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Independent Auditors Chris Black

Chris Black Hot

November 07, 2012    
5.0 (4)
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Auditor Details

Auditor Class
  • Class VIII
  • Case Supervisor

Chris Black is a Class VIII C/S and Class IX auditor in Toronto, Canada.  

My purposes are to restore hope, to demonstrate that Standard Tech can be obtained, and that the Bridge is open and available outside the Church. As part of those purposes, I seek to help others reach their goals in Scientology, rehab any wins that may have been bypassed due to out-tech to help everyone realize their full potential through standard application of LRH technology to the end of enabling the being to play a better game, make better choices, and have a better life.

I began in Scientology in 1976 in Los Angeles while visiting my brother, a Scientologist himself. I trained day and night at the new LA Org on the original HAS course, including Hard TRs. I returned home (Canada) and shortly afterwards left university and began full-time as a Scientologist and staff member. My first post was course supervisor. I then worked in Qual as a Professional Word-Clearer and Cramming Officer. My staff experience includes 20 years in Tech and Qual on technical posts. I am a fully hatted Pro Word Clearer, Cramming Officer, Tech Sec, Qual Sec and course supervisor. I am a trained evaluator (DSEC), Staff Status IV, and have successfully raised stats on all posts I have held.

I am one of the few Class VIII C/Ses (HSST) ever made. I am a specialist in C/Sing and programming cases, C/Sing and auditing reviews and repairs, debugging cases (including the honest and appropriate use of ethics to debug stalled or failing dynamics), and resolving BPC the Church has created due to out-tech. This includes bad auditing; incorrect programming and C/Sing; wrong indications; harsh or unnecessary ethics actions; over-regging; and plain evaluation. I also deliver Lower Grades, NED and OT setups, OT reviews, NOTs and am an expert in the area of Clear, having debugged many stalled Clear cycles/cases that upper orgs and even RTC were unable to resolve. I also deliver ethics assistance if requested or needed to help a person back onto the Bridge or to enable them to be more successful in life.

I pride myself on adherence to straight LRH tech, applying standard Scientology not only in practice, but in principle. I have blown the whistle on out-tech within the CoS as well as in the field. In fact, my KR on GAoT and COB labeling GAoT as a technical degrade in violation of numerous LRH references resulted in me being comm eved and egregiously declared on false and trumped-up charges. But as a Class VIII friend said, being declared by a suppressive group is an honour.

This LRH quote is a guiding principle in my delivery of LRH tech (Tape: "An Afternoon at St. Hill"):

"In order to make Scientology work, it is necessary to hold a standard and this standard must be held very relentlessly. And unless all the actions and all the various techniques applied can be held to a standard of rendition, then Scientology doesn't work; Scientology doesn't work if it's badly done."

In addition to achieving Full Class VIII Auditor status with Honors, I am one of the few Class VIII C/Ses (HSST) on the planet and all my training was pre-GAoT. I am fully trained and interned as an auditor and C/S on the following:

-Life Repair and Rehabilitation
-Pro TRs Clay Table Auditing
-Purification RD Delivery
-Lower Grades and Dianetics (NED)
-FPRD (False Purpose Rundown)
-KTL/LOC and Pro TRs Auditor & C/S
-DCSI/CCRD Auditor & C/S
-OT Setups and Debugs
-OT I - IV (including reviews/repairs)
-Many additional minor Rundowns.

I also trained as a Class IX Advanced Courses Specialist (NOTs) auditor in the Independent Scientology field in 2012 and did my practical under an Independent veteran Flag NOTs auditor and C/S.

I do not audit or C/S anything for which I did not fully train and honestly achieve the product of the course. Thus I do not deliver the Ls or Power. I do not audit over Skype or the internet or telephone, those being gross out-tech practices resulting from gross Mis-Us and Overts on Scientology and LRH technology.

I C/S and audit out of Toronto and can be contacted at “ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.”. Contact me via email if you are interested in my C/Sing or auditing services, or if I can assist you to move up the Bridge through auditing or ethics tech. Please leave a contact number if you wish me to call you.

Chris Black more info.

User reviews

Average user rating from: 4 user(s)

Overall rating 
5.0  (4)
5.0  (4)
Auditor beingness 
5.0  (4)
5.0  (4)
Knowledge of Scientology 
5.0  (4)
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I have used Chris as a CS many times in the past and he is very standard, one of the best in the Indy field I have run across. Also Chris trained on Class IX at my Center and applied the data he learned in a very professional manner. He's a Pro LRH Tech guy who can be relied upon.
Overall rating 
Auditor beingness 
Knowledge of Scientology 
Reviewed by roy4021 November 16, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (7)


I have used Chris as a CS many times in the past and he is very standard, one of the best in the Indy field I have run across. Also Chris trained on Class IX at my Center and applied the data he learned in a very professional manner. He's a Pro LRH Tech guy who can be relied upon.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Bottom line...

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Chris did a repair cycle on me when I was "under the radar" to clean up my "not Clear" arbitrary from Flag. I highly recommend his auditing to anyone.
Overall rating 
Auditor beingness 
Knowledge of Scientology 
Reviewed by pmm0724 November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (13)

Repair Auditing

Chris did a repair cycle on me when I was "under the radar" to clean up my "not Clear" arbitrary from Flag. I highly recommend his auditing to anyone.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Bottom line...

Recommend to a friend?
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I have had the pleasure of being audited by Chris some years ago where I went from Australia to Canada expressly to have a clean up and some additional auditing. I found his auditing superlative and totally standard. His arc and guidance was excellent and I enjoyed being in the safe space and getting the auditing actions I needed. It was well worth the trip just for this auditing alone and I highly recommend Chris as a standard tech auditor.
Overall rating 
Auditor beingness 
Knowledge of Scientology 
Reviewed by Michael November 09, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

Auditing by Chris

I have had the pleasure of being audited by Chris some years ago where I went from Australia to Canada expressly to have a clean up and some additional auditing. I found his auditing superlative and totally standard. His arc and guidance was excellent and I enjoyed being in the safe space and getting the auditing actions I needed. It was well worth the trip just for this auditing alone and I highly recommend Chris as a standard tech auditor.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Bottom line...

Recommend to a friend?
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I have had the pleasure of doing several cycles with Chris, OT III review, OT IV, and some NOTs.
I am pleased with the results from all 3, and would recommend him to anyone that is looking for "Standard Tech".
In or out of session, Chris is fun to be around, and seems to never have people coming to him for services.
Overall rating 
Auditor beingness 
Knowledge of Scientology 
Reviewed by TomF November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)


I have had the pleasure of doing several cycles with Chris, OT III review, OT IV, and some NOTs.
I am pleased with the results from all 3, and would recommend him to anyone that is looking for "Standard Tech".
In or out of session, Chris is fun to be around, and seems to never have people coming to him for services.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist

Bottom line...

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