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Auditing Services New OT VII

New OT VII Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.3 (2)
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New OT VII, Solo NOTs, is a lengthy level. LRH himself audited 250 hours on the level and that was subsequently adopted by the Church (as ordered by David Miscavige) and the arbitrary amount of auditing each person must audit before being allowed to finish the level. The end result of the level is Cause over Life.

The fact that those doing New OT VII have been interrupted consistently to do lengthy security checks every six months in the middle of Solo NOTs is gross out tech. And many of these people have not done well as a result.


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Average user rating from: 2 user(s)

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5.0  (2)
4.0  (2)
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4.0  (2)
4.0  (2)
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This can be a very, very long level (as it was for me) or a fairly short one (as it has been for some others). In any case, I have no complaints (at least not about the level itself - the Miscavige additives are another story). It takes as long as it takes. With this tech, you have in your hands the ability to handle any misemotion or other case phenomena - anytime and any place. At some point, you will have handled the whole shebang. The journey is well worth any sacrifices you might have to make - just make sure you do it in the Independent field.
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Reviewed by Maurice November 17, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (11)

A worthwhile journey

This can be a very, very long level (as it was for me) or a fairly short one (as it has been for some others). In any case, I have no complaints (at least not about the level itself - the Miscavige additives are another story). It takes as long as it takes. With this tech, you have in your hands the ability to handle any misemotion or other case phenomena - anytime and any place. At some point, you will have handled the whole shebang. The journey is well worth any sacrifices you might have to make - just make sure you do it in the Independent field.

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Independent Scientologist

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At the right time, get though it. There are several techniques. Use the one that indicates to you as long as you are still getting TA.
Overall rating 
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Reviewed by mkmrmny November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (34)

I believe this is the first step to spiritual freedom

At the right time, get though it. There are several techniques. Use the one that indicates to you as long as you are still getting TA.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Simple process and just takes discipline to persist though it. Don't Q&A.
Has been made over complicated.

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