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United States Tampa, Florida

Tampa, Florida Hot

October 15, 2012    
1.8 (3)
2166   0   0   0   0   0
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Church of Scientology of Tampa: This is a CoS service organization supposed to deliver training and processing from the bottom of the Bridge up through Clear on the processing side of the Bridge, and also deliver all Scientology training from Introductory courses and seminars up through Class V Graduate Auditor.

Address: 1300 East 8th Avenue, Tampa, FL 33605
Phone: (813) 872-0722
Mon-Fri  9:30am–10pm
Sat-Sun  9am–6pm

User reviews

Average user rating from: 3 user(s)

Overall rating 
2.0  (3)
2.3  (3)
2.0  (3)
1.0  (3)
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I wouldn't go back if it were free.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by robthomas August 22, 2013
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)


I wouldn't go back if it were free.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

I did have some actual gains in life from auditing with Sheldon Goldberg there. I got a few more courses under my belt which were helpful. Met some really cool people. Realized the person I was married to wasn't dedicated to our relationship which allowed me to meet my current wife.
For some reason I was viewed as having money despite my employment at David Singer (meaning I was a broke ass) so they regged me at every turn. I was also ordered to do some objectives over after completion of the course. Major inval. The staff didnt like me unless I was on course, getting auditing or donating. Outside of that, I was a wog to them. There were too many fundraising raising events - especially Gerhard's Postulate Seminars. I had to give back all the cool people I met because I decided to leave.

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My experience at the Church of Scientology in Tampa left a lot to be desired. The auditing that I received was "ok" but I was aware at the time was strung out for the purpose of getting more money from me. This was obvious to other people who were getting services there as well, but they just went along with it anyway, since it seemed to be the only place one could get services. Happily, this is no longer the case.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Riptide November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (7)

Tampa Org (Church of Scientology)

My experience at the Church of Scientology in Tampa left a lot to be desired. The auditing that I received was "ok" but I was aware at the time was strung out for the purpose of getting more money from me. This was obvious to other people who were getting services there as well, but they just went along with it anyway, since it seemed to be the only place one could get services. Happily, this is no longer the case.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

The main "pro" comment I can make is that I had a fairly sane experience with the person in charge of ethics after I had returned to that org after a security check in another organization.
The Director of Processing (in 2005) forgot his name, reminded me of a used car salesman. The degree of trust I had during my conversations with him would be a 1 on a scale of 1-10. (and, no he didn't miss any witholds on me)
One day while I was in the HGC waiting room, I walked up to the window to see if my auditor was ready for my session. In the room were 4 or 5 staff members. One of them was talking out loud about ME, in an alarmed tone that indicated there was something really alarming about me. Clearly, he thought there was something really serious because his voice tone was raised and he seemed angry.

This took place in a room, where folders containing details about peoples private lives and concerns were stacked up for ongoing sessions, including MY FOLDER. I had been getting auditing there for a number of months. When the group of people noticed I was standing in the doorway, aware that I was the subject of this conversation, the room went dead quiet. At least one person turned white. Discussion ceased and at least one person left the room right away. I had not idea what was so upsetting to the guy, the subject clearly was about me, and it was taking place in an organization that is supposed to be keeping details of your spiritual progress CONFIDENTIAL. This little "oops" by these staff members ERASED any sense of trust I had in the organization forever more. Not one person spoke with me about what this little conversation was about.

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The staff personalities in the Foundation org are twofold. They are either overly sweet and somewhat stupid, or there's the executives and other half of the org which are very militant and a pain in the ass to have to deal with or even know, really. I spent a few years on staff there as a body-router in Ybor City for them. Pretty much any conversation I would have with my seniors or HCO personnel were of a very serious nature. Was a painful place to be on staff at, but the Executive Director, Lynn Irons - who's got an unsavory ethical past, himself - goes to lengths to threaten his staff and make it impossible for them to leave without divine intervention of sorts. I would say if you hate your life and don't mind wasting it, Tampa Org is a great place to join staff at.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by masondexter November 09, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

I worked there for a few years

The staff personalities in the Foundation org are twofold. They are either overly sweet and somewhat stupid, or there's the executives and other half of the org which are very militant and a pain in the ass to have to deal with or even know, really. I spent a few years on staff there as a body-router in Ybor City for them. Pretty much any conversation I would have with my seniors or HCO personnel were of a very serious nature. Was a painful place to be on staff at, but the Executive Director, Lynn Irons - who's got an unsavory ethical past, himself - goes to lengths to threaten his staff and make it impossible for them to leave without divine intervention of sorts. I would say if you hate your life and don't mind wasting it, Tampa Org is a great place to join staff at.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a

Pros and Cons (optional)

Like any of the different organizations purchased and renovated by the Church, this one is obviously an equally aesthetic piece of real estate.
The staff on Foundation are the most militant dickwads on this side of the Mississippi

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