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L. Ron Hubbard's Lectures 1959-07 Theta Clear Congress

1959-07 Theta Clear Congress Hot

October 13, 2012    
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Lecture Details

L. Ron Hubbard

Theta Clear Congress

July 1959, 6 lectures.

Following on his experiments with plants at St. Hill, Ron came to Washington and imparted to Congress attendees what these experiments had revealed about the interplay between the postulates of survive and succumb and how these unlocked the reasons behind a being's self-destruct postulates. The resolution of these contrasurvival postulates lay in a series of Communication processes still found in the Grades today. These breakthroughs opened the door to wider application of auditing to larger and larger groups of people at one time. Also of note at this Congress is Ron's first mention of St. Hill, which would soon become his home and the center of Scientology for several years.


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