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Auditing Services Book One Auditing

Book One Auditing Hot

October 14, 2012    
3.3 (6)
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"Book One" of Dianetics was Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, released on May 9th, 1950. That book is a handbook for what became a new type of therapy called "auditing" — still in use — that enables any two relatively strong people to unlock hidden clarity within the mind. As L. Ron Hubbard discovered in his research prior to writing the book, within every individual is a complete "time track" consisting of the complete moment-to-moment recordings of their entire existence. Many people do not think of themselves as explorers, yet embarking on a journey into your own past is perhaps the greatest exploratory expedition any individual could ever embark upon. The reward is a better grasp of who you are and how you came to be who you are!

"Auditing" is comes from audio which means to listen. The auditor guides but does not tell a person what to think, because in Dianetics the whole point is to enable the individual to think for himself. Used as intended, Dianetics principles cause a person to "wake up" into greater possession of their own thought processes. The reverse use of these same principles, known as "Black Dianetics" makes a person more suggestible, less aware and less able to think. Observing anyone with some experience with the subject, it is easy to know whether the technology was used correctly or in reverse. Luckily, the remedy for Black Dianetics is within the subject itself. Dianetics can repair itself.

Life itself has a deadening effect on a person. Painful experiences and losses accumulate and lessen overall awareness and ability. Dianetics is designed to turn the clock back.



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2.2  (6)
3.5  (6)
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3.8  (6)
3.8  (6)
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I was posted as a Book One Auditor at San Francisco Foundation in 1987-88. Having audited over 2000 hours of Book One, I can say that it can be highly effective and it can do everything it is intended to do but it requires a highly trained and competent auditor with excellent TRs (starting with OT TR0 and all of them through the Upper Indocs), full proficiency with the techniques and absolute certainty with the Tone Scale. I was somewhat trained (not a brand new person) and I was already a Clear when I audited Book One and that helped me achieve some stunning results but there were some misses too.
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Reviewed by Michael Priv February 04, 2013
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

Book One Auditing

I was posted as a Book One Auditor at San Francisco Foundation in 1987-88. Having audited over 2000 hours of Book One, I can say that it can be highly effective and it can do everything it is intended to do but it requires a highly trained and competent auditor with excellent TRs (starting with OT TR0 and all of them through the Upper Indocs), full proficiency with the techniques and absolute certainty with the Tone Scale. I was somewhat trained (not a brand new person) and I was already a Clear when I audited Book One and that helped me achieve some stunning results but there were some misses too.

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I've delivered over 500 hours of Book One Auditing and have trained hundreds of people to use this technology. I'm also a Graduate Class V auditor. I often use Book One as part of a Life Repair, if it's appropriate for the person I'm auditing. Some PCs are just more in tune with Dianetics than Scientology. They want to handle their upsets by running the actual incident. They want to tell you all about it, over and over. And they get good wins doing it.
I read Dianetics while I was studying psychology at university. It just made sense to me. I've trained several psychologists on the comm course and then Book One. Great reception from all of them.
I think Book One is a tool that no auditor should be without. Good gains fast with minimal runway for the PC.
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Reviewed by LDW November 18, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (10)

Highly recommended for beginners and pros

I've delivered over 500 hours of Book One Auditing and have trained hundreds of people to use this technology. I'm also a Graduate Class V auditor. I often use Book One as part of a Life Repair, if it's appropriate for the person I'm auditing. Some PCs are just more in tune with Dianetics than Scientology. They want to handle their upsets by running the actual incident. They want to tell you all about it, over and over. And they get good wins doing it.
I read Dianetics while I was studying psychology at university. It just made sense to me. I've trained several psychologists on the comm course and then Book One. Great reception from all of them.
I think Book One is a tool that no auditor should be without. Good gains fast with minimal runway for the PC.

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Independent Scientologist

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You can easily learn the basics of Book One Auditing over the course of a weekend and get some wins and results right away. Very short runway. Sometimes, if you study well and audit cleverly, you can really get some miracle results.
While there is far more than meets the eye in Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health, without studying Science of Survival and the entirety of the Dianetics Book one can come up short in results.

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IF you go to an Indie center and get trained or just read the Dianetcs book and give it a try you can really be surprised what you can do to help someone through this procedure. Most practitioners also do a course called TR's (training routines) which helps train you on how to listen and not interrupt the person you are helping and so forth. It's pretty good stuff.
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Reviewed by Bazookajoe November 13, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

Book One auditing

IF you go to an Indie center and get trained or just read the Dianetcs book and give it a try you can really be surprised what you can do to help someone through this procedure. Most practitioners also do a course called TR's (training routines) which helps train you on how to listen and not interrupt the person you are helping and so forth. It's pretty good stuff.

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It is pretty wasy to learn. And as a therapy it is about as easy to deliver as anyone could hope for.
You would have to read the Dianetics book, which is very hard to wade through or go to a center to learn how to do it. Don't go to a "corporate " Scientology center or you might get trapped inside of a cult. Try to find an independent center through this site.

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When I first got back to the UK in 2006 after 20 years in LA I hooked up with some local freezoners. They were meeting every week but just sitting around chatting. I said right, let's get some auditing going. At the next meeting there were a couple of new faces, including one guy who had been trying for TWO YEARS to get Book 1 auditing at the local CofS org (Sunderland). They had "no auditors," for crying out loud.

The guy whose house we were using had the CofS Book 1 DVD, so we played the 2nd half of that to the newbies. The 1st half is irrelevant to auditing. They then drilled the Book 1 commands from a cheat sheet for ten minutes or so, then went into session! I can't say it was technically the best Book 1 session ever, but so what? With that little bit of theory and drilling, and an "expert" (me) visibly there supervising them and able to take care of any trouble, they had enough confidence to get in there and do it.

At the next meeting they switched around, and continued like this. A few sessions later the group leader kicked me out for being a squirrel (!), so I don't know what they got out of it all, but I do know it is easy to get someone new going at it.

As for the overall effectiveness of Book 1 auditing, and the theory as laid out in DMSMH, well, that's something else. But in terms of the ease of getting someone going and getting *something* done, it is wonderful, especially with something like a video showing the actions of usual Book 1 session and a commands cheat sheet and minimum theory and a bit of drilling and not the whole original book.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 11, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Great way to get someone started on auditing, both as auditor and pc

When I first got back to the UK in 2006 after 20 years in LA I hooked up with some local freezoners. They were meeting every week but just sitting around chatting. I said right, let's get some auditing going. At the next meeting there were a couple of new faces, including one guy who had been trying for TWO YEARS to get Book 1 auditing at the local CofS org (Sunderland). They had "no auditors," for crying out loud.

The guy whose house we were using had the CofS Book 1 DVD, so we played the 2nd half of that to the newbies. The 1st half is irrelevant to auditing. They then drilled the Book 1 commands from a cheat sheet for ten minutes or so, then went into session! I can't say it was technically the best Book 1 session ever, but so what? With that little bit of theory and drilling, and an "expert" (me) visibly there supervising them and able to take care of any trouble, they had enough confidence to get in there and do it.

At the next meeting they switched around, and continued like this. A few sessions later the group leader kicked me out for being a squirrel (!), so I don't know what they got out of it all, but I do know it is easy to get someone new going at it.

As for the overall effectiveness of Book 1 auditing, and the theory as laid out in DMSMH, well, that's something else. But in terms of the ease of getting someone going and getting *something* done, it is wonderful, especially with something like a video showing the actions of usual Book 1 session and a commands cheat sheet and minimum theory and a bit of drilling and not the whole original book.

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Very simple procedure to train people to audit with and give both auditors and pcs some wins.
The book itself.

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it´s not easy to understand and therefore needs some training to do it correct.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by ul2106 November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)

I have audited my wife

it´s not easy to understand and therefore needs some training to do it correct.

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Independent Scientologist

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In 1989 I have audited my wife on Book one with a great result. My wins as an auditor have been much greater, because I got a complete new viewpoint to life.

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People could apply book one much more often and lightly when something comes up.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by mkmrmny November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (34)

I have audited a few others on book one.

People could apply book one much more often and lightly when something comes up.

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Independent Scientologist

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I have audited a few people on book one and each one came to a profound realization about life and how their own personal viewpoints were influenced by the past.
Going through a painful incident is really uncomfortable and takes confront. I wish there was an easier way but this needs to be experienced and understood in its fullest.

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