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Auditing Services State of Clear

State of Clear Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.3 (4)
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Clear is not an auditing level, but an higher state of being whereby the individual has been freed from his own reactive mind. This state is often achievable through Dianetics auditing. In the event a person does not go clear on Dianetics, he may do the Alternate Route to Clear consisting of Power, Power Plus, R6EW, and the Clearing Course.

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Average user rating from: 4 user(s)

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5.0  (4)
2.8  (4)
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4.5  (4)
5.0  (4)
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Reviewed by Riptide November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (7)

State of Clear


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My road to Clear was long but marked with major achievements along the way, and very very well worth it. As I look at life around me, I see people who are engulfed in the subterfuge, confusion and mired in the wreckage of their lives. I thank my lucky stars I have been able to rise above my own *stuff* and gain a sense of clarity over life and the reasons why things go right, or why they go wrong.
The only con to "Clear" is that now you can't claim ignorance as bliss.

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Reviewed by ul2106 November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)



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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

I went Clear on NED in 1993. The last session on the last rundown. What a huge relief. Hard to describe but almost everything changed after that session. So much happiness I could not belief. Before I was fixed in a state of "being serious". This had totally blown. Insteat of this, for the first time I could really feel easiness and life was like "playing a game".

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Being clear has protected me in more ways than I am a liberty to say.
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Reviewed by mkmrmny November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (34)

This is the most touchy level

Being clear has protected me in more ways than I am a liberty to say.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

I know when I went clear. It was a shift of being controlled by mind & no longer having those mechanisms in existence any longer.
One can really be made wrong in this area.

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I went Clear on Dianetic auditing. In fact, a friend and I were co-auditing Dianetics back in the later 1970's. She would audit me and I would audit her. At the time it occurred, I did not know I had achieved the state of Clear.

It was some time later that LRH released the information that the preclear could indeed go Clear on Dianetic auditing. With that release of information, one could then originate he/she thought the state had been achieved and an interview would be done by a person qualified to do the interview. This all happened with me.

The interview was great and I stated the full end phenomenon of the state of Clear. All the other relevant indicators were present as well and I was allowed to attest.

To me, this meant a "New Life," one of freedom and increased responsibility. I no longer had anything within my universe to hold me back and the future consisted of vistas. At no time did I ever consider I had special powers because this was never on my agenda. But I did have it well within my ability to create and live my life without the hidden aberration(s) of the reactive mind.
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Reviewed by TheWidowDenk November 09, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (21)

I Went Clear on Dianetics

I went Clear on Dianetic auditing. In fact, a friend and I were co-auditing Dianetics back in the later 1970's. She would audit me and I would audit her. At the time it occurred, I did not know I had achieved the state of Clear.

It was some time later that LRH released the information that the preclear could indeed go Clear on Dianetic auditing. With that release of information, one could then originate he/she thought the state had been achieved and an interview would be done by a person qualified to do the interview. This all happened with me.

The interview was great and I stated the full end phenomenon of the state of Clear. All the other relevant indicators were present as well and I was allowed to attest.

To me, this meant a "New Life," one of freedom and increased responsibility. I no longer had anything within my universe to hold me back and the future consisted of vistas. At no time did I ever consider I had special powers because this was never on my agenda. But I did have it well within my ability to create and live my life without the hidden aberration(s) of the reactive mind.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

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