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L. Ron Hubbard's Lectures 1956-10 London Congress on Human Problems

1956-10 London Congress on Human Problems Hot

October 13, 2012    
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Lecture Details

L. Ron Hubbard

 London Congress on Human Problems

October 1956, 12 lectures. 

Ron's book The Problems of Work: Scientology Applied to the Workaday World was released at this Congress, which addressed the application of Scientology to the everyday problems facing men and women across society. He showed how Scientologists could do something effective about the problems of education, work and even international concerns such as a major issue of the day,  proliferation of nuclear weapons. To help Scientologists become more effective in doing so he also released the Personal Efficiency Course, showing how even the most basic Scientology principles could help individuals or even sectors of a community. 


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