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Auditing Services False Purpose Rundown

False Purpose Rundown Hot

October 14, 2012    
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In the late 1970s LRH discovered that early knowledge concerning the mind was misused to implant beings with "false" purposes and even evil intentions that were not really of their own origination. The above was accomplished in various ways, but the basic mechanics are always the same. A state of confusion was created and then the individual is handled the false purpose as something to hold onto amid the chaos. Not really understanding how he was being taken advantage of, this trick can result in a being "hanging onto" a destructive desire over long periods of time, causing great difficulty to himself and others. The False Purpose Rundown clears all this up by finding the purpose, tracing it back to its prior confusion and then taking steps to discharge it. The gains are enormous since one is being freed from destructive impulses which have dogged his existence.

This mechanism of creating a confusion to gain the acceptance of a destructive impulse or false information is still in use by psychopaths, sociopaths and anti-social personalities. It comes naturally to them. It behooves anyone to do this rundown as they will get first hand experience on how the mechanism works and be better able to recognize it in the future and avoid it's pitfalls.

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In 1997 David Miscavige ordered me transferred to Cine by his brown nosing flunky Steve Marlow (who was a notorious member of the infamous Finance Police Scientology Gestapo and a general all-around jack ass in my opinion for blindly supporting the wrong side). Then DM started telling executives in my organization that I was "out ethics" because I didn't want to write his stinking, corrupt and off-purpose event (propaganda) videos. The idea was to force me to cooperate by bringing incomprehensible pressure on me. In short, he mobilized hundreds of people — literally — to haze me and make my life a living hell. After about a year of this, in 1998, I hit rock bottom. It seemed there was no way out. If I left, I'd be "betraying" all my friends and the organization I had dedicated my life to helping for 20 years, plus I'd lose my wife, be defamed, be declared and prevented from ever doing the OT levels (I thought). If I stayed, my life would continue to be a untenable living hell and in fact would get even worse. Many, many people did not survive that kind of situation. They just got sick and died. Or had an "accident" and died — like my friend Joe Harrison. A number of people there were chronically ill with cancer. Many people were chronically sick. Some committed suicide, like Stacy Moxon. Living in a toxic environment will do that. As I couldn't leave and couldn't stay, I started to wish that I'd also get cancer and die... and then I started thinking of suicide as a viable option. I got a razor knife and thought about how I'd do it.

But one day, I did mention this to an auditor. And she treated it as a withhold (which it was) and then addressed the root intention with FPRD tech. We located the purpose "to kill myself" and soon blew the purpose. From that moment on, the idea of killing myself was as foreign to me as it could possibly be. It no longer seemed like any kind of "solution" even remotely. It was just a heavy evil purpose that had been restimulated by the intense suppression of a suppressive group that I happened to be "trapped" in at the time.

I continued stayed there for several more years, trying various solutions to improve the scene and not really having substantial success. You can't change a suppressive group from within unless you are in charge. However, despite the on-going suppression that was even worse at times than in 1998, NEVER did I ever consider suicide as exactly what it is: an insane idea that had been given to me in a whole track incident.

I became unbreakable after that. Any solution is better than trying to destroy yourself. Some people destroy themselves through drugs or alcohol. Some by not taking care of themselves so they succumb to disease. Others might just end their life through direct means. Any idea like that is completely misguided and it is actually an evil purpose which is exactly what the FPRD resolves.

There are always a million things to live for.
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Reviewed by Thoughtful August 21, 2014
Last updated: August 21, 2014
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (11)

Powerful and really works

In 1997 David Miscavige ordered me transferred to Cine by his brown nosing flunky Steve Marlow (who was a notorious member of the infamous Finance Police Scientology Gestapo and a general all-around jack ass in my opinion for blindly supporting the wrong side). Then DM started telling executives in my organization that I was "out ethics" because I didn't want to write his stinking, corrupt and off-purpose event (propaganda) videos. The idea was to force me to cooperate by bringing incomprehensible pressure on me. In short, he mobilized hundreds of people — literally — to haze me and make my life a living hell. After about a year of this, in 1998, I hit rock bottom. It seemed there was no way out. If I left, I'd be "betraying" all my friends and the organization I had dedicated my life to helping for 20 years, plus I'd lose my wife, be defamed, be declared and prevented from ever doing the OT levels (I thought). If I stayed, my life would continue to be a untenable living hell and in fact would get even worse. Many, many people did not survive that kind of situation. They just got sick and died. Or had an "accident" and died — like my friend Joe Harrison. A number of people there were chronically ill with cancer. Many people were chronically sick. Some committed suicide, like Stacy Moxon. Living in a toxic environment will do that. As I couldn't leave and couldn't stay, I started to wish that I'd also get cancer and die... and then I started thinking of suicide as a viable option. I got a razor knife and thought about how I'd do it.

But one day, I did mention this to an auditor. And she treated it as a withhold (which it was) and then addressed the root intention with FPRD tech. We located the purpose "to kill myself" and soon blew the purpose. From that moment on, the idea of killing myself was as foreign to me as it could possibly be. It no longer seemed like any kind of "solution" even remotely. It was just a heavy evil purpose that had been restimulated by the intense suppression of a suppressive group that I happened to be "trapped" in at the time.

I continued stayed there for several more years, trying various solutions to improve the scene and not really having substantial success. You can't change a suppressive group from within unless you are in charge. However, despite the on-going suppression that was even worse at times than in 1998, NEVER did I ever consider suicide as exactly what it is: an insane idea that had been given to me in a whole track incident.

I became unbreakable after that. Any solution is better than trying to destroy yourself. Some people destroy themselves through drugs or alcohol. Some by not taking care of themselves so they succumb to disease. Others might just end their life through direct means. Any idea like that is completely misguided and it is actually an evil purpose which is exactly what the FPRD resolves.

There are always a million things to live for.

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Can change a person permanently for the better, making them much kinder, stronger, more resilient and more self determined.
Includes pulling overts and withholds, so can be hard to confront unless you have a very safe auditor. And like anything else, it can be misused or misapplied to suppress people by pulling "withholds" that aren't really withholds and then digging for false purposes that aren't a "false" purpose — like wanting to leave the Int base due to abuse and profound suppression. The real overt of course would be staying there and supporting management and condoning their suppression.

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I was one of the first PC's on the False Purpose Rundown, Basic List, back in 1984, late summer I believe. I had just completed GDII a few months prior. I arrived at the Org, did the basic study sequence, and at this early release time it was a Confidential action so you had to sign non-disclosure etc.

Anyway I got all set up the first day and speaking with a few others the one thing that stuck was "wait until you get the first question!" So I'm pretty jazzed in anticipation...

So here we go, the big first session, first question, and mind you this was 28 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday. So we get started and my auditor asks me the first question, and I thought "what the heck kind of ridiculous question is this?" I was actually disappointed. It did not indicate to me at all, I felt let down, but my auditor ran with it anyway and I started looking for something to run (an answer). Several moments later we got something and still nothing big but we took that back a ways and then something else, and then something more... until finally... three and a half hours later (the longest single session I had ever had) we ended off with a Floating TA, also a first for me. I was blown away and all from that first disappointing question!

I got up and my auditor proceeded to walk with me to the Examiner and I just fell about six feet over into the wall, and so he grabbed me by the arm and walked me to the Exam... I pick up the cans for the exam and my examiner doesn't say anything, and I'm not saying anything but he looks at me as if asking if I wanted to say anything, and so I said, "I don't know what to tell ya." He said, "well, your TA is floating".

Crazy awesome rundown!!! I gained abilities to reach and create and handled things to this day I attribute to this remarkable technology from L. Ron Hubbard.
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Reviewed by R Stacy November 14, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

Floating TA - first time exterior

I was one of the first PC's on the False Purpose Rundown, Basic List, back in 1984, late summer I believe. I had just completed GDII a few months prior. I arrived at the Org, did the basic study sequence, and at this early release time it was a Confidential action so you had to sign non-disclosure etc.

Anyway I got all set up the first day and speaking with a few others the one thing that stuck was "wait until you get the first question!" So I'm pretty jazzed in anticipation...

So here we go, the big first session, first question, and mind you this was 28 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday. So we get started and my auditor asks me the first question, and I thought "what the heck kind of ridiculous question is this?" I was actually disappointed. It did not indicate to me at all, I felt let down, but my auditor ran with it anyway and I started looking for something to run (an answer). Several moments later we got something and still nothing big but we took that back a ways and then something else, and then something more... until finally... three and a half hours later (the longest single session I had ever had) we ended off with a Floating TA, also a first for me. I was blown away and all from that first disappointing question!

I got up and my auditor proceeded to walk with me to the Examiner and I just fell about six feet over into the wall, and so he grabbed me by the arm and walked me to the Exam... I pick up the cans for the exam and my examiner doesn't say anything, and I'm not saying anything but he looks at me as if asking if I wanted to say anything, and so I said, "I don't know what to tell ya." He said, "well, your TA is floating".

Crazy awesome rundown!!! I gained abilities to reach and create and handled things to this day I attribute to this remarkable technology from L. Ron Hubbard.

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Independent Scientologist

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I did my first FPRD list before the OT levels. I loved it. Got great gains and removed many postulates from my universe that I was unaware of. Then I did more after OT III. That was AMAZING. If you are properly programmed and you know what you are shooting for, you can blow off some major aberrations that might be preventing you from flourishing and prospering across the dynamics.

As an auditor it's one of the most enjoyable things to run. Every session ends with a persistent F/N and often a floating TA. You see the PC change dramatically in front of your eyes. Long term problems, difficulties and counter-survival postulates can vanish, sometimes in less than an hour. Just don't program it on a whim or use it as a substitute for the Bridge. But where appropriate it's a killer rundown.

One guy I audited was a bit stuck on his business and was at a perfect point to do the Executive List. He'd already done the basic list.
I had the thought that before the end of this Rundown he was going to be too busy to come in for session. Sure enough...that's exactly what happened. He came in last week (at my request because I was getting a bit concerned he might have just blown). He sat down and picked up the cans and still had the same persistent F/N he left with four weeks ago. Oh well...wadda ya gonna do?
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Reviewed by LDW November 13, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (10)

Magic if done right

I did my first FPRD list before the OT levels. I loved it. Got great gains and removed many postulates from my universe that I was unaware of. Then I did more after OT III. That was AMAZING. If you are properly programmed and you know what you are shooting for, you can blow off some major aberrations that might be preventing you from flourishing and prospering across the dynamics.

As an auditor it's one of the most enjoyable things to run. Every session ends with a persistent F/N and often a floating TA. You see the PC change dramatically in front of your eyes. Long term problems, difficulties and counter-survival postulates can vanish, sometimes in less than an hour. Just don't program it on a whim or use it as a substitute for the Bridge. But where appropriate it's a killer rundown.

One guy I audited was a bit stuck on his business and was at a perfect point to do the Executive List. He'd already done the basic list.
I had the thought that before the end of this Rundown he was going to be too busy to come in for session. Sure enough...that's exactly what happened. He came in last week (at my request because I was getting a bit concerned he might have just blown). He sat down and picked up the cans and still had the same persistent F/N he left with four weeks ago. Oh well...wadda ya gonna do?

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

When done at an appropriate point on one's bridge, with proper hatting and when delivered 100% standardly, it can produce miracles for the PC and some big wins for the auditor.
Using it as a substitute for moving up the bridge, or as a tool to make a thetan "behave" it can be a real nightmare.
Sloppy auditing will not get the result. It's very precision.
Using it a lower levels on a PC who can't run track is mostly a big waste of time.

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I was programmed for the False Purpose Rundown somewhere along the line. If I recall correctly, it was after original OT III and before the new NOTS program. I didn't want to do it! But, I was nicely handled by the auditor and case supervisor, so we did the basic list. As we finished that basic list, I thought, "There, that's done!" Then I was put on the next list, the 1D list. Oh, good grief, I didn't want to do it! We did it anyway. Then the 2D list and, of course, I didn't want to do it! Then, finally, the 3D list and -- you guessed it -- I didn't want to do it!

In retrospect, the False Purpose Rundown that I did added so much clarity to my way of thinking with the resultant doing. I noticed this when we finished up the auditing and I have had a straight-line point of view to this day. Run the process, find the underlying false purpose(s), and take off in a more straight forward fashion with life. That's what happened to me!

No, I didn't want to do it! But, life would certainly be much different for me without it.

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Reviewed by TheWidowDenk November 09, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (21)

I Didn't Want To Do It!

I was programmed for the False Purpose Rundown somewhere along the line. If I recall correctly, it was after original OT III and before the new NOTS program. I didn't want to do it! But, I was nicely handled by the auditor and case supervisor, so we did the basic list. As we finished that basic list, I thought, "There, that's done!" Then I was put on the next list, the 1D list. Oh, good grief, I didn't want to do it! We did it anyway. Then the 2D list and, of course, I didn't want to do it! Then, finally, the 3D list and -- you guessed it -- I didn't want to do it!

In retrospect, the False Purpose Rundown that I did added so much clarity to my way of thinking with the resultant doing. I noticed this when we finished up the auditing and I have had a straight-line point of view to this day. Run the process, find the underlying false purpose(s), and take off in a more straight forward fashion with life. That's what happened to me!

No, I didn't want to do it! But, life would certainly be much different for me without it.

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Independent Scientologist

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Reviewed by TomF November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (4)

A Game-Changer


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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

As a staff member, you get used to confessionals. In fact, the whole O\W paradigm gets kind of old. So I was looking to the FPRD as "more of the same". At the time, the basic FPRD list was a pre-req for an Exec Posting, so I "made it go right" to get 25 hours. The auditing itself was smooth, my auditor and I had "rapport", and we managed to get through the Basci form in 25 hours.
I recall, when I was routing through the attest lines, that it was "good" auditing, and things I wasn't even aware of were handled. So I liked it.

about 3 days later, I had an "experience" that I can only describe as "native state". No location in matter, energy, space or time, but the ability to postulate and perceive. That was it, right there, for me. A live demo of Axiom One. I was and continue to be extremely grateful for this experience.
Given my "case state" at the time, there were factors that came up in this auditing that were confusing. It was only after dealing with the "composite case" factors at Section III OT that aspects of the FPRD experience became understandable.

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