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United States Advanced Organization of Los Angeles

Advanced Organization of Los Angeles Hot

November 11, 2012    
1.6 (2)
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The Advanced Organization of Los Angeles (AOLA) is supposed to deliver the OT levels from OT I to New OT V, the Solo Auditor Course, Class VIII Auditor training, the OT Doctorate Course.

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Average user rating from: 2 user(s)

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2.0  (2)
2.0  (2)
1.5  (2)
1.0  (2)
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AOLA can be a very friendly place when you are totally on board and with the program. My experience in April, 2013 was that when, during an intensive to help me with the loss of my husband, I revealed that I had doubts and reservations about Miscavige, also that I exchanged emails with Wendy Honor and visited the Friends of LRH site. Then all was changed. The rest of the intensive was sec checking and I had a huge firefight with the auditor who would not let me take a break so I could tell my daughter, who was waiting in the parking lot for me, that I would be late. Then the MAA wanted me to stay and do 2 more intensives of sec checking. (I was living in Missouri at the time.) Between her and the D of P I was kept till 11 pm, threatened with "labeling" and harassed. Kind of a "good cop, bad cop" routine. It mattered not to these individuals that I had been a Scientologist for over 40 years and had just lost my husband, and had come to them for help. All that mattered was that I was no longer toeing the line -- that I was no longer on board, not with LRH, but with Miscavige. They don't see a difference. To them a criticism of Miscavige is totally on a par with a criticism of LRH. In 2003-4 I got good ethics handling at AO. Not sure what would have happened if I expressed criticism of Miscavige back then, but I do feel the attitudes of staff have gotten more rigid, draconian and "fundamentalist."
Overall rating 
Reviewed by Jenni September 19, 2014
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

My Views on AOLA

AOLA can be a very friendly place when you are totally on board and with the program. My experience in April, 2013 was that when, during an intensive to help me with the loss of my husband, I revealed that I had doubts and reservations about Miscavige, also that I exchanged emails with Wendy Honor and visited the Friends of LRH site. Then all was changed. The rest of the intensive was sec checking and I had a huge firefight with the auditor who would not let me take a break so I could tell my daughter, who was waiting in the parking lot for me, that I would be late. Then the MAA wanted me to stay and do 2 more intensives of sec checking. (I was living in Missouri at the time.) Between her and the D of P I was kept till 11 pm, threatened with "labeling" and harassed. Kind of a "good cop, bad cop" routine. It mattered not to these individuals that I had been a Scientologist for over 40 years and had just lost my husband, and had come to them for help. All that mattered was that I was no longer toeing the line -- that I was no longer on board, not with LRH, but with Miscavige. They don't see a difference. To them a criticism of Miscavige is totally on a par with a criticism of LRH. In 2003-4 I got good ethics handling at AO. Not sure what would have happened if I expressed criticism of Miscavige back then, but I do feel the attitudes of staff have gotten more rigid, draconian and "fundamentalist."

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

I had mainly good experiences at AO doing the OT levels through OT IV in 2003-04 and later doing the Basics with money I had left on account in 2007-08. There were some firefights but overall I would say I got good service.
When I went for help after the death of my husband, and got an intensive, I did not get the help I expected.

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I worked at AOLA for two years in 2001/2. It was the most unfriendly org to work as staff. At the time we were supposedly producing the highest ever OTs but many left upset as the amount of selling that went on. Working at PAC base in general was a nightmare and this was its crowning jewel. Constant pressure from upper management made otherwise nice staffers into evil dictators all looking out for themselves. At the time the captain of the org would scream and shout at staff even in the public areas, her communicator was a complete bitch and so it went down the org board. May divisions would false report and there were very few liberties or days off. I heard that it got worse... Staff were continually subjected to ethics checks by an ethics office that resmembled the secret police. I am a grown adult that could handle any situation in life. I was reduced to tears on several occasions and it took me a good 5 years to recover my confidence after leaving that utter hell hole. I saw public trapped in an org when they were supposed to have lunch break from study stats false reported due to fear and in my case abuse beyond anything I have ever experienced. Oh and I joined staff to help people!
Overall rating 
Reviewed by starzstuff December 08, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

Nice building

I worked at AOLA for two years in 2001/2. It was the most unfriendly org to work as staff. At the time we were supposedly producing the highest ever OTs but many left upset as the amount of selling that went on. Working at PAC base in general was a nightmare and this was its crowning jewel. Constant pressure from upper management made otherwise nice staffers into evil dictators all looking out for themselves. At the time the captain of the org would scream and shout at staff even in the public areas, her communicator was a complete bitch and so it went down the org board. May divisions would false report and there were very few liberties or days off. I heard that it got worse... Staff were continually subjected to ethics checks by an ethics office that resmembled the secret police. I am a grown adult that could handle any situation in life. I was reduced to tears on several occasions and it took me a good 5 years to recover my confidence after leaving that utter hell hole. I saw public trapped in an org when they were supposed to have lunch break from study stats false reported due to fear and in my case abuse beyond anything I have ever experienced. Oh and I joined staff to help people!

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Its very existence.

Bottom line...

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