. That carrot was to be achieved on Level O, the first level out of 16 total where the student would audit a pc.

It was when I was on Level N that GAT was introduced. Never mind the carrot of auditing pc’s on Level 0; I had to do the Study Certainty Course first and then go back to Level A for certainty drills. Never mind I had a couple pc’s already lined up for auditing on Level 0. GAT prevailed.

There was simply no recourse to the extended training lineup and that’s when I ended off on the SHSBC. I, of course, recommend the SHSBC to aspiring and veteran auditors alike. If the SHSBC is unavailable in a forward-motion training environment, I recommend at least listening to the LRH tapes.
Overall rating 
Makes life easier 
Worth the investment 
Easy to do 
Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by TheWidowDenk November 14, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (21)

The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course

I was a good candidate to take the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. I was already an HSDC (and later NED) auditor and Class IV auditor (no certs due to no internship), trained in the 1970’s.

I decided to do the SHSBC in the mid 1990’s as I was no longer working on my admin post and this was the perfect next technical training step. I longed to audit again!

I started this training with gusto and I believe I only slowed slightly on Level D, which had the e-meter drills. But after coming out the other side of that small speed bump, I sailed through the levels E through N.

I can honestly say that every level was so full of information and there wasn’t a thing I didn’t learn from and enjoy. The LRH tapes, of course, were so special.

I completed each level, A through N, in the 3-4 weeks checksheet time. I believe my total time on study at that point, with occasional extra time off between levels, was 1 ½ years.

My carrot, the one thing I sought by doing the SHSBC, was to audit. That carrot was to be achieved on Level O, the first level out of 16 total where the student would audit a pc.

It was when I was on Level N that GAT was introduced. Never mind the carrot of auditing pc’s on Level 0; I had to do the Study Certainty Course first and then go back to Level A for certainty drills. Never mind I had a couple pc’s already lined up for auditing on Level 0. GAT prevailed.

There was simply no recourse to the extended training lineup and that’s when I ended off on the SHSBC. I, of course, recommend the SHSBC to aspiring and veteran auditors alike. If the SHSBC is unavailable in a forward-motion training environment, I recommend at least listening to the LRH tapes.

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Independent Scientologist

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