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Auditing Services Life Repair

Life Repair Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.6 (6)
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In the 1970s and into the early 1980s, Life Repair was a very popular first auditing action. However it was stamped out by Church management and replaced by "Routes" (which were mostly dismal failures) without any sensible reason ever being given. The theory of "Life Repair" is to repair the primary damage done to a person in the process of living. Broken relationships, losses, drastic change, injuries — all these things can affect a person and break his spirit. Because Life Repair is uniquely designed to fit each individual, the actions can vary, but all follow the rules that govern case supervision. Most commonly delivered as a 12.5 hour service, it can also be delivered in a block of 25 hours.

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4.8  (6)
4.5  (6)
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4.3  (6)
4.7  (6)
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If you need to go from being burdened and unhappy to starting life fresh, do this. Its a total game changer for you. Worth whatever you and the auditor work out as a fair exchange. You will have to confront some unpleasantness from your past, but its OK, they are just dark shadows and they will soon be gone and you will be free from their negative effects. Search for an auditor you feel comfortable with and who has gotten above average reviews. Then go for it. You have nothing to loose buy your misery. And its a relatively fast action. 25 hours was the norm back in the 70's.
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Reviewed by OldSecretary November 14, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

Well worth doing

If you need to go from being burdened and unhappy to starting life fresh, do this. Its a total game changer for you. Worth whatever you and the auditor work out as a fair exchange. You will have to confront some unpleasantness from your past, but its OK, they are just dark shadows and they will soon be gone and you will be free from their negative effects. Search for an auditor you feel comfortable with and who has gotten above average reviews. Then go for it. You have nothing to loose buy your misery. And its a relatively fast action. 25 hours was the norm back in the 70's.

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My first counseling (called auditing in Scientology) was Life Repair in 1971. For the first time in my life I changed for the better .... I mean "I" changed, me personally, me as me, not my work, not my possessions. It was a totally new thing and I felt like I would never get worse. This state never left or deteriorated and I was able to build on it. The more auditing I got, the more I valued this change.
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Reviewed by Bernie November 10, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

Life Repair

My first counseling (called auditing in Scientology) was Life Repair in 1971. For the first time in my life I changed for the better .... I mean "I" changed, me personally, me as me, not my work, not my possessions. It was a totally new thing and I felt like I would never get worse. This state never left or deteriorated and I was able to build on it. The more auditing I got, the more I valued this change.

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I had Life Repair as my first auditing action in Scientology. At that time I had so much attention on unknown past incidents in this lifetime - and much earlier - that I was failing to connect with ... well, just about everything. If you've ever seen 'Edward Scissorhands' you'll have some idea of what I was like.

The first surprise was that the auditor really was offering unsuppressed, uninhibited two-way communication. This was a new experience! About 20 hours of prepchecking took the charge off those incidents to the extent that I could live in present time. Then we handled the big issue that I imagined was defeating me. It was as if I'd been living in the darkness of a "haunted" house, then suddenly it was morning and I saw that every threatening shadow had just been my own misconceptions. I could walk out into a new friendly world, with a joy that I can still feel nearly 40 years later.
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Reviewed by Alael November 10, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (16)

Life-changing help

I had Life Repair as my first auditing action in Scientology. At that time I had so much attention on unknown past incidents in this lifetime - and much earlier - that I was failing to connect with ... well, just about everything. If you've ever seen 'Edward Scissorhands' you'll have some idea of what I was like.

The first surprise was that the auditor really was offering unsuppressed, uninhibited two-way communication. This was a new experience! About 20 hours of prepchecking took the charge off those incidents to the extent that I could live in present time. Then we handled the big issue that I imagined was defeating me. It was as if I'd been living in the darkness of a "haunted" house, then suddenly it was morning and I saw that every threatening shadow had just been my own misconceptions. I could walk out into a new friendly world, with a joy that I can still feel nearly 40 years later.

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Reviewed by ul2106 November 10, 2012
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Nice Auditing


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Pros and Cons (optional)

I got this in 1988. Auditing was not too expensive. I did´t know exactly what changed, but at the end life was looking much more interesting

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I was a druggie in 1972 and had left my wife and children of 10 years because I saw greener pastures on the horizon that included lots of sex with lots of women was the illusions I had created in my mind. I was bored with my wife. But something backfired on me and several months down the road the greener grass had never appeared. I was alone and very sad. I tried to get back with my wife and children, but she had a new found love. I went to a psychologist or psychiatrist don’t know which for help.

It was a woman doctor and after carefully listening to my story she said I needed to be with lots of women sexually as I had confided in her that my wife did not satisfy me any longer sexually. She was to meet me on a Friday night and take me around the town to find women. I left that counseling meeting and thought about it when I got home and thought she was nuts and I never went back.

A friend of mine who was a professional photographer was doing a layout for a major magazine called me from Hawaii and told me he had found a solution to my troubles. A thing called Dianetics and Scientology and he told me that I should go to a lecture in Oakland sometime to find out more about it. This news couldn’t have come at a better time as I was really depressed like no other time in my life. My world had come crashing in. I lost my wife, my children, my job and finally myself and was truly on the verge of suicide as I did not see any future for me outside of ending it all.

I told Bill my friend who called from Hawaii I would check it out so I went to a lecture on the subject of Dianetics and Scientology in Oakland one night and I listened to the speaker and there was so many things that I thought were wonderful about it, but the one that broke the camels back was when he mentioned they offered a thing called “LIFE REPAIR” holy shit I thought to myself life repair this is like space opera and the space ship had landed and there was a way out of the mental madness that was going thru me. I truly was on the verge of suicide and had been thinking about it. But I thought what the hell they told me there was a 100% money back guarantee so I went in for this thing called “LIFE REPAIR”. In Dianetics and Scientology they call their counselors “auditors” (one who listens) They do not evaluate or invalidate you but ask you things that you answer and un-believable as it may seem you get better. Getting back to this thing called “LIFE REPAIR” I got an auditor named Dan Koon who gave me this LIFE REPAIR and in just I swear it was about 11 hours my whole life had been repaired. I no longer had any more emotional heartache about my wife I had left and understood her for what she did. I mean just think about it people carry the loss of a loved one like a wife or husband thru divorce or death, friend or family by death around for years without relief and I had handled this huge loss of my wife and children and my life in only about 11 hours.

It truly was the greatest feeling in my life. I truly felt like I had been reborn and from that moment on I knew that I would continue with Dianetics and Scientology for as long as it worked for me and no longer and it has worked for me now for over 40 years. I do not belong to the church any longer for many reasons, but mostly its about the money they charge you and or want from you for some cause and it just isn’t the same church, but there is hope for anyone wanting to check out Dianetics and Scientology for themselves thru independent Scientology and Dianetics as those of us that have left the church for our own reasons are and will always be Scientologists because Mr. Hubbard has the answers to life’s problems. It works and that is the bottom line. Thank you Mr Hubbard and Mr. Dan Koon for saving my life and giving me a new life. I am eternally grateful.

Happy Everything,
Tom Brown

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Wow factor 
Reviewed by thetabear November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

My own review of life repair by Tom Brown

I was a druggie in 1972 and had left my wife and children of 10 years because I saw greener pastures on the horizon that included lots of sex with lots of women was the illusions I had created in my mind. I was bored with my wife. But something backfired on me and several months down the road the greener grass had never appeared. I was alone and very sad. I tried to get back with my wife and children, but she had a new found love. I went to a psychologist or psychiatrist don’t know which for help.

It was a woman doctor and after carefully listening to my story she said I needed to be with lots of women sexually as I had confided in her that my wife did not satisfy me any longer sexually. She was to meet me on a Friday night and take me around the town to find women. I left that counseling meeting and thought about it when I got home and thought she was nuts and I never went back.

A friend of mine who was a professional photographer was doing a layout for a major magazine called me from Hawaii and told me he had found a solution to my troubles. A thing called Dianetics and Scientology and he told me that I should go to a lecture in Oakland sometime to find out more about it. This news couldn’t have come at a better time as I was really depressed like no other time in my life. My world had come crashing in. I lost my wife, my children, my job and finally myself and was truly on the verge of suicide as I did not see any future for me outside of ending it all.

I told Bill my friend who called from Hawaii I would check it out so I went to a lecture on the subject of Dianetics and Scientology in Oakland one night and I listened to the speaker and there was so many things that I thought were wonderful about it, but the one that broke the camels back was when he mentioned they offered a thing called “LIFE REPAIR” holy shit I thought to myself life repair this is like space opera and the space ship had landed and there was a way out of the mental madness that was going thru me. I truly was on the verge of suicide and had been thinking about it. But I thought what the hell they told me there was a 100% money back guarantee so I went in for this thing called “LIFE REPAIR”. In Dianetics and Scientology they call their counselors “auditors” (one who listens) They do not evaluate or invalidate you but ask you things that you answer and un-believable as it may seem you get better. Getting back to this thing called “LIFE REPAIR” I got an auditor named Dan Koon who gave me this LIFE REPAIR and in just I swear it was about 11 hours my whole life had been repaired. I no longer had any more emotional heartache about my wife I had left and understood her for what she did. I mean just think about it people carry the loss of a loved one like a wife or husband thru divorce or death, friend or family by death around for years without relief and I had handled this huge loss of my wife and children and my life in only about 11 hours.

It truly was the greatest feeling in my life. I truly felt like I had been reborn and from that moment on I knew that I would continue with Dianetics and Scientology for as long as it worked for me and no longer and it has worked for me now for over 40 years. I do not belong to the church any longer for many reasons, but mostly its about the money they charge you and or want from you for some cause and it just isn’t the same church, but there is hope for anyone wanting to check out Dianetics and Scientology for themselves thru independent Scientology and Dianetics as those of us that have left the church for our own reasons are and will always be Scientologists because Mr. Hubbard has the answers to life’s problems. It works and that is the bottom line. Thank you Mr Hubbard and Mr. Dan Koon for saving my life and giving me a new life. I am eternally grateful.

Happy Everything,
Tom Brown

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I received my Life Repair as one of the very first auditing actions when I started in Scientology in 1974. Intensives didn't cost much back in those days and somehow we managed to scrape together a couple. Whatever I had attention on up to that time was addressed and, in the final outcome, life certainly looked more inviting and adventurous.

A funny thing happened near the end of the Life Repair. The auditor said, "Give me that hand." I cannot describe the full range of emotions that I felt then and even now as I recall that time. It was probably the very first recognition of "help."
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Reviewed by TheWidowDenk November 09, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (21)

My Life Was Repaired

I received my Life Repair as one of the very first auditing actions when I started in Scientology in 1974. Intensives didn't cost much back in those days and somehow we managed to scrape together a couple. Whatever I had attention on up to that time was addressed and, in the final outcome, life certainly looked more inviting and adventurous.

A funny thing happened near the end of the Life Repair. The auditor said, "Give me that hand." I cannot describe the full range of emotions that I felt then and even now as I recall that time. It was probably the very first recognition of "help."

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