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L. Ron Hubbard's Lectures 1957-04 London Congress on Nuclear Radiation, Control & Health

1957-04 London Congress on Nuclear Radiation, Control & Health Hot

October 13, 2012    
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Lecture Details

L. Ron Hubbard

London Congress on Nuclear Radiation, Control & Health

April 1957, 12 lectures. 

Out of his research to solve the problem of radiation, LRH discovered a fundamental of case address which remains a stable part of the Grade Chart to this day: CCH Processes, or Communication-Control-Havingness. Ron described this trio as ranking in importance with ARC and extolled the workability of CCH to resolve the problems of humankind. This advance augmented his solutions for the problems posed by radiation and this Congress included three lectures specifically on radiation, which formed the basis of the book All About Radiation.

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