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Auditing Services Purification Rundown

Purification Rundown Hot

October 14, 2012    
3.3 (9)
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The Purification Rundown is a program of sauna sweating, exercise and vitamin/mineral intake intended to help rid the body of the harmful effects of drugs. It is not an end all, but a first step in a lengthy program of spiritual rehabilitation.

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Average user rating from: 9 user(s)

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4.0  (9)
2.1  (9)
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3.5  (9)
3.6  (9)
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I would recommend the new standardized and improved Purification Rundown to anyone.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by notsofast June 09, 2014
Top 500 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

I am more than satisfied

I would recommend the new standardized and improved Purification Rundown to anyone.

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Church of Scientology member

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I had actually done this program twice before for many years previously and was a bit in doubt if I should do it again. But I had not had good results earlier and now we had a significantly improved rundown as a result of recent overhaul of all Scientology services. I also had heard some rave reviews by others who had recently experienced the new program, so I decided to do it again.

I have not had extensive drug use but quite a bit of alcohol though. Then of course a couple of operations, a load of sun exposure, and what almost everyone has nowadays: radioactive fallout and radiation from the atmosphere, pesticides and additives in food and drink, impurities in water, over-the-counter meds and some prescriptions drugs, etc.

In the sauna I didn't actually experience a whole lot as, as I said earlier, My drug history was moderate and I had done this twice before, but what amazed me was the amount and range of results, especially mental/spiritual that I got out of it. Physically I sleep better, have much less headaches, my eyes and nose run next to nothing while earlier I had to constantly have my tissues ready to use them every few minutes. My skin seems healthier: very soft with healthy feeling oiliness rather than the somewhat dry skin I had had.

The mental/spiritual results were the most astonishing: I am more "here", with better memory and even with some long-lost emotions and memories recovered from my childhood. I can study better with more ease, speed and comprehension. I am more stable and am less self-conscious - can just accept myself and be poised and fall in easy communication in social situations where earlier I would slightly panic. I am less moody and can enjoy the present and my environment better, the nature, situations, activities, my work, the animals and people in it. I work with more energy and more goal-oriented from A to B and have less aversion towards even menial of routine tasks.

And these mental/spiritual wins seems to continue coming and holding with the realization in me that I have attained another, a bit higher level or state which bodes well for continued improvement on my chosen road to higher states as myself, a spiritual being. I now trust better myself and the Bridge and that I can attain higher levels and that Scientology really works.
I have also to say that the way the rundown now is set up is much much improved from earlier with better supervision, better trained personnel who run it, even with higher grade vitamins and more stress on eg. fresh vegetables, good food, enough sleep and standard schedule to be followed daily, in other words the level of the standards have been tremendously upped.
The rundown was not too easy to do as to the schedule with full time work and 3-4 hours in sauna every day for 28 days. Sometimes the sauna was a bit crowded due the org not yet having moved to new and more spacious quarters. But all these were not too hard to overcome with some willingness and arrangement

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Plenty of my mates from the 70's should be doing this program. It will feel you've just lost 20 years off your age. Sure it works out about $100 a day. But what "tropical resort" gives life back to you - alertness aliveness vitality virility. Worth every cent!

I better get back to my Lash!
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by thetaplus April 26, 2014
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

Worked for me!

Plenty of my mates from the 70's should be doing this program. It will feel you've just lost 20 years off your age. Sure it works out about $100 a day. But what "tropical resort" gives life back to you - alertness aliveness vitality virility. Worth every cent!

I better get back to my Lash!

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Church of Scientology member

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Got to re-experience a lot of drugs from the 70's - and for free this time round. Glad they're out now... and started to regain a lot of memories from that era I had totally occluded. My friends always said I had a wow of a time back then - but until the Purif I had no recall of them at all. Got 3 years of my life back.

Drugs effected my memory, and with a bad memory you forget consequences. I'm making much better decisions now, and my thinking is really clear. I'm far more alert and alive. I'm even dating a 27 year old now and she's finding it hard... to keep up with me!
If a trip turns back on, you just have to stay in the sauna and run it out - I was in the box 95 minutes longer than scheduled and I had other things to do. (The trip came on so strong I wanted to chicken, but when the In Charge saw the pupil dilation it was straight back to the sauna. I felt confined and anxious, but that slowly passed and I got through it. The sauna wasn't huge but it worked

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I think one could very well do a safer detox program with a holistic doctor. The purif data is quite ground breaking and is a good basis for further perfecting its delivery. But it is definitely NOT a one size fits all deal.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by Shrine April 30, 2013
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (3)

Didn't do it for me

I think one could very well do a safer detox program with a holistic doctor. The purif data is quite ground breaking and is a good basis for further perfecting its delivery. But it is definitely NOT a one size fits all deal.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

It seems to really help previous drug users and people exposed to radiation. A couple of twins who did the purify with me had some interesting phenomena happen to them and looked healthier in general.They also expressed more clarity of mind.
It takes too long and it becomes a problem regarding work.
It is very hard on people with intestinal and stomach trouble, people with not enough enzymes to metabolize correctly, people with irritable bowel, etc. I had terrible stomatch trouble and it was brushed off as a reaction.
It is easy to get dehydrated
The purif I/C is not a doctor.
The process does not require that you bring with you a complete medical checkup (the written results)
I did not experience absolutely any phenomena. Just the sensation of being more present and maybe a fleeting moment of having an certain old feeling again.
Physically, my body felt the same. I had heard all kinds of claims about feeling lighter and with more energy. I didn't find this to be true for me.
Its too expensive, not worth the cost or the time.

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The cons aren't really cons they are logistics to work out. Most people must do the Purification Rdn before they can do any other levels of counselling above this step.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by TroubleShooter December 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

The Purification Rundown

The cons aren't really cons they are logistics to work out. Most people must do the Purification Rdn before they can do any other levels of counselling above this step.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

The Purification Rundown was the very first service I did in Scientology. I graduated high school as an All-American. The strength and control I had over my body along was one of the reasons I’d been offered a full scholarship to college. I chose a different path unfortunately and that included a year of experimentation with drugs at the college I did end up going to. So when I heard about the Purification Rundown and saw that there was something that could potentially help me undo the damage I believed drugs were to me I jumped at doing it and started it the same day. I experienced the drug residuals going in to restimulation as I progressed in the sauna/vitamin/exercise regimen. A few anecdotes; I was in the sauna when I was overcome with the need to sleep, I could not stop myself from drooping over till my head lay on the bench. A few minutes later I sat up suddenly and sniffed the air and smacked my lips like you do when you’re trying to identify a smell. I smelled and tasted sodium pentothal. A drug I’d received from a dental procedure. An man named Don Rogers, age 75 at the time, did his Purification with me. One day his feet became very itchy. He exclaimed “Oh my god” and started to laugh. I followed his eyes to see his feel, ankles and lower calves were bright red but the redness ended in a sharp line perfectly even on both legs. He looked up with twinkling eyes and said when he was a kid the shoe store salesmen would ex-ray their feet to get the correct size shoes and the perfect lines we saw on his legs were where the x-ray ended. I later had my own sunburn lines appear while doing the program. I completed the program feeling clean inside and out. I knew I’d done something really effective to repair damage I’d done to myself through drug experimentations in college many years earlier and never did drugs again.
It's a daily regimen of 2.5-5 hours a day and you need at least one other person to twin up with ideally. It can take 2-4 weeks to do.

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The purification rundown is certainly not “wellness”, but for me it did a lot. When I had finished the program after about 4 weeks, I was feeling very much more energetic and alive. It was like coming out of the fog mentally. I could suddenly think better, study much better and the improvement of my perceptions was startling; I experienced a remarkable difference – it was like coming out of the fog and having mental clarity suddenly.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by KA November 13, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (6)

Got me out of the fog

The purification rundown is certainly not “wellness”, but for me it did a lot. When I had finished the program after about 4 weeks, I was feeling very much more energetic and alive. It was like coming out of the fog mentally. I could suddenly think better, study much better and the improvement of my perceptions was startling; I experienced a remarkable difference – it was like coming out of the fog and having mental clarity suddenly.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

I felt physically more energetic and with improved perceptions
It needs time and can be stressful (best done during vacations)

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I did this at Saint Hill as soon as the sauna opened there. There were about 20 naked men squashed into the male sauna. After several weeks of that I certainly got flat on naked male bodies. It also made a nice change from working on post all the time.

Physically, I felt much cleaner after completing it. The most significant change I noticed was that drinking coffee no longer gave me a headache. I don't know why it should have had that result, but it did.

The New OT4 HCOB explains in great detail why the Purif should be considered to be a spiritual rehabilitation program and not a physical one, as it would appear to almost anyone. When I first saw that HCOB I thought, "Wow, this would make *amazing* Purif promo, although it will never happen." Now, I think the explanation in that HCOB is ridiculous.

Healthwise I have read much about the dangers of the extreme doses of vitamins required if you are on the program for any length of time (over a month?), especially niacin causing liver damage, and I have met someone who was on the Purif for a year and blames it for her chronic endocrine troubles. So if you insist on doing it "per the book," just make sure the medical doctor associated with your Purif delivery knows his stuff.
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Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 12, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Be careful!

I did this at Saint Hill as soon as the sauna opened there. There were about 20 naked men squashed into the male sauna. After several weeks of that I certainly got flat on naked male bodies. It also made a nice change from working on post all the time.

Physically, I felt much cleaner after completing it. The most significant change I noticed was that drinking coffee no longer gave me a headache. I don't know why it should have had that result, but it did.

The New OT4 HCOB explains in great detail why the Purif should be considered to be a spiritual rehabilitation program and not a physical one, as it would appear to almost anyone. When I first saw that HCOB I thought, "Wow, this would make *amazing* Purif promo, although it will never happen." Now, I think the explanation in that HCOB is ridiculous.

Healthwise I have read much about the dangers of the extreme doses of vitamins required if you are on the program for any length of time (over a month?), especially niacin causing liver damage, and I have met someone who was on the Purif for a year and blames it for her chronic endocrine troubles. So if you insist on doing it "per the book," just make sure the medical doctor associated with your Purif delivery knows his stuff.

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Can be fun, and many people report benefits.
High vitamin doses can be dangerous if you are on it for a long time, and if the doctor assigned to the program isn't doing his job.

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This was an amazing program for me. I had been using drugs for a very long time almost every drug known to man, but had quit on my own, but would get flash backs, feel sluggish, no energy and dull and mis-emotional from time to time. I heard about this program and that what it does is remove the bad fat stored in the body with good fat. That all drugs whether they are street or medical drugs are poisons and a bit of them can and do lodge in the fat tissue of the body.
And getting rid of them can give a person a new lease on life. Mr hubbard invented this program and I am here to tell you WOW!!!!!!! I started the program when it was first released to the public in I believe around 1978.
The program works like this:
I started exercising a bit to get the blood flowing and then took a bunch of vitamins and some kind of all blend oil and then with another person who they call a twin who was also doing the program we would pair up and sit in this dry sauna for hours not all at one time as you start sweating and it gets so hot you have to come out and cool down, but then go back in and sweat some more. You are totally supervised as well during this program with that supervisor being nearby.

The whole idea is to sweat out all the drugs street, medical, and toxins from the body and with all the vits and oil replaces the bad fat with good fat. The program takes as long as it takes and the time spent in the sauna is different for each person, but I will tell you that when I was done I knew I was done big time. It was like I was reborn. I felt like a million dollars. I had enormous amounts of energy, my vision had improved beyond belief and my body felt just squeaky clean. It was the greatest thing I have ever done for my body and as a result spiritually I was flying feeling just terrific. I highly recommend this program for anyone and everyone who has ever taken any kind of drugs medical or street wise and or getting rid of all the toxins in the body.. Thank you Mr. Hubbard for this gift to mankind. The drugs are gone from my body and I feel like a million bucks.
Love Peace and Axle Grease,
Tom Brown
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by thetabear November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

I feel amazing after doing this program

This was an amazing program for me. I had been using drugs for a very long time almost every drug known to man, but had quit on my own, but would get flash backs, feel sluggish, no energy and dull and mis-emotional from time to time. I heard about this program and that what it does is remove the bad fat stored in the body with good fat. That all drugs whether they are street or medical drugs are poisons and a bit of them can and do lodge in the fat tissue of the body.
And getting rid of them can give a person a new lease on life. Mr hubbard invented this program and I am here to tell you WOW!!!!!!! I started the program when it was first released to the public in I believe around 1978.
The program works like this:
I started exercising a bit to get the blood flowing and then took a bunch of vitamins and some kind of all blend oil and then with another person who they call a twin who was also doing the program we would pair up and sit in this dry sauna for hours not all at one time as you start sweating and it gets so hot you have to come out and cool down, but then go back in and sweat some more. You are totally supervised as well during this program with that supervisor being nearby.

The whole idea is to sweat out all the drugs street, medical, and toxins from the body and with all the vits and oil replaces the bad fat with good fat. The program takes as long as it takes and the time spent in the sauna is different for each person, but I will tell you that when I was done I knew I was done big time. It was like I was reborn. I felt like a million dollars. I had enormous amounts of energy, my vision had improved beyond belief and my body felt just squeaky clean. It was the greatest thing I have ever done for my body and as a result spiritually I was flying feeling just terrific. I highly recommend this program for anyone and everyone who has ever taken any kind of drugs medical or street wise and or getting rid of all the toxins in the body.. Thank you Mr. Hubbard for this gift to mankind. The drugs are gone from my body and I feel like a million bucks.
Love Peace and Axle Grease,
Tom Brown

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When I did my Purif, as they call it, I had only stopped a period of drug use (mostly marijuana) only about 6 months previously. I knew I was not as aware at that point as I had been in my years prior. I could feel the "wooden", dulled perceptions that my drug use had left me.

About 3 weeks into this VERY intense program, I was blown away at how vivid colors were appearing and how ALIVE I felt.

You need to really organize your entire life around this program for a period of time. But if you have previous drug use that you know is dragging you down, this program can really bring you back up.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by 2briancox November 10, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (8)

This really helped my body feel "CLEAN".

When I did my Purif, as they call it, I had only stopped a period of drug use (mostly marijuana) only about 6 months previously. I knew I was not as aware at that point as I had been in my years prior. I could feel the "wooden", dulled perceptions that my drug use had left me.

About 3 weeks into this VERY intense program, I was blown away at how vivid colors were appearing and how ALIVE I felt.

You need to really organize your entire life around this program for a period of time. But if you have previous drug use that you know is dragging you down, this program can really bring you back up.

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Independent Scientologist

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My perceptions became brighter.
This is the most physically difficult thing you will ever do in Scientology.

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I noticed that there were a number of deviations from how the program was meant to be administered, according to Scientology's actual prescripts. The unavailability of twins (partners who are meant to do the program with you) was an issue. After I passed out, the staff seemed frightened, and did not know how to deal with it. I gained the impression they really did not know what they were doing. As I was new to services at Scientology organizations, I was quite bewildered by the lack of confidence of the staff. After the program, I went to see a medical doctor for a check up, and I was given some medication to correct some imbalances, and I felt better after that again.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by eagle November 09, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (23)

My experience of the Purification Rundown

I noticed that there were a number of deviations from how the program was meant to be administered, according to Scientology's actual prescripts. The unavailability of twins (partners who are meant to do the program with you) was an issue. After I passed out, the staff seemed frightened, and did not know how to deal with it. I gained the impression they really did not know what they were doing. As I was new to services at Scientology organizations, I was quite bewildered by the lack of confidence of the staff. After the program, I went to see a medical doctor for a check up, and I was given some medication to correct some imbalances, and I felt better after that again.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

I liked the sauna and exercise part of it, just for the health aspect. But one can obtain the same result by going to gym, so the positive aspect was more incidental, than as a result of this specific program.
I took this service at a corporate Scientology organization, and it was not well administered. I had no twin for the first part, and ended up passing out in the sauna and dehydrating. I was quite ill after that. I did push through to the end, just to get it over with, but did not feel comfortable with what was happening to my body, and also, I was not sure if the program was medically sound. This was not a positive experience for me.

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