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Grade II Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.3 (3)
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Grade II deals with the factors that result in suffering, misery and hostilities. Whereas Dianetics was directed at repairing those things that happened to the individual, Grade Ii takes up those things the person did and later regrets. These include harmful acts, transgressions against friends and associates. By relieving the burden of these deeds, Grade II cuts the ties to guilt, regrets and hostility. The result is a higher standard of living to say the least. it's not always possible to control what other people do, but you can deal with your side of the ledger and oddly enough, when that is done often the other guy will desire a more peaceful resolution and brewing hostilities vanish. Grade II produces marked improvements in perception (such as eye sight), memory, and restored love for friends, family and humanity as a whole. Grade II proves that an individual is basically good, because while untangling such matters the person inevitably realizes that he was punishing himself. The level generally takes about 2 weeks (25 hours of auditing).


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Average user rating from: 3 user(s)

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Applicability (hits home) 
4.3  (3)
4.0  (3)
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4.0  (3)
4.7  (3)
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This grade more or less validated the grade before it. On this grade I confronted what I should have done, and did not do, because I had a problem with forces. So much charge on this level. A lot of charge in this area for me. All of my life as a child until I was 14 I had been described as "A very obedient child". I was obedient. And that was ruining my life. A short time after I finished this grade I was walking towards a subway and saw some woman laying bleeding on the sidewalk. Some guy was beating her up. He was gone in violence. I walked right up and got in the middle. No problem at all. I calmed down the man by not granting him any beingness. He folded. A few weeks later I surfaced from a subway station in Jamaica Queens only to have a guy about 6"4" stick a butcher knife to my throat. I was carrying a picture frame with glass over a photo. I looked at him and could tell there was "nobody home". His eyes were really glassy. It did not occur to me to think of what I "should not" do. My solutions were about what I "should do". I realized his intentions were to make me be a victim. All I had to do was reverse the flow. I knew he would kill me if I gave up. I jerked away from him and smashed the photo of the glass, edges flew off and I picked up a piece of it. I just reversed the flow. I said, "I've been walking down this street all night long waiting for someone to fuck with me, and here you are." I could see his eyes come into focus and dart around. He was up to some kind of confusion. I actually ended up chasing him down the street. Maybe I went crazy. I could not feel anything but energy. He finally out ran me. I know I could not have saved the life of the woman on the street or my own life had I not finished this grade. That is when the auditing gets REAL and practical right now. So, what can I say? This auditing saved my life and the life of another woman. A short time later, I saw a drug addict walking down Broadway holding a baby with nothing on but diapers in winter. Without a thought I snatched the baby away and closed myself in a phone booth with the baby until the police arrived. What can I say? This auditing turned me into a force to be reckoned with. And it was immediate change spilling right out onto the side walk. Go for it! Turn yourself loose!
Overall rating 
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by theoracle November 20, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (13)

From effect to cause

This grade more or less validated the grade before it. On this grade I confronted what I should have done, and did not do, because I had a problem with forces. So much charge on this level. A lot of charge in this area for me. All of my life as a child until I was 14 I had been described as "A very obedient child". I was obedient. And that was ruining my life. A short time after I finished this grade I was walking towards a subway and saw some woman laying bleeding on the sidewalk. Some guy was beating her up. He was gone in violence. I walked right up and got in the middle. No problem at all. I calmed down the man by not granting him any beingness. He folded. A few weeks later I surfaced from a subway station in Jamaica Queens only to have a guy about 6"4" stick a butcher knife to my throat. I was carrying a picture frame with glass over a photo. I looked at him and could tell there was "nobody home". His eyes were really glassy. It did not occur to me to think of what I "should not" do. My solutions were about what I "should do". I realized his intentions were to make me be a victim. All I had to do was reverse the flow. I knew he would kill me if I gave up. I jerked away from him and smashed the photo of the glass, edges flew off and I picked up a piece of it. I just reversed the flow. I said, "I've been walking down this street all night long waiting for someone to fuck with me, and here you are." I could see his eyes come into focus and dart around. He was up to some kind of confusion. I actually ended up chasing him down the street. Maybe I went crazy. I could not feel anything but energy. He finally out ran me. I know I could not have saved the life of the woman on the street or my own life had I not finished this grade. That is when the auditing gets REAL and practical right now. So, what can I say? This auditing saved my life and the life of another woman. A short time later, I saw a drug addict walking down Broadway holding a baby with nothing on but diapers in winter. Without a thought I snatched the baby away and closed myself in a phone booth with the baby until the police arrived. What can I say? This auditing turned me into a force to be reckoned with. And it was immediate change spilling right out onto the side walk. Go for it! Turn yourself loose!

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Immediate results you can see right in your life.
You will become a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps NOISY!

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By the time I did this level in 1972 I could communicate and I was willing to be helped and I had no real nagging problems in my life.... so I went into this level ready to really look at myself and my case and tell the auditor about it.... what a relief I had. And then I went exterior and found I could communicate with other exterior beings who seemed to be just hanging around statues and paintings in museums and street corners etc.. and not having or controlling a physical body! It was very strange but it was not a scarey spook show or anything, I just told them to go pick up a body and get some auditing... I don't know if they did, but they went off to do something... anyway, even though it was not something promised on the grade chart, I found out about the world of spirits on this level.. so it was quite a level for me!!! I figured the next level could never be as good as this one. Never in 100 years.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by Robert Almblad November 11, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (19)

Went exterior and found spirit world

By the time I did this level in 1972 I could communicate and I was willing to be helped and I had no real nagging problems in my life.... so I went into this level ready to really look at myself and my case and tell the auditor about it.... what a relief I had. And then I went exterior and found I could communicate with other exterior beings who seemed to be just hanging around statues and paintings in museums and street corners etc.. and not having or controlling a physical body! It was very strange but it was not a scarey spook show or anything, I just told them to go pick up a body and get some auditing... I don't know if they did, but they went off to do something... anyway, even though it was not something promised on the grade chart, I found out about the world of spirits on this level.. so it was quite a level for me!!! I figured the next level could never be as good as this one. Never in 100 years.

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Went exterior

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I received Exp Grade 2 in the mid-70s. It took something like 75 hours. I cleaned up a lot of stuff at the time, all the little seamy things that I had never told anyone about. The one person I audited it on in 2005 took about 40 hours, with maybe 30 hours on the Jo'burg Sec Check. He had good gains on it.

I was the Senior Sec Checker School sup at New World Corps in 1986/7, and later did the course myself, so got to be very familiar with sec-checking theory and practice. Used properly, i.e. for the pc, sec-checking is very powerful stuff, and one can feel extremely clean afterwards. But it is so easy to abuse, as the CofS has demonstrated.

Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 11, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Sec checks can be very good

I received Exp Grade 2 in the mid-70s. It took something like 75 hours. I cleaned up a lot of stuff at the time, all the little seamy things that I had never told anyone about. The one person I audited it on in 2005 took about 40 hours, with maybe 30 hours on the Jo'burg Sec Check. He had good gains on it.

I was the Senior Sec Checker School sup at New World Corps in 1986/7, and later did the course myself, so got to be very familiar with sec-checking theory and practice. Used properly, i.e. for the pc, sec-checking is very powerful stuff, and one can feel extremely clean afterwards. But it is so easy to abuse, as the CofS has demonstrated.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

Grade 2 can be very useful if the pc has not unburdened self of those overts and withholds yet.
Sec-checking or any O/W-pulling tech is very easy to abuse in the wrong or unskilled hands.

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