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L. Ron Hubbard's Lectures 1956-12 Washington Congress on Anti-Radiation and Confront

1956-12 Washington Congress on Anti-Radiation and Confront Hot

October 13, 2012    
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Lecture Details

L. Ron Hubbard

Washington Congress on Anti-Radiation and Confront

December 1956, 13 lectures

At a time when nuclear testing went on seemingly without restraint, Ron held this Congress to put Scientologists, at least, in a more causative position over one of the major fear-inducing issues of the day: nuclear weapons and the threat they posed to humankind. He announced the value of the vitamin niacin to counteract the effects of radiation, a major advance that came out of his research on the effects of radiation on the body. The Congress contains the greater story of how radiation is present in many of the most aberrative incidents on the whole track, thereby supplying answers for age-old problems as well as issues of the day.

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