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Training Services Metering Course

Metering Course Hot

October 15, 2012    
2.9 (4)
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The Metering Course is a simple course originally designed by LRH to rapidly train someone on the use of an e-meter. The current version of the course is a drastic alteration of what LRH created and mis-trains people on the use of the meter.

User reviews

Average user rating from: 4 user(s)

Overall rating 
Makes life easier 
3.0  (4)
Worth the investment 
3.0  (4)
Easy to do 
2.8  (4)
Usefulness of information 
2.8  (4)
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To learn to use the meter, audit.
Overall rating 
Makes life easier 
Worth the investment 
Easy to do 
Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by pmm0724 November 20, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (13)

Too Long

To learn to use the meter, audit.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Lots of practice
Took too long and still didn't create the certainty it claimed to give. When I heard they were measuring reads with a ruler, I knew it was squirrel. I know trained auditors who were on it for years. I still have no certainty on track dating and feel that I passed it non standardly.

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Reviewed by ul2106 November 13, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)

nice but not necessary


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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

yes, it gives you more confidence in using the e-meter. But it´s not really necessary. I made my solo sessions without doing this course before.
takes time and makes a longer run-way for auditors. The E-meter drills on each Academy level and the drills on the solo course should be enough.

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I have used the meter forever in auditing others and it is key to helping others.It gives you a tool to perceive what is going on with the PC. Believe me, if I can learn to use the emeter, anyone can!
Overall rating 
Makes life easier 
Worth the investment 
Easy to do 
Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by ingrid smith November 12, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

Great course

I have used the meter forever in auditing others and it is key to helping others.It gives you a tool to perceive what is going on with the PC. Believe me, if I can learn to use the emeter, anyone can!

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Essential for auditing someone else and essential for doing solo, which in turn means you get great case gain.
The only con is if you do it in the Church of Scientology as it will take you forever and you will be taught nonstandardly ie: the 3 swing f/n

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If you must use a meter for auditing then you need to be trained on it. Especially if solo auditing. If you don't have confidence in your ability to solo audit with a meter you will have a horrible, horrible time in session and be convinced that OT2/OT3 "don't work." (I used to sup Solo-OT3 at Saint Hill)
Overall rating 
Makes life easier 
Worth the investment 
Easy to do 
Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 10, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Meter training is essential for meter use, but the regular meter course could be better

If you must use a meter for auditing then you need to be trained on it. Especially if solo auditing. If you don't have confidence in your ability to solo audit with a meter you will have a horrible, horrible time in session and be convinced that OT2/OT3 "don't work." (I used to sup Solo-OT3 at Saint Hill)

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Pros and Cons (optional)

Useful for a newbie to get familiar with an e-meter. And also for someone using a new meter from outside the CofS that has a different appearance and features. Plus the usual drills impart some useful skills, and the drills like "Consider the events of today" and cleaning and dirtying a needle can be real eye-openers for the uninitiated.
Many of the drills train the user on procedures that exist nowhere in standard Scientology as practised after the 60s, and should be DUMPED and replaced with drills that are meaningful.

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