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Training Services The Solo Auditor Course

The Solo Auditor Course Hot

October 15, 2012    
2.8 (2)
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The Solo Auditor Course teaches one how to audit himself solo and is a prerequisite to the OT levels, R6EW and the Clearing Course.

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Average user rating from: 2 user(s)

Overall rating 
Makes life easier 
2.5  (2)
Worth the investment 
3.0  (2)
Easy to do 
2.0  (2)
Usefulness of information 
3.5  (2)
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But if you want to solo audit the usual stuff with a meter, as supervised by a KSW stalwart, then there isn't much choice.
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Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 10, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

I used to sup this at Saint Hill, mainly Solo Course Part 2

But if you want to solo audit the usual stuff with a meter, as supervised by a KSW stalwart, then there isn't much choice.

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The Solo Part 2 I am talking about takes something like 3 or 4 days to do full time, and includes 12 solo audited sessions. These sessions include flying ruds, word clearing, a couple of L1Cs, and even a session (on Self Analysis) designed to teach the solo auditor to spot a persistent F/N. I used to think this was an excellent course, as students coming from a lower org usually didn't quite know how to solo audit (they missed out on what a solo instant read is) despite having supposedly trained on it already on Solo Part 1. So when that got fixed they did solo sessions on a very easy gradient and usually got a big kick out of successfully auditing themselves on a meter.
Can't think of any for Solo Part 2. Solo Part 1, on the other hand, was/is hugely bloated, containing lots of stuff that didn't relate to solo auditing at all. For example, all the basic books on there have very little to do with solo auditing. I assumed they were on there in an attempt to get the "professional pc" to at least study *some* basic Scientology. 5x through the meter drills is an overkill, and is only useful if the coaching/supervising sucks. If the person is studying the course at home through some remote study program and comes to a center for checkouts/drilling it isn't so bad, but if he has to be away from home for the weeks it takes to get through Solo Part 1, that can be painful.

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I probably did a version of this 10 tens over the years. Prefer TA action.
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Makes life easier 
Worth the investment 
Easy to do 
Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by mkmrmny November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (34)

I needed th solo course yet many never finish it.

I probably did a version of this 10 tens over the years. Prefer TA action.

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Independent Scientologist

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Glad I did it but think it was too long a run way for most.
Too much data and solo auditors do not get in session.

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