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Auditing Services New Era Dianetics

New Era Dianetics Hot

October 14, 2012    
3.5 (3)
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Dianetics was the birth of Scientology and over the years LRH refined and improved the technology to make it successively more powerful. Finally, in 1978, came the greatest advance of all ushering in a totally new era of gains from Dianetics. New Era Dianetics was estimated by Ron by be probably 100 times more powerful than Book One. Standardly delivered, it often results in the attainment of the State of Clear, or at the very least a well and happy person. New Era Dianetics auditing includes eleven rundowns (a series of aligned steps to resolve specific factors) presented in a new way to make the most of the cumulative power of Dianetics. Pains, sensations, emotions and feelings are traced back to key engrams on the person's time track holding vast amounts of charge in place. When these engrams are erased the consequent gains are like nothing Book One could generally produce.

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Average user rating from: 3 user(s)

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3.7  (3)
3.7  (3)
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3.0  (3)
3.7  (3)
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Having previously trained on Standard Dianetics, I can appreciate how NED is streamlined from earlier forms of R3R, how it runs deeper, handles the pc's dianetics case as what the thetan is doing to the body, and gets results faster.

I had some NED auditing years after going Clear. Even so, I had some gain on narrative incidents althought I soon realised I was only running them as straightwire recalls. This may be the reason why NED lead to the discovery of so many Dianetic Clears: on Standard Dianetics they could grind away, dutifully putting the bank back and kidding themselves they were running it out. But NED invites the thetan to wake up and look.
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Reviewed by Alael December 02, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (16)

The Rolls-Royce of Dianetics

Having previously trained on Standard Dianetics, I can appreciate how NED is streamlined from earlier forms of R3R, how it runs deeper, handles the pc's dianetics case as what the thetan is doing to the body, and gets results faster.

I had some NED auditing years after going Clear. Even so, I had some gain on narrative incidents althought I soon realised I was only running them as straightwire recalls. This may be the reason why NED lead to the discovery of so many Dianetic Clears: on Standard Dianetics they could grind away, dutifully putting the bank back and kidding themselves they were running it out. But NED invites the thetan to wake up and look.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

Addresses the preclear as cause, where earlier Dianetics had treated the pc as effect or (in Book One auditing) only addressed the body and GE line.
Gets off the pc's postulate that had been the root of each chain.
Don't try it on a Clear.

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Read Dianetics Modern Science of Mental health then look for a professional auditor or co-auditor outside corporate Scientology. You have been warned! The last thing corporate Scientology cares about these days (it was different in the past) is helping anybody except for themselves.
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Reviewed by songbirdsings November 12, 2012
Top 500 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

Does Dianetics really handle psychosomatic illnesses?

Read Dianetics Modern Science of Mental health then look for a professional auditor or co-auditor outside corporate Scientology. You have been warned! The last thing corporate Scientology cares about these days (it was different in the past) is helping anybody except for themselves.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

I had a painful condition called rheumatoid arthritis affecting mostly my legs. A couple of sessions of Dianetics and the condition was handled, gone, poof, no more. Over 40 years late, the condition has not returned, not even a little bit and I'm almost 60 now!
None, if done on a co-audit basis, which is what I did. Best way is to sign up for the Book One Course and give it a whirl.

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I did the NED course around 1980, as my first real auditor training course. At the time, NED was delivered before the grades. It sounded quite miraculous in what it could handle. Now, not so much, as there are auditing actions that cover the ground much better. For example, when one is thrust into some charged topic or incident, one's attention will go to some part of that topic or incident. It might be at the beginning, the middle or the end. Trying to running the incident starting at the beginning and going through to the end violates the principle of auditing what the pc's attention is on.

Then, usually while that incident is still charged, one is supposed to go diving out of present time looking for some usually-wispy earlier-similar. If one audits the pc in present time (as one should), one will try and discharge that first incident wholly by itself, and any important earlier-similar (or later-similar) will come to the fore and eventually one has no choice in the matter as the original incident will no longer be visible but the other incident will be very visible. That is the time to audit the second incident.

There's more, but you've probably got the point by now that I am not too impressed with NED auditing. Still, if it is all you believe in and all your auditor delivers, then go for it. :)

In its defence, NED is vastly better than the 1969 Standard Dianetics it replaced. I received hundreds of hours of that, with at least three drug rundowns, including a "Whole Track Drug Rundown." Ah, the good old days. :)
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 11, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

NED is much, much faster than its predecessor

I did the NED course around 1980, as my first real auditor training course. At the time, NED was delivered before the grades. It sounded quite miraculous in what it could handle. Now, not so much, as there are auditing actions that cover the ground much better. For example, when one is thrust into some charged topic or incident, one's attention will go to some part of that topic or incident. It might be at the beginning, the middle or the end. Trying to running the incident starting at the beginning and going through to the end violates the principle of auditing what the pc's attention is on.

Then, usually while that incident is still charged, one is supposed to go diving out of present time looking for some usually-wispy earlier-similar. If one audits the pc in present time (as one should), one will try and discharge that first incident wholly by itself, and any important earlier-similar (or later-similar) will come to the fore and eventually one has no choice in the matter as the original incident will no longer be visible but the other incident will be very visible. That is the time to audit the second incident.

There's more, but you've probably got the point by now that I am not too impressed with NED auditing. Still, if it is all you believe in and all your auditor delivers, then go for it. :)

In its defence, NED is vastly better than the 1969 Standard Dianetics it replaced. I received hundreds of hours of that, with at least three drug rundowns, including a "Whole Track Drug Rundown." Ah, the good old days. :)

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Pros and Cons (optional)

The theory sounds fabulous. A big improvement over 1969 Standard Dianetics.
Dianetics theory is a bit shaky, so actions based on it aren't the best.

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