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L. Ron Hubbard's Lectures 1954-07 Phoenix Lectures

1954-07 Phoenix Lectures Hot

October 13, 2012    
4.5 (2)
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Lecture Details

L. Ron Hubbard

Phoenix Lectures

July--October 1954, 42 Lectures. 

The companion lectures to The Creation of Human Ability, Ron gave these half hour lectures to accompany study of the book. This is a panoramic view of Scientology ...

following on his codification of his discoveries of the highest levels of a being's nature and native ability. Lectures include fundamentals such as the Axioms, the conditions of existence and consideration and mechanics. Individual lectures on each step of Route 1 of Intensive Procedure describe many aspects of the original OT levels released some 15 years later. These lectures contain the bedrock principles of Scientology and thus form the foundation of all of Ron's later research. The best known lectures from the series are Scientology--Its General Background, Parts I, II and III.

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Average user rating from: 2 user(s)

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5.0  (2)
5.0  (2)
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3.5  (2)
4.5  (2)
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Changed my life forever
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by sommerboy November 17, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

The 52 Axioms are phenomenal achievement

Changed my life forever

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I remember back in 1996, was regular at Scientology Org. I read the Axioms before but they didn't make much sense. Anyway, a guy I worked with offered me some LSD. I didn't have any idea what i was in for....the only thing I knew of drugs at that point was drunkeness. I picked up the book with the Axioms while on this 'journey' and read every one of they ALL made sense. Anyway, go figure....Im not sure if I would have ever understood them without the use of LSD. Havent touched the stuff since then....I'd seen enough, I guess. Needless to say, I had quite the ethics cycle from my adventure, haha!! So glad I dont have to go thru ethics in an org any truly is a personal thing now, just as Ron intended it to be.
The solidity of the universe all one's life makes it seem very real until something 'happens' to show you otherwise. Until 'that' happens, its hard to understand it all.

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One of my favorite sets. LRH says in a lecture that one can go OT with the Tao - I've never forgotten that. Lao Tzu is one of my favorites.
Overall rating 
Wow factor 
Easy to understand 
Reviewed by John Nunez November 13, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (9)

These lectures will help one understand the Scientology Axioms

One of my favorite sets. LRH says in a lecture that one can go OT with the Tao - I've never forgotten that. Lao Tzu is one of my favorites.

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Independent Scientologist

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Explains the axioms in detail. Gives great background on cousins of Scientology - the Tao, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. This can really help put it all in perspective.
Some lectures are less interesting.

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