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Auditing Services Clear Certainty Rundown

Clear Certainty Rundown Hot

October 14, 2012    
2.0 (5)
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The Clear Certainty Rundown is a simple action when done correctly that removes any slightest doubt a person may have about having achieved the state of Clear. Aptly named, the state of Clear is a new state of man, never before attainable. The state draws its name from an analogy with the "clear" button on an adding machine or calculator. Before a new calculation can be made, the device must first be "cleared" of past calculations least they be added into the new calculation and skew the results. Examples of such wrong results and faulty logic lies all about us as crime, suffering and dismay. To achieve certainty on the accomplishment of Clear is to really arrive upon the new plane of existence originally postulated in Book One, never to return to the old.

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Average user rating from: 5 user(s)

Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
2.6  (5)
1.8  (5)
Wow factor 
1.4  (5)
2.2  (5)
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I had three actions of this type after originating that I was Clear. The first (and best) was a simple rehab of the state.

Then the DCSI was released. This session became a sticky situation of the auditor fishing for a certain cognition and me wondering which one they wanted. The famous 'clear cognition' might be so obvious to some people that we don't realise it needs stating. Suddenly I started laughing heartily, the TA floated, and we all agreed I was still Clear.

Years later on OT preparations I was given an R factor that the DCSI wasn't good enough "because David Mayo had written it", and that I needed the CCRD. Boring. But even worse, I compromised with my own reality. The C/S had an arbitrary about what auditing actions someone could go clear on, and I ended up saying 'okay, it must have happened in that earlier session'. Whatever, it still F/Ned.

The CCRD can become an evaluation. It can also violate the principle that auditing is for the pc (not the C/S or anyone else), and the stable datum that The Thetan Knows. Perhaps the solution might be to treat it as a D of P interview to gather data, followed by a short session to rehab any state achieved (clear, release, exteriorisation).
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Reviewed by Alael December 02, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (16)

Rehabbing Clear

I had three actions of this type after originating that I was Clear. The first (and best) was a simple rehab of the state.

Then the DCSI was released. This session became a sticky situation of the auditor fishing for a certain cognition and me wondering which one they wanted. The famous 'clear cognition' might be so obvious to some people that we don't realise it needs stating. Suddenly I started laughing heartily, the TA floated, and we all agreed I was still Clear.

Years later on OT preparations I was given an R factor that the DCSI wasn't good enough "because David Mayo had written it", and that I needed the CCRD. Boring. But even worse, I compromised with my own reality. The C/S had an arbitrary about what auditing actions someone could go clear on, and I ended up saying 'okay, it must have happened in that earlier session'. Whatever, it still F/Ned.

The CCRD can become an evaluation. It can also violate the principle that auditing is for the pc (not the C/S or anyone else), and the stable datum that The Thetan Knows. Perhaps the solution might be to treat it as a D of P interview to gather data, followed by a short session to rehab any state achieved (clear, release, exteriorisation).

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Some action like this is necessary for the C/S to ensure preclears don't get routed onto higher levels before going Clear.
It can easily become an evaluation of the pc's case. Not because any Org terminal is being evil - some pc's go around covertly begging auditors and D of Ps to evaluate for them!

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If there are any experienced auditors or C/Ss out there who use the CCRD rather than the original DCSI I would love to hear from them.
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Reviewed by LDW November 12, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (10)


If there are any experienced auditors or C/Ss out there who use the CCRD rather than the original DCSI I would love to hear from them.

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Independent Scientologist

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I believe there are a few auditors/Case Supervisors in the the independent field who use the CCRD and do a good job with it. I personally wouldn't trust anyone in the Co$ with this rundown. The Clear UNcertainty Rundown seems to be the more accepted term by those who have experienced it, especially at FLAG.
I've now delivered 18 Dianetic Clear Special Intensives to people who left corporate scientology. Most of these people left the Flag Service Org disgusted with the "service?" All of them had gone from Certainty to UNcertainty after their Flag auditing. I've had three different Case Supervisors on the DCSIs I've delivered. It is simple and is usually done within the 5 hours that LRH originally said it should take.

Of these, 16 were and 2 were not clear. All of them were certain by the end of the rundown with the DCSI. All were happy. 80% are now moving up the bridge and doing well.

I don't know what they are doing with their CCRDs, but I'm not impressed.

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Personally, I got a Dianetic Clear Special Intensive in 1978, which was a forerunner to the CCRD. It was quick, to the point, I attested Clear, and never really had any trouble with it afterwards.

But I have heard *awful* things about the problems people have had with their Clear attests, and the CCRD. This doesn't mean the DCSI was better than the CCRD, but I think it is more a question of arbitraries of various kinds concerning the state of Clear. In the CofS I didn't have any trouble with the theory of what was going on, especially after really careful study of OT2 and OT3 materials.

However, now, in 2012, I'm not at all sure what the State of Clear is, or if it even exists. I tend to think that *something* happens when someone "goes Clear," but I wouldn't like to say exactly what. Hubbard's line about the person's own bank having disappeared and it is only the entity case being audited after Clear is obviously false, as people can still find "their own" charge all the way up through OT8.
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Reviewed by Paul Adams November 11, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Clear Certainty? Hmmm

Personally, I got a Dianetic Clear Special Intensive in 1978, which was a forerunner to the CCRD. It was quick, to the point, I attested Clear, and never really had any trouble with it afterwards.

But I have heard *awful* things about the problems people have had with their Clear attests, and the CCRD. This doesn't mean the DCSI was better than the CCRD, but I think it is more a question of arbitraries of various kinds concerning the state of Clear. In the CofS I didn't have any trouble with the theory of what was going on, especially after really careful study of OT2 and OT3 materials.

However, now, in 2012, I'm not at all sure what the State of Clear is, or if it even exists. I tend to think that *something* happens when someone "goes Clear," but I wouldn't like to say exactly what. Hubbard's line about the person's own bank having disappeared and it is only the entity case being audited after Clear is obviously false, as people can still find "their own" charge all the way up through OT8.

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Seems to get botched a lot.

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today, after redefinition of F/N etc. , I would not do it again on Church lines
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by ul2106 November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)

did it twice

today, after redefinition of F/N etc. , I would not do it again on Church lines

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

first time done unsuccesfully, it was disappointing.
Then succesfully completion in 1990, what a great relief.

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Was probably not needed.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by mkmrmny November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (34)

I don't think I needed it.

Was probably not needed.

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

It was a long time ago and I hardly remember it but made the C/S happy.
I would of loved to read some data regarding being clear.

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