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Training Services Ethics Specialist Course

Ethics Specialist Course Hot

October 14, 2012    
3.2 (4)
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The Ethics Specialist Course makes a specialist in LRH Ethics tech.

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Average user rating from: 4 user(s)

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Makes life easier 
3.3  (4)
Worth the investment 
3.0  (4)
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3.5  (4)
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3.0  (4)
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Some of the information is very valuable. Just don't expect to find it applied standardly within the Church. However, if you apply it to yourself and to your life, if you weed out the things that are ostensibly "Church justice system based" then you will find some true pearls of wisdom contained within Hubbard's data on this subject.
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Reviewed by Mirari November 30, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

Ethics Specialist Course

Some of the information is very valuable. Just don't expect to find it applied standardly within the Church. However, if you apply it to yourself and to your life, if you weed out the things that are ostensibly "Church justice system based" then you will find some true pearls of wisdom contained within Hubbard's data on this subject.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Understanding the conditions of life and all the tools at one's disposal is very valuable indeed. Realizing that Hubbard wrote extensively in how to improve your condition in life and the vast resources available to you is very valuable. If one applies the tools to one's life along with the other tools from other courses one can raise themselves up scale in their estimation. Remember life's conditions are relative to one's reality and experience. So rising up must be according to one's own standard and not how most people do it...i.e. relative to their neighbor or friend. We tend to always compare ourselves to others. It is better to compare to your set standards and work more toward your own targets and goals.
This course tells you about all the systems within the Church when one needs to seek ethical changes or seek justice actions. The BIG PROBLEM is that the Church does not follow it's own policy. Justice is seldom swift and almost always arbitrary. It is not based upon Hubbard's policy anymore. It is based on David Miscaviges needs and wants. All staff are apprehensive of crossing him and of doing anything not demanded by him regardless of whether it is based upon any policy. If DM demands something, then Hubbard's policies are cast aside for the expedience of "command intention". So it is great to know how something is supposed to work but when it doesn't actually work that way, in fact, when it works so very different from what is written on the course one must question the veracity of the "institution" that puts forth one view but does a different arbitrary method that makes sense to know one but the Mad Man that originated the order. That is WHY the Church of Scientology will not ultimately flourish. It has lost its soul. It has lost its integrity. It is a falsehood.

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Hubbard mentioned something about magic being an awareness of forces and conditions. Well here it is on this course. If you can get a command of the conditions, your are in command of magic. And life. It has always amazed me the lack of interest people in the conditions. But it is up the grade near clear on the awareness characteristics. If you can't even see conditions you can't think with them. But I do not see many enthusiastic about using this tech and where they are not they are suffering in lower conditions when they do not need to be. One should also be inclined towards mathematical skills to think with ethics and the greatest good. And a lot of people are turned off about math. I consider the area of ethics and conditions an understanding of forces also and for the person inclined towards the super natural. Who isn't afraid of the dark. Anyone who can digest this knowledge and it's meaning would be able to remain at continual cause.
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Reviewed by theoracle November 19, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (13)

Understanding forces and conditions.

Hubbard mentioned something about magic being an awareness of forces and conditions. Well here it is on this course. If you can get a command of the conditions, your are in command of magic. And life. It has always amazed me the lack of interest people in the conditions. But it is up the grade near clear on the awareness characteristics. If you can't even see conditions you can't think with them. But I do not see many enthusiastic about using this tech and where they are not they are suffering in lower conditions when they do not need to be. One should also be inclined towards mathematical skills to think with ethics and the greatest good. And a lot of people are turned off about math. I consider the area of ethics and conditions an understanding of forces also and for the person inclined towards the super natural. Who isn't afraid of the dark. Anyone who can digest this knowledge and it's meaning would be able to remain at continual cause.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

You are into real magic now.
Most people are afraid of magic.

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Reviewed by ul2106 November 11, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (24)

Nice to have


Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

It´s useful to get a deeper insight into the Justice System of the church.
Not really applicable outside in business.

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Not as useful to the general user as the more tech-oriented courses.
Overall rating 
Makes life easier 
Worth the investment 
Easy to do 
Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 10, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Good summary of Ethics/Justice Issues

Not as useful to the general user as the more tech-oriented courses.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

Assuming you want to understand this area of Scientology, the checksheet gives a good grounding in it.
There is more emphasis on the justice angle than should be needed much outside the CofS.

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